Friday, August 29, 2008

Your Turn

Here in the US, we have a holiday on Monday. This is basically the last gasp of summer and people will be hitting the roads to enjoy that last bit of freedom before the reality of school or work comes crashing back down on their heads. Lots of people will be doing so in a car, and I am remembering some really cool road trips I took in my first car. Of course it couldn't go far, because it went through a battery every three days, and was always leaking air in the tires. So, really the best road trips were when I "borrowed" the parents car.

Even though my car was a pile of junk, I remember it fondly. Never had sex in it though. Other people did. It was big, and cheaper than a hotel room.

So, for today, I would love to know what your first car was. Whether you got it at 16, or 60, it is something you remember. You can tell a road trip story or whether you christened the back seat, or just jammed ten people in the trunk so you could go to the drive in theatre on the cheap.


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