See. Now that is a headline. This morning everyone is talking about the National Enquirer and some of the excerpts it got from the new Lynne Spears book about successful parenting. Apparently successful parenting begins with allowing your kids to drink at 13, and get raped with your encouragement at 14. In her new book, Lynne documents the fact that Britney Spears started drinking at 13 while on the Mickey Mouse Club show, and then at 14, encouraged her to date an 18 year old football player because it would make her more popular.
So, on the advice of mom, Britney spent more and more time at the guy's house and eventually they ended up having sex which would make it statutory rape. Mom was sad that Britney lost her virginity, but still encouraged Britney and Justin Timberlake to sleep together because she felt he was good for her. "Hey, you are so good to my daughter. So please, go ahead and f**k her whenever you want."
What the hell kind of parenting is that? I'm ok with her spilling the goods on her kids because hey, she has to put food on her table also, and nothing says good parenting like exploiting your kids for money.
When Britney was caught using coke and pot at 15, mom just thought that was normal teenage behavior. Normal teenage behavior? Where the hell did Lynne Spears grow up? "Oh, sure Britney does coke, but it is what all the kids are doing today."
Uh huh.
Oh, and get this. Despite encouraging her daughter to have sex and use drugs and date guys to be more popular, she wishes Britney had not been promoted as a sex object to sell records. No, I'm sure the whole virginal thing and counting on her vast singing talent would have been the way to go on that one.
Speaking of singing talent. Britney is scheduled to open the VMA's on Sunday, but she won't be singing, not that she was really belting out tunes on there when she performed previously.
In case you want the Lynne Spears book, and to see how she f**ked up the rest of her kids it is called "Through The Storm: A Real Tale Of Fame And Family In A Tabloid World."
So, on the advice of mom, Britney spent more and more time at the guy's house and eventually they ended up having sex which would make it statutory rape. Mom was sad that Britney lost her virginity, but still encouraged Britney and Justin Timberlake to sleep together because she felt he was good for her. "Hey, you are so good to my daughter. So please, go ahead and f**k her whenever you want."
What the hell kind of parenting is that? I'm ok with her spilling the goods on her kids because hey, she has to put food on her table also, and nothing says good parenting like exploiting your kids for money.
When Britney was caught using coke and pot at 15, mom just thought that was normal teenage behavior. Normal teenage behavior? Where the hell did Lynne Spears grow up? "Oh, sure Britney does coke, but it is what all the kids are doing today."
Uh huh.
Oh, and get this. Despite encouraging her daughter to have sex and use drugs and date guys to be more popular, she wishes Britney had not been promoted as a sex object to sell records. No, I'm sure the whole virginal thing and counting on her vast singing talent would have been the way to go on that one.
Speaking of singing talent. Britney is scheduled to open the VMA's on Sunday, but she won't be singing, not that she was really belting out tunes on there when she performed previously.
In case you want the Lynne Spears book, and to see how she f**ked up the rest of her kids it is called "Through The Storm: A Real Tale Of Fame And Family In A Tabloid World."
Like many child stars, Britney had lots of people taking advantage of her. Years ago, one of her early tour promoters told me that Brit was sleeping with her female traveling companion who was supposed to be a family friend from home. This was long before she was in the news and he said everyone on the tour assumed she was gay.
ReplyDeleteNice to see Lynne Spears trying to make money off her daughters. Its bad enough other people are trying to make money off her but her own mother? That's low but i'm not surprised.
ReplyDeleteThanks Lynne for not only screwing up her childhood, but for also writing about it so we know her secrets. Great job protecting your kid, especially after all the trouble she's had in the last few years.
ReplyDeleteThank God I had normal parents. I can only imagine how I would have turned out with Lynne for a mother.
don't give the woman a dime, read what you can online.
ReplyDeleteI think proclaiming as a headline that she was raped is pretty harsh...the dude was 18, she was 14? Classic case of senior taking advantage of a freshman, we all saw it back in the day when we were there. Is it right, or ok? Not necessarily--they're both kids still, but 18 is 18 for a reason and a 14 year old girl is definately too naive to know what she wants. But rape denotes violence and a level of victimization she may have not had...I'm sorry if that's offensive to say, I just see a difference between a violent act, and taking advantage of someone's naivete
ReplyDeleteLynne Spears makes me want to hug my mother.
ReplyDeleteI must say I am pleasantly surprised that she appears to be telling the truth even though it's not really going to reflect positively on herself or Britney. Coke and pot at 15? Who knew? I mean, I had a feeling she wasn't ass innocent as she was portrayed in the beginning of her career, but I would not have guessed that.
ReplyDelete"Ass innocent". Great typo.
ReplyDeleteThat whole family is a hot mess. Her mother should be shot for what she has done to her girls. Pops was prolly too drunk to know what was going on and it's been written that Lynne traveled w/o the rest of the family in the beginning of Brit's career. There is a special place in Hell waiting for her that is for sure. I wonder how much of Brit's and Jamie Lynn's cash she has already blown through to date.
ReplyDeleteMy high school friend dated a 15-year-old freshman when she was an 18-year-old senior, and we gave her such crap about it, I think she wanted to kill us. :) Given Justin's young age and maturity level at the time, I don't think it's a big deal. The alcohol on the other hand? NOT okay.
ReplyDeleteHollywood has been fucking up our youth for years..it ain't all Lynn's fault. Brit has said it herself, she had stars in her eyes and wans't going to let anyone stop her.
ReplyDeletei really wish they'd change it from stat RAPE to consensual intercourse with a minor. it is NOT the same.
Given Justin's young age and maturity level at the time, I don't think it's a big deal.
ReplyDeleteJustin wasn't the 18 year old in this story; he came after the 18 year old (he and Brit are about only a few months apart).
I think proclaiming as a headline that she was raped is pretty harsh...the dude was 18, she was 14?...I'm sorry if that's offensive to say, I just see a difference between a violent act, and taking advantage of someone's naivete
I do agree that it is a different dynamic, but I think Ent is more focused on Lynne's hand in all of this (at least that is the way I read the emphasis). "Classic" freshman enamored by a sneior football player's status is one thing, but when it's your MOM who set the whole scenario up? That's just fucking wrong and actually would be evidence of child abuse and/or endangerment to some. This of course isn't even taking into account the countless producers, music execs, agents, or other business people whom Lynne might have 'encouraged' Brit to sleep with later. Way to go Lynne.
I'm not sure if I'm more repulsed by Lynne's horrible parenting, or the fact that she's totally willing to sell herself and her daughters out by revealing her bad parenting. I think it's the latter because I just cannot get over the fact that she just told the whole world about her daughter losing her virginity at the age of 14. UGH, Lynne. As if the poor things haven't already been opened up to a world of judgment...You just are determined that Dina doesn't win that Worst Mother of the Year Award, aren't you?
I'm with Bad Fish. It's statutory rape; big difference. It happens every day, and is consensual, as opposed to rape, which is not.
ReplyDeleteThanks Gayla, I can't believe I committed such a gossip faux pas! :)
ReplyDeleteI thought Justin Spilled the beans about Brit losing her virginity with him. Just how many times has she lost her virginity?
ReplyDeleteAnd I might add, her mom is one sick bitch. No wonder those kids are so screwed up. When your parents give you no boundaries, anything goes.
These celebrities will always be in Never Never Land. It's rare when one of them wants to live a normal life and still separate their career from home life.
ReplyDeleteA 14 year old can't consent. Parents are supposed to protect you and encourage you to make good choices. That doesn't have anything to do with what any of us might have seen in the past or will see in the future. And Dina's not any better.
ReplyDeleteBut sometimes, when the sex is NOT consensual, and there is a minor involved, sometimes all the prosecution has in order to put the offender away is "statutory rape". With the risk of sounding like Helen Mirren - it's a grey zone.
ReplyDeleteUgh. With a mom like that, who needs friends from the wrong crowd? Those poor kids.
ReplyDeleteWhat a weak, selfish person.
ReplyDeleteSad thing is there are many, many more parents out there who would (and have done) sell their child's soul in the same way for the same "rewards".
Although I do have to say I thank Zeus all the time that my children weren't exceptionally talented in the arts that lead to Hollyweird - I think that world can and does eff up the most well meaning people.
i hear ya Harriet, but to me it would just be rape,no matter what age the victim.
ReplyDeleteAs the old saying goes, "You can take the girl out of the trailer park..." etc.
ReplyDeleteI live in Canada. The age of consent here for years has been 14. I have heard it was recently raised to 16. But for years and years and years a fourteen year old girl couldn't buy cigarettes, vote, or purchase a violent video game, but could be picked up on the kiddie stroll and fucked six ways to Sunday by some perverted old man. Go figure.
ReplyDeleteTo me too, Jax, but have you ever read a court report from a rape trial? The way victims are treated and questioned is disgusting. It's 2008, but it's still a woman's fault if she is raped. Shouldn't have worn that short skirt. Shouldn't have gotten drunk. Asked for it, etc. It's really upsetting. So yeah, rape is rape, but if there are only minor injuries, and she was a little drunk, or wore a sexy dress, chances are the defense is going to say she was asking for it. If she is a minor and the offender was an adult, he will go to jail. If they are both over 18, she might never get justice.
ReplyDeleteBut, back to Lynne Spears' book. There are lots of moms out there who so desperately want to be "friends" with their daughters that they completely forget to be parents. From what I have seen - and mind you, I don't have kids - that never ends well.
I remember seeing a show on her maybe True Hollywood stories, and they interviewed that guy. He said Lynne came up to him at a store and told him to invite her out. He wouldn't confirm that they had sex. He said she told not to tell reporters that they were dating at events and made it seem like Lynne told her to dump him once she became famous and didn't need his money anymore bc he was the richest and or the most popular person in their town....She definitely does not seem to care about her daughters well being as much as procuring money via them. Sad.
ReplyDeleteI believe the word you are searching for is "turned out" - EL. Lynne turned Britney out .. just like the pimp she is.
ReplyDeletejust a side thought;
ReplyDeleteI don't think it's right to use "rape" in the headline, because it really sensationalizes the story. It was not unwanted sexual contact, and nothing was forced on her. To anyone who sees the headline and doesn't have the brains to read the accompanying story, a very different picture is painted.
An age difference (and not even really a big one) is REALLY different than forced sex on an underage girl. Very VERY different circumstances. And very different language is required to describe each act.
That's the end of my rant.
Does anyone agree? Think I'm totally wrong? I'm really interested to see what ya'll think about this...
i really wish they'd change it from stat RAPE to consensual intercourse with a minor. it is NOT the same.
ReplyDelete...those are the EXACT same thing. In fact, that is the DEFINITION of stat rape; intercourse with a minor. There is no such thing as "consensual" intercourse with a minor, minors are incapable of giving consent.
But rape denotes violence and a level of victimization she may have not had...I'm sorry if that's offensive to say, I just see a difference between a violent act, and taking advantage of someone's naivete.
Yes, that's very offensive. It's also wrong, ignorant, and quite frankly disgusting. Violent act? Show me the definition of rape where it says violence has to be involved. Rape is having sex with someone without their consent. That includes sex with anybody who is incapable of giving consent, such as minors. It also includes people who are drunk or drugged...if a guy drugs a woman and has sex with her unconscious body, is that not rape either? I'm sure you see a difference between a "violent act" and "taking advantage" of unconsciousness.
Sorry for the rant, but all of these comments about statutory rape being no big deal made me ill. We're not talking about a 16 year old anda a 15 and a half year old. This is 18 and 14...don't tell me that's not a big difference. That's the difference between an adult and a child. An adult that is completely aware of what they're doing and fully responsible for their actions and a child who should be (and is) protected by the law. If the law saw things the same thing some of these commenters did, no girl would make it to high school with any shred of innocence.
Shockey19--my daughter's ex friend who is 14 is dating a high school senior--he is turning 18. I seem to be the only one repulsed by this.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what they could possibly have in common to bring them together other than I always thought she would end up promiscuous, which she did at the age of 12. Reason for the "ex".
I don't know what is worse--that Mother Spears knew about it & let it continue, or the fact that she has a mentally ill daughter on the road to recovery, & is choosing to reveal this to the world for profit.
Completely agreed, shockey.
ReplyDeleteI agree too, shockey. Very few 18 year olds have an interest in a 14 year old kid, except for sex. There is a world of difference in the level of maturity, usually. (There are always exceptions).
ReplyDeleteIn any case, despite Brit's nonsense over the past several years, my heart generally has gone out to her because it's clear she is screwed up mentally. This book & Lynne just confirms it. Hopefully she can get back on track professionally and keep herself together personally.