Friday, September 26, 2008

Four For Friday

#1 - Calling this person even a celebutard is pretty much a bump up in status. He really would be totally unknown if it were not for this actress/singer he is dating. She is very young, but it has not stopped them from being sexually active. To make sure there is no scandal or some embarrassing photos caught on camera, the couple has to be intimate only at our singer's home.

#2, #3, and #4- A lister? Questionable. Definite B+ film actor (#1) in one of the biggest films of the year. Well in a film that just wrapped, our actor got really, really crazy with this C list actor (#2)who has had his shots at fame and even has B list recognition for all of his film work. Mostly their fun was just an awesome amount of drugs and alcohol being consumed and practical jokes that are only funny to people wasted out of their minds. But one day, things got a little out of hand with an actress on the set who is C list (#3), and has primarily been in television. A definite big hit television show, but she is still C list. Well, apparently our actress had a huge thing for #1 and so would basically do anything he wanted despite the fact he is married. Although they did have almost constant sex, the big ugly scene was a result of #1 and #2 always pressuring her to keep up with their drug use. One day when she refused, #2 hit her, leaving a huge black eye. Not wanting a fuss, the producers, gave her a raise and offered her a lead role in their next film as long as she kept quiet. She agreed. She also didn't stop hanging out with either guy after the incident.


  1. jennifer hudson and her gay-looking fiance?

  2. #1 Does anyone else feel like Billy Ray is pimping her in an even more literal fashion than usual? The whole thing gives me the creeps.

  3. damn, i missed the very young bit. scratch my answer.

  4. find a list of the biggest films of the year here

    there are too many or i'd list them.

  5. #3 Actress really makes me mad.
    She wants to be famous so badly that she would put up with physical abuse.
    I would have punched the actor in the face & sued.
    She has no self respect!
    I have no sympathy!

  6. Miley Cyrus for #1 and I have no idea for #2,3 and 4.

  7. yup, i sure went to miley. can't remember her new 20 yr. old boyfriend's name, tho.

    mr. bunny and i were discussing whether or not a teeny bopper would have to have a morality clause in her contract. he thought yes, especially after lilo and her friends rented out d-land for her (18th?) birthday, and they trashed the place, which is when disney fired her ass.
    i say no, because you don't expect to have that sort of behavior from one that young.

  8. Ed Norton (1/2), Jon Voight (2/3) & Lake Bell (3/4).

  9. Never mind, Voight would be famous for his daughter, not his film work.

  10. #1 Miley Cirus

    #1 Robert Downey Jr
    #2 Jamie Foxx
    #3 Rachael Harris

    The movie being "The soloist"

  11. (Not that he's not famous for his film work, just more so for Angelina...)

  12. Praetorian, I thought about that, but I'd put Jamie Foxx at B+/A-.

  13. Mooshki:

    Actually, the blind says "has B list recognition for all of his film work".

    It could be him, right?

  14. Bale
    Emilie de Ravin

  15. Nah, I think the Oscar makes him close to A. Just not quite enough of a superstar for me to be sure.

  16. I think Praetorian is right on the 2/3/4.

    The other one I thought of: Ben Stiller, in "Night at the Museum 2" with Owen Wilson or Steve Coogan... except the only reasonable female in that cast for the actress is Amy Adams, and she (a) is probably better than C list now, and (b) hasn't done mainly TV.

  17. Duh, I keep losing track of the details - there are so many. Obviously scratch the Ed Norton guess - not married.

  18. Well, Miley's new man is a dead give away.

    I was thinking about Christian Bale. He is married, in one of the top movies of the year, and had that whole thing with him hitting his wife or whatever. did he just wrap something?

  19. Why am I remembering a photo somewhere (maybe even here) with an actress wearing huge glasses and concealing a black eye? Anyone else? I remember wondering how that got there and it was never really acknowledged by the poster...anyone?

    Gonna bug me all night.

  20. Mooshki:

    I thought Ent said that an academy award makes you b-list, That would be Jamie, because I can't see him being A list, really. Some good movies, but he can't open one on his own, and he doesn't have any franchise, right?

    That being said, I SOOO not want this item to be Robert Downey Jr.! That would be sad, sad, sad...

    I don't want it to be Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson either... ;)

  21. Owen ain't C list. No way, no how.

  22. Plus, he would NEVER hit a girl. No matter what faults he has, not possible.

  23. I think mooshki is right.

    Movie: Public Enemies

    It has Christian Bale, Johnny Depp, Rabisi, Channing Tatum

    The Girl: Emilie de ravin (Lost)

  24. Mooshki,

    I'm with you on that one, I was merely stating my feelings about some of the guesses around here.

    I can see you are a girl after my own hear LOL

  25. johnny depp hit a woman? can't we guess someone we all hate?

  26. Molly, he's just in the cast of that movie - he doesn't fit either description. Which is good, 'cause if he hit a girl there'd be mass suicides among the Depp-girls (and -boys). :)

    Prae - Phew! :)

  27. #1--ew! a 15 year old & 20 year old in her own home if it is Miley? Isn't it time for her contract to expire?

  28. Adrian - did you see the pic of them leaving church together, both wearing tank tops? So tacky. :)

    From last week's random pics:
    "Where oh where has Emilie de Ravin been? She looks better than she has in a long time." Hmmm...

  29. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Johnny Depp? No way. I'd peg Bale and Crudup for the two assholes. Bale is married and Crudup has a good resume in film but is not that well known to the average viewer. Prolly more famous for dumping Mary Louise Parker when she was prego.I agree on the chick from Lost for the girl.

  30. mooshki, phewww is right!

    kat, i do remember that now but i keep thinking it was katie, tom's stepford wife.

  31. 1. Seems like Miley.
    2. I was thinking younger. If Shia was married, I'd go with him. Since I can't think of anyone else, I'll go with the Bale et al guess.

  32. Wasn't there something a while back about Bale wandering the streets at 5am by himself? Sounds like someone who is wasted to me.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. I doubt we'd say it was questionable if we were discussing if either Johnny Depp or Christian Bale are A list. They are -- both of them.

  35. kimmypie, he couldn't sleep - he was in italy or paris, and went out for a walk at 2am and saw a figure across the street. same thing happened the next night only he recognized the figure as being viggo m. and crossed the street to say hello.

    not being able to sleep because of a timezone change isn't uncommon.

  36. Seth Rogan/Paul Rudd/Katherine Heigl, Knocked Up. Just to throw something a little different . . .

  37. I think Christian Bale being A list is "Questionable". Definately b+ though. IMO :)

  38. Suzanne, the film just wrapped.

  39. I don't buy that it's Bale--he's no druggie. Also, his wife travels with him all the time--so no way to the "constant sex" with his co-star.

  40. Mooshki - love ya babe, but it is only recently that Voight is known because of his daughter. Even then, it is only in some circles.

    He won an Oscar for Coming Home and was nominated for three others including Midnight Cowboy.

    Have you seen Midnight Cowboy? Watch it and then tell me he's known best for being Angelina's dad. That film is still so relevant and amazing that takes my breath away...

  41. I don't think it's Bale either. He is A list. And he wasn't in "one of the biggest films" of the year--he was in THE biggest film. Not sure who it could be though.

    Certainly Miley for #1, but that's obvious.

  42. Without reading a single of y'all's posts...Shia, Harrison and Megan?

    Let's see if I'm right...

  43. 1. I think Cyrus is the obvious choice, which is why I don't think it's her. Something about the "boyfriend" is a bit gay, and I think her Dad is staging this to get her fired. Who is Ali Lohan seeing these days?

    2, 3, 4. I have no idea. I'm completely confused, because I thought #1 in this pile of BI's referred to the underaged female who has to hook up at home? But I figured out that 1,2,and3 are 2,3,and 4. Ugh I can't count to four. I need a drink.

  44. ...aaaaaannnnd, apparently not. 'Night!

  45. Kat - I remember that too, wasn't Katie tho...I'm going to have to research "black eyes" now. LOL!!

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Justin Gaston was on Nasville Star, but only briefly b/c he sucked. The ages work out with him and Miley, though.

  48. I thought an Oscar made you A list . . .

  49. #1 Miley and her 20 yr old underwear model boyfriend - if she's 15 isn't that illegal - gross!

    #2 ??? Not a clue but I have no respect for the trollop with the black eye.

  50. 2. Robert Downey Jr.
    3. Jamie Foxx
    4. no idea

  51. farmgirl, that's what i thought and i do think christan bale is a list, but i don't want it to be him, so i'm letting everyone say he's b

  52. Number 1 is definitely Miley Cyrus, and I think these rumors may be deliberately leaked to push Disney to make an exit deal with them. So sad.
    The Public Enemies stars Christian Bale, Billy Crudup and Emilie de Ravin seem to fit numbers 2,3 and 4. None of the people in the other movies I've looked at seem to fit all the clues.

  53. Yeah, I could see Crudup hitting a woman for #2 guess.

    What's the blind about the female co-star snorting cocaine off her leading man's chest? The blind came out around the same time as Ironman, and I remember one of the guesses was Gwyneth Paltrow and RDJ.

  54. @Kat: The girl with the black eye was Vera Farmiga, but I assumed it was due to a rhinoplasty, not that she needed it; perhaps it WAS a beating? Still, she doesn't register on anyone's list, being an arthouse actress, save for "The Departed."

  55. #1 - Just throwing out an underage actress that's not Miley Cyrus. Taylor Momsen from Gossip Girl. I don't think it fits, though, since I have no idea who the celebutard boyfriend would be. Anyone know?

    2,3,4 -
    I'm putting my vote in that there's no doubt that either Christian Bale or Robert Downey Jr. are A list. I consider them arguable before, but this year they are definitely on top.

  56. 1. Miley for sure.

    2/3/4. My first thought was Shia, Billy Bob and Michelle Monaghan, but they don't fit. Shia's not married and Michelle Monaghan is not primarily TV.

    The Emilie de Ravin guess is interesting, but I don't see Crudup and Bale as being practical jokers even if they were shitfaced. As hot as Bale is, he seems to have a major stick up his ass. However, I can totally see Crudup hitting a woman. He seems like he has some self-control issues.

  57. There is no way it is Emilie deRavin. She is a trained ballet dancer, and they don't coke anything. I doubt she'd hang with coke heads too. Plus, she's so beautiful, she could have any man, including a married one.

  58. Mooshki--I did see those photos with the matching wife-beaters. Pure class!!

  59. *******off topic********

    i just read that paul newman died of cancer. what a loss. condolences to his family and friends.

  60. Molly I just saw that also:
    What a shame he had to suffer. He was a good guy and a real star.
    Condolences to the family.

  61. Bale/Crudup/Ravin sounds right for #2, #3 and #4.

    Bale is mostly known for Indies until Batman Begins. He's only now becoming A list which means it's questionable. Crudup seems like a gaping asshole with the MLP sitch.

  62. 1st timer here but i'd say:
    #2(#1 inside the BI): Christian Bale
    #3 Channing Tatum
    #4 Emily de Ravin (I hate to say this b/c i really like her)

  63. I'm just going to change the second person:
    Bale/Stephen Dorff/Emilie

  64. Ms., yeah, I realized what I said about Voight was out of context - I was thinking about how Enty would describe him in a blind. In other words - current gossip related. :) I know that career wise he is huge. And I also love Midnight Cowboy! Not to mention a number of his other films.

    I question if Bale is A-list, not for his career, but because I don't think the average man-on-the-street would necessarily know who he is.

    Miley & dude are legal in Tennessee as of 2006. If the younger person is 15-18, they can have a partner who is up to 5 years older than them. Maybe they only have sex there, not in Cali?

    So sad about Paul, and especially sad for his family. They are one of the few reasonably functional Hollywood families, and I bet they are devastated.

  65. I so want #1 be Miley Cyrus, I want it to be found out, with pics, have here crash and burn, I can't stand to see this Disney whore anymore.

    /off rant

  66. I doubt that it's Downey & Foxx. For one thing the BI says the movie "just wrapped". Their move, "The Soloist" has been in the can for almost a year.

    Secondly, from what I've read at various movies sites Downey & Foxx didn't exactly get along, so I kind of doubt they were partying together or playing practical jokes on one another.

    It's also not Christian Bale. As someone else pointed out - his wife and daughter go on location with him.

  67. Kat,

    A few months back, there was a picture of Madonna wearing big sunglasses, with a very clear bruise on her face. Everyone immediately thought Guy was being rough with her (which may or may not be true - you see the way he holds her in that death-grip?), but then a short while later, her face looked awfully tight and pulled (maybe to look good for her upcoming tour?).

  68. surfer, that's who it was. i knew it was someone big, i just couldn't remember who. that's who i was remembering anyways.

    okay #2, which is driving me crazy.

    harrison ford - ray liotta and ???

    weren't they both in random pics recently?

  69. I question if Bale is A-list, not for his career, but because I don't think the average man-on-the-street would necessarily know who he is.

    I don't think it's Christian Bale but I do think that to the average man on the street, most will certainly know who he is. He's Batman.

    Think less 'reads gossip sites daily' and more 'has no idea but certainly knows who the star of the biggest film this year is'

  70. nope -

    look back for their recent pics in random photo's

    harrison ford - ray liotta - ??

  71. #1 Miley. Since Miley herself is the one taking most of those stupid "risque" photos OF HERSELF, it doesn't matter where she has alleged sex with her gay boyfriend. These kids take photos of themselves.

  72. Another famous (semi-famous?) woman with a black eye recently was Kelly Osbourne, although I don't consider her an actress or singer.

  73. Another famous (semi-famous?) woman with a black eye recently was Kelly Osbourne, although I don't consider her an actress or singer.

  74. Thank you gypsytrill, I remembered there was another one with a black eye recently. Unfortunately, IMDB shows no movies for KO that just wrapped and has other stars I would recognize.

  75. Also, the classic saying goes with Kelly Osborne, If she has a black eye, I wonder how horrible the other person got whipped! She won't take anything from anyone, and doesn't have to. She doesn't have the self-esteem issues that women who get beat suffer from.

  76. Kelly Osborn was sporting a shiner recently...

  77. Miley active with a 20 year old, tell me how that could not go wrong?

    With Milerz crotchparts tasting the manbeef, No wonder she is acting way too grown up and wants to weasel out of Hannah Montana. Now she thinks she is a "serious artist"(laugh)

  78. Emilie de Ravin in MARRIED (it says so on her IMDB profile)...

    Lost Star Finds She Misses Married Life
    15 May 2008 6:23 PM, PDT

    Lost star Emilie De Ravin has reportedly reconciled with her husband.

    The Aussie actress split from Josh Janowicz last year just six months after they wed, but friends report the couple is back together.

    One source tells America's Globe, "They're happily married."

  79. it's not Bale on Public ennemie set because his wife was here and Bale doesn't hang out with other colleagues!
