Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Anonymous Finds Tickets Easy To Get

Did you hear about the ticket broker in New York who bought 1,000 tickets for All My Sons? You know, the play starring Katie Holmes that always confuses me with the television show My Three Sons. Last time a reporter interviewed the broker, he had sold about 100 of the tickets he had purchased, and that was only at a steep discount. Apparently the Scientology people are not doing a very good job of ensuring sellout after sellout of the production. You know they could, but maybe they won't because Tom wants it to close so Katie can come home. So, since no one else was buying any of the tickets to opening night, why not Anonymous? In addition to the special surprise outside the theatre opening night, members of Anonymous will be scattered throughout the audience. Nothing like a sea of masks in the audience. The great thing is none of the Scientology thugs can really do anything about it. There is no law about wearing a mask inside a theatre, especially so close to Halloween. What would be really cool though is if they wore masks of characters from Tom Cruise films.

Plus, no one will even care how awful Katie is in the play because everyone will just be talking about Anonymous and what they did. Every story across the globe about the play that night will join together Katie, Tom, Scientology and Anonymous. Brilliant.


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