Friday, August 08, 2008

Your Turn

So, I thought last week was pretty interesting. Seems as if everyone enjoys talking about their childhood. So, lets take almost the same question, but in a little different way.

What was the first movie you remember going to see at the movies, and what was the first rated R film you ever saw at the movies.


  1. Anonymous12:55 PM

    I don't remember the first movie i saw but the first R-rated movie was: Texas Chainsaw Massacre

    the remake.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The first movie I saw was "Bambi", on a kindergarten field trip.

    The first "R" movie I saw was "Carrie" (the Sissy Spacek version) -

  4. First movie: Follow that Bird. (A quality pic;))

    First R movie a parent took me to: 1492, but I feel like that's almost too historically relevant to count.

    First R movie I snuck into: Seven.

  5. The frist movie I saw happened to be an R rated horror double feature, my cousins took me to, it was The Fury with Amy Irving and Dario Argento's Suspiria

  6. The first movie was Disney's Fantasia. My first R rated movie was Risky Business.

    If only I'd known then what I know now about its star I would have never gone.

  7. Yay, fun! "Star Wars" (and no, I'm not just saying that to be cool) and "Excalibur" (a neighbor took me (age 9), my 6 year old brother, and his two sons who were our ages - wtf was he thinking?)

  8. First movie: ET

    First R...Hellraiser. (My godmother was a horror junkie)

  9. First R I snuck into: Saturday Night Fever

  10. My first movie was "The Care Bears Movie".

    I can't remember the first R-rated movie in the theater. "Misery" was the first R film I watched at home. Thanks mom and dad for the nightmares.

  11. 1st R rated movie was most likely Animal House.
    1st movie is tough--I distincly remember my mother & aunt dropping me, my sister, and 2 cousins off for the day at the movies. I was under 4, since my brother wasn't born yet, & my cousin, the oldest was 12. We would have wax bags filled with licorice, popcorn whatever else you could put in a wax bag, and we would sit there the entire day while our mothers went shopping. Now it would be labled child neglect, but back then, before cell phones, it was safe.

  12. first film was bambi and uk equivalent of r-rated was the exorcist on hooky video.

  13. First movie: Ghost Busters II. (And it scared the crap out of me!)

    First R: Scream. Ah, the 90's were fun!

  14. Anonymous1:03 PM

    First movie was Disney's Fantasia - I still count it as one of my favorites.

    First R-rated was Saturday Night Fever. Told mom I was seeing the PG-13 version and snuck into the R.

  15. First movie: ET - and i fell asleep and missed half of it.

    I dont remember the firat R rated I saw in the theater- but i used to watch The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas religiously on video.

  16. oh --just read Merlin D's post--Carrie. Yup, before Animal House.

  17. ahh the memories ..

    the first movie I saw as a kid was "The Bible" with my mom mom .. scared the living shit out of me .. turned poor ruth into salt .. I still to this day use only pepper

    the first r movie was at the drive in with my parents .. it was called raw cut with lee marvin .. dont really think dad knew that me and my three younger brothers were gonna see our first on sceen boobage and then a man put through a meat grinder .. ahh italian fathers .. gotta love em ..actually it was a double header and this came on before tora tora tora ..

    thanks for the memories .. and now therapy bills ent

  18. 1st movie i remember seeing : JAWS
    1ST rated movie :Saturday Night Fever

  19. first movie: robin hood by disney

    first r-rated: private benjamin

  20. I can't remember my first movie. I think it was Star Wars.
    And I sure as hell can't remember the first R rated in a theatre, might have been Philadelphia. But at home it would have been Alien (I fell asleep).

  21. first movie that i can remember, one of the charlie brown movies at a drive in. parents made us go to sleep so they could see the 2nd feature.

    first r-rated movie, Blue Lagoon. told my parents i saw it (or actually, a family "friend" that i told, told my parents) and i got grounded. i may have been too young to see an r movie, but i was not too young to notice that brooke had a body double.

  22. First Movie - Mary Poppins

    First R Movie - Fast Times at Ridgemount High with my parents - eeeewwwww!

  23. The first movie I remember in the theater was a Snoopy (Peanuts) movie (the premise was a summer camp) and the first Rated R movie was Caddyshack which my mom thought was PG. I thought I was really cool getting to see it!!!

  24. Damn, the jackass blinds are coming up soon. I don't want to read them, but I don't think I'll be able to stop myself. :(

  25. First movie was ernest saves christmas..Have no idea of rated r but it had to be something one of my sisters approved of cause my mama was having that for me.

  26. Hey, other old folks, remember the days before "PG-13?" Half the movies that scarred me for life were PG rated. (Poltergeist, Gremlins...)

  27. 1st movie = Bambi

    1st R rated = Exorcist

  28. First Movie- Grease (at the drive in)

    First R-rated Movie- Little Darlings (also at the drive in...I was supposed to be asleep in the back seat but I sneaked peeks throughout the movie.)

  29. I was about 5 or something and we went to see that bear movie... and the movie started and something happened with the reels and we saw the last 5 minutes of the movie where the mama bear dies or something... i was too young to understand at the time...

    The first R rated was under siege... i was maybe 6... my dad took me... first pair of boobies i saw on screen i believe... or that i remember anyway...

  30. 1st Movie = can't recall which, but it had to be either Bambi or Dumbo

    1st R-rated movie = I am not 100% positive it was R-rated, but Corvette Summer comes to mind only because we snuck in to the drive-in to see it. (I am ashamed to admit that now.)

  31. Dont remember my first movie, something Disney am sure.

    First R-rated movie - Legend of Billy Jack.

    One of my scariest movies was rated G - Disney's Watcher in the Woods.

  32. Not a famous adrian...

    We did the same thing almost every Saturday in the winter. We'd trek to the corner store and buy loads of 2 or 3 for a penny candy, run back home & grab the bags of popcorn and spend the day at the theatre. Back to back movies with Looney Tunes cartoons in the middle.

    And newsreels. I saw the infamous reel of the Big Foot sighting and no matter that we camped a lot and had for years, from that day forward, I always slept in the car.

    Ah, and remember when Mr. Peanut would come and do a little dance during intermission?

  33. Hi Everyone, It's my first time posting although I've been lurking for over a year. This is by far the best gossip blog, and mostly because of the comments!! I almost get more info from you all than from Ent.

    My first movie was Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (with Dick Van Dyke) and the first R rated was Stir Crazy with Gene Wilder. The ticket guy wouldn't let us in the movie, so my mom had to drive to the theater, buy a ticket for herself and then leave. (I'm an only child of course!). :)

  34. First movie - Bambi

    First R movie - Stand By Me. I can't believe that was R. It must have been for the language? Boy, how times have changed. There's no way that would be anything more than PG-13 these days.

  35. The first film I remember seeing in the theatre was Grease. I'm surprised I even remember that because I would have been two when it came out. I remember going to the theatre and a few scant images of the film. I'm sure I slept through most of it. The next film I remember seeing after that was E.T. I was six.

    First R rated film in the theatre? Don't remember. Wish I did.

  36. first film i remember seeing at the pictures is the little mermaid, went to see that shit nine times, the joy of divorced parents and a Dad with no idea what to do with two little girls! He got the last laugh though my little girl got obsessed with it when it was rereleased and I had to sit through it every day for about three months.

    First 18 no idea

  37. These comments are bringing back all kinds of childhood memories...sneaking in the R rated movies, the drive-ins, Friday night Sammy Terry showing the classic horror films. Seeing Blazing Saddles and my eyes bugging out...trying to make sense of it all ( I was 6)

  38. First movie in the theatre was "Bad News Bear in Breaking Training"(my brother wanted to see it and he was babysitting me).

    Can't remember first R rated movie in the theatre.

  39. This makes me feel soooo old....
    First movie "West Side Story," at the drive in with my parents. R movie was "First Love" with William Katt (hot guy from "Carrie") and Susan Dey. Went with my older cousins after 40 ozs of Schlitz malt liquor. Good times.

  40. My first movie was Return of the Jedi. My first R-rated movie was Sliver.

  41. Ooh, Nichole, you're brave to admit that. :)

  42. Firs movie was The Muppet Movie, I think.

    God, first R rated movie. That's a tough one. Had to be around '88. So probably Cocktail or Rainman. Back when Cruise didn't bug so much.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. 1st movie was Superman II at the Cineramadome.

    R Movie have NO idea, was Pretty in Pink rated R?

    That might have been it.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. The earliest one I remember specifically is Beauty and the Beast at age six or so. But there had to be other ones earlier than that.

    First R-rated movie in the theater was Election -- we bought tickets to Entrapment and then snuck in! Hahaha. One of my friends had a family party the next day and was terrified that they would ask her about it, so we had to quickly find out what it was about!!

    First R-rated movie seen was The Piano -- and I have never seen a movie with more nudity than that!! Talk about getting your feet wet!

  47. 1st movie - Bambi

    1st R movie - it was summertime at grandma's with my cousins, and one of them (the same one who took me snipe hunting, the bitch) hid me and the other young 'uns in the trunk of the car and snuck us in to the drive-in to see "Best Defense." I still haven't recovered.

  48. The first movie I remember seeing was Dinosaur, and my first theater R rated movie was Something About mom and grandma took me and my best friend. Awkward.

  49. First movie = Bambi

    First R movie = Private Lessons

  50. 1st movie: Bambi 1970 (?)

    1st R movie: Friday the 13th 1980(was that R rated?)

  51. first movie - Chitty,Chitty,Bang Bang
    first R - Saturday Night Fever

  52. My first moviegoing experience was actually sort of awesome -- La Bamba at Mann's Chinese Theater. I was four or five. Was that R-rated?

    Either way, my dad definitely took me to Rodney Dangerfield's Back to School when I was a wee lass. I'm pretty sure that was an R-rated movie.

  53. my first movie was benji, my grandmother took me to see it, and i guess i thought it was real b/c i started hysterically crying when the kidnapper thug kicked Tiffany, Benji's girlfriend. She had to take me out of the movie theatre and calm me down..

    the 1st R- rated movie was "Saturday Night Fever". I was six, and my dad took me to see it one night with his 2nd wife. my mom wanted to KILL him...

  54. Wait a minute...was Saturday Night Fever R rated? I saw that about 87 times when I was in grade school.

  55. The first R-rated movie I saw was Carrie, 1976, with Sissy Spacek. I was 14. They wouldn't let us in, so we bought tix for something else, and the usher let us sneak into the other theater and watch it. I think he liked one of us.

  56. The first movie I ever remember seeing was Sleeping Beauty, and it was at a drive-in, and I was in my pajamas. I thought that was WAY COOL.

  57. Pandora--those were the days!! Except I remember once in a while getting a nickle for candy or a big cookie from the bakery. We would sit there all day & watch whatever they showed us, & no one ever bothered us.
    My father used to go to the movies in the 1940's, & for .11 cents he would see a double feature, newsreel, cartoon--& get a bag of candy & popcorn. Oh--& he paid a nickle for the subway.
    I go to the movies & it costs $10.75 just to walk in!

    The best was once in a while going to Radio City for a movie. Good times.

  58. Kate, if the 'rents had seen Entrapment and Election, they would've said you made the right choice.


    I think first movie was Bullit w/ Steve McQueen - I was 4 or 5 and i wasn't asleep - Always loved steve mcqueen from that point on - first R rated was probably the original Godfather (again -awake at the drive in)- James Caan was my fave in that one... and man did the horse in the bed F me up - especially since my dad worked and we lived on a horse farm LOL

    Thanks for the trip down memory lane enty!

  60. First movie (had to look it up):
    *The Last Flight of Noah's Arc*,
    It was a pre-school field trip. I remember nothing about it at all except, well, Ricky Schroeder and water.

    First R rated movie? I know I should know this one, but I honestly don't remember! We had a very small theatre in a very small town which didn't always acknowledge the MPAA rating system so I saw all sorts of PG-13 stuff before I was 13 and R rated stuff long before 17. Don't know, because no one made a big deal out of it (as it should be, holla!).

  61. First movie I remember was Mary Poppins. First r-rated movie, I was eight, my mom had no babysitter, and there was a lot of very realistic murdering going on.

  62. first movie was definitely E.T.

    have no idea on my first R movie.

  63. MontanaMarriott - You have some cool (or cruel?) cousins!

  64. The Whiz- with Michael Jackson/Diana Ross

    Officer and Gentleman- R-rated

  65. Ugh.. so embarrassing...first movie "Harry and the Hendersons"

    first R rated, "Last of the Mohicans"

  66. first movie was The Muppet Movie in '79 and first R (not sure what is was rated) was The World Accoding to Garp. Then Jaws.

    damn Fantasia is a popular one.

  67. I don't remember the first movie I went to. Technically the first R-rated movie was "Alice's Restaurant" at the drive-in, but it was a double feature and I was very young so I slept through it.

    The first R-rated movie I went to was "The Exorcist." We were living in a small town and I was with my brother and sister. The theater called my parents to make sure it was OK for us to see it! They knew we were going and said it was OK. (Trivia: My dad grew up in the Md. neighborhood where the real Exorcist boy lived at the same time.)

  68. the first movie I "remember" going to was Empire Strikes Back. I remember the line was down the street. We didn't wait. Later in life I learned that we cut right in at the front. No body said a word in protest - my dad's pretty scary lookin' };)' First "R" Rated was Conan the Barbarian - my mom thought it was an adventure movie - lol!

  69. First movie I remember seeing was Shenandoah, starring James Stewart.

    I was seven and it was showing in the rec centre as part of the winter carnival in the very small community I lived in at the time. I remember overhearing some adults discussing whether or not I should be watching it, but nothing short of wild horses was going to get me out of that chair, so they left me alone. Fantastic movie and I still enjoy it when it airs on late night tv.

    R-rated movie... I think it was Halloween with Jamie Lee Curtis. First and last slasher film I ever watched. I was 16. It was a Sunday afternoon, there was snow on the ground and the rest of the day felt completely surreal. Bleh.

    Next one was The Warriors

    Much better. And no nightmares!!!

  70. Reading more of the comments. Forgot about The Exorcist. Like nunaurbiz, I too saw this film at a drive-in when I was 12. Scared the bejeezus out of me and I annoyed everyone by asking a million questions. not much has changed ;-)

  71. First movie: I really don't remember, though I think it was "Bambi".
    First R-rated: Possibly "Easy Rider"..

  72. Anonymous3:01 PM

    I can't remember the first movie I've ever seen. Probably some cartoon.

    First R: My grandparents were saddled with me, and took me to see Blue Thunder with Roy Sheider. The only thing I remember was someone getting shot through the helicopter side window and their face all bloody from the bullet and the glass. I was five. (I think grandpa and granma got into a little bit of trouble for that one.)

  73. First movie, American Tail,and I don't remember rated R , but pg-13 was Forrest Gump!

  74. I don't remember what my first movies were but I sure do miss going to the drive in.
    I liked the concession cartoon when the hot dog bun would make the wiener do tricks and then the wiener jumped into the hot dog bun.

    In fact, here it is!

  75. Oh boy, this is gonna date first movie that I remember seeing in a theatre was Jaws. That may have been the first R rated movie too, I don't remember what the rating was.

  76. Saw my first movie as a toddler, some 1950's b/w romantic comedy no doubt.

    First R rated was The Thomas Crown Affair with Steve McQueen, still to die for.

    First X-rated was Clockwork Orange.
    Both head and shoulders above any crap coming out of Hollywood today.

  77. Superman! I remember Superman flying around and around the world to turn back time. And then my little brother tripped me in the parking lot on the way to the car and I knocked out a front tooth, root and all.

    My first R rated movie was Purple Rain. At some point the girl goes skinny dipping and that was *so* *embarassing*!!! to watch with my parents.

  78. First movie I can remember is ET and the first R was Meatballs...that was R...right?

  79. The first film I saw at the movies was 'The Bridge on the River Kwai', at the local drive-in theater natch...The first R-rated film I saw was 'Flesh Gordon'...

  80. R-rated is an easy one: Animal House.

    First film is tricky...might have been a cheesy, horror film with Patrick O'Neal called Chamber of Horrors which featured William Castle like gimmicks to warn the audience of scary shit about to happen...and at the drive-in, I remember seeing Paint Your Wagon with Clint Eastwood; the scene of the town collapsing really impressed me.

  81. I am pretty sure it was Bambi for me also. But my entire childhood is kind of a blur of Disney movies at the local theater.

    My first R movie was Klute with Jane Fonda. Same theater.

  82. My first movie was Polyanna starring Hayley Mills. I can't honestly remember my first R rated movie.

  83. Heidi was the first movie I saw. I remember having a fight years later with my mother that she took me to that over E.T. Hehe.

    First R rated movie was Trainspotting.

  84. a whale's tale circa 1977 and i believe marty allen was there signing posters.

    r= revenge of the nerds

  85. I don't remember the first movie I saw at the theater, but the first R-rated movie was Endless Love. I went with my older sister's roommate and I couldn't tell my mom because she would have been mad! We were Catholic and we would get the Catholic Chronicle, a weekly newspaper, and in it there would be family-friendly ratings for all the movies and television shows. To this day, I have never seen an episode of Soap. I wasn't allowed to watch it when it was on TV.

  86. First movie was either E.T or The Never Ending Story!! I do remember my first concert!!! I was 2!!! Pink Floyd, The Wall @ RADIO CITY MH!!! My dad took me!!! LOL!! I think the first R rated @ a theater was one of The Nightmare on Elm Streets!!!

  87. Movies and music were my escape as a kid. Can't remember the very first movie because all the neighbourhood kids went to the Saturday matinée where they played Jason and the Argonauts, War of the Worlds, and all the Sinbad movies. Let's go with Jason. Hooray for Ray Harryhausen!

    First R-rated film - Life of Brian. With my mother! On my own? Scanners. I laughed so hard I managed to piss off the guy in front because I wrecked the mood on his date.

  88. Just read all the comments. Jaws was rated R? I think I was 14 when I saw that. Fun family movie for my birthday.

    Bambi - that was the very first movie I saw at school. I cried SO HARD when his mother died that the teacher banned me to a bench outside the viewing area in the library. Didn't see it all until the refurbished version came out on VHS, when I was very PMS-y. Burst into tears anew when I thought the father was killed, too. Husband banished me to the kitchen.

  89. shakey, God bless you--ray harryhausen was one of my heroes!
    when i was a kid, movies were rated g, or m. then they added gp--my mother loved the beatles and my folks took us to see "the magic christian" with ringo, with the new gp rating, and,boy howdy, we got marched out of there in no time with my mom demanding her money back!
    i can't remember my first movie, because i don't know which came first. sound of music? longest day (longest movie ever for a kid)? mary poppins (i really remember that because we were in hotel and saw a parade, i think it was the rose parade, but i was really young).
    first r may have been young frankenstein. was logan's run r? i was subjected to everything on tv by my older (6-1/2 yrs) brother and dad. i DO remember being carded at 18 going to see exorcist 3 and time bandits double bill (or was that a re-issue of play it again, sam? we were putting on the play at the time and i had the lead. we went to a lot of movies back before cable).
    the really hard question is:
    what was the LAST movie i went to see?

  90. Oh I remember this like it was yesterday. I'm dating myself by telling, but here goes:

    One summer I lied to my grandmother (my summer babysitter) and told her my friends and I were going to the movies to see Victory. We snuck into the next theater and watched Poltergeist instead. I remember it so well because I couldn't bear to sleep with the lights off for days and of course I couldn't confess because I would have gotten spanked instead of consoled. But I did learn my lesson about sneaking in R movies really young.

    To this day I have never seen the movie Victory...even the soundtrack irks me.

  91. I remember seeing The Dark Crystal when I was in kindergarten, but there may have been ones before that. My parents took me everywhere, it seems.

    I also remember seeing Porky's when I was waaaay young too, probably 8-ish. Don't know exactly why I was there, but I think that's why I like looking at boobs now. That and watching Benny Hill. Still love the schlong, however!

  92. My first movie was "Mary Poppins" at the Pan Pacific Drive In. I saw it 13 times.
    And the first R rated movie was "Panic In Needle Park" with Al Pacino. It was rated R when it was first released. My best friends mom took us. We were like 9 years old, I don't know what she was thinking!

  93. First film in theater: Bambi with my mom. :)

    I think I saw my first R rated film on cable at home but in the theater? I seriously can't remember. I must be getting old. Maybe it was like Nightmare on Elm Street or some shit like that. Friday the 13th part whatever? I'm pretty sure it was a horror film.

  94. Elvis Pressley in Speedway! Oh yeah, I loved him. He was gorgeous. I was going to grow up to marry him. I don't even remember what first R rated movie I saw. I loved Kung Fu movies though.

  95. I forgot, it was Saturday Night Live. Now I remember the condom issue!

  96. First movie I saw at the actual movies .. "Young Frankenstein" at the La Grange Theatre in La Grange Illinois. I ran around for days with a round pillow under my shirt on my back to imitate Marty Feldman's Igor.

    The first actual "R" rated film I ever went to was "All That Jazz" at the Highland Park Theatre in Saint Paul, MN. I went with my Mom and my Grandmother ... and I almost fainted when they showed the open heart surgery part. To this day .. I cannot tolerate anyone touching my sternum... all because of that! Yieeeee!!!

    The first R rated movie I went into without having adult accompaniment was "Monty Python's The Meaning of Life" ... at the Oakbrook Theater on the perimeter road of the Oak Brook Mall in Oak Brook Illinois.

    Enough TMI for a Friday? Sure!! ; )

  97. first movie was at a drive in with my family, remember Flinstone cartoon and Beach Blanket Bingo, First r rated was either death wish or Godfather, whichever came out first

  98. It was either Ben Hur in London with my parents. I remember my mother jamming my head down behind the seats when the villian got dragged... :) Good memories.

    My first R rated movie - right after they cut it from X - [I saw it twice as X - still can't tell you what they cut...] was "A Clockwork Orange."

  99. erk - it WAS Ben Hur... I had to date-check it to see if it was that or South Pacific.

  100. The first movie I saw in the theater was Benji or Cinderella in the early 80's. The first R rated movie I snuck into was Crush with Alicia Silverstone

  101. First movie seen @ movies = Grease

    First R Rated movie = Urban Cowboy

  102. First movie - Superman
    First R rated movie - pretty sure it was Basic Instinct

  103. First movie = Grease
    First R = Blue Lagoon

  104. first movie ever:
    A Nightmare on Elm St.
    I was...almost 4.

    I remember the tongue phone scene and my brother goin' REACH OUT AND TOUCH SOMEONEEEEEEe (because that was like, the at&t slogan)
    I have a picture on myspace with Heather Lagenkamp, but this computer won't let me on myspace. Monster Mania XI is august 22 (that weekend), I want to go, but I'm not sure if I'll make it. Brooke Theiss will be there AND Robert Englund. (amongst others)

    We may just make it a day trip.

  105. First time poster - had to jump in on this one! What a fun topic.
    First movie in a theater was ET. My sister, mom and I went and my sister (who is 11 years older than me) ended up clutching my ET doll and bawling her eyes out.

    The same sister was responsible for my first R-rated movie. My parents used to force her to take me on dates with her as a way to ensure that no hanky-panky happened. She and her boyfriend took me to Poltergeist at the drive-in. There was definitely no action in that car as I couldn't stop crying and whimpering through the whole thing. Had they been a bit more clever, they could have picked something that bored me to tears and I would have fallen fast asleep.
    Oh, the memories.....

  106. The first movie was a re-release 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea in the early 1960s. 1st R-Rated movie was The French Connection in 1971. First X-rated movie: snuck into the Capri Art in Memphis. A John Holmes movie was playing. First thing I saw when I walked in was a close up of his pride filling up a 50-foot wide movie screen. I've felt insignificant ever since.

  107. 1st movie was The Last Dragon (well the first that I remember) PG13

    Can't remember first R rated film.

  108. OMG I can;t believe I missed this one on Friday while bedridden with the flu...

    My parents took my little bro and me with them to see The Getaway with Steve McQueen.

    Mom told us to cover our eyes whenever Sally's boobs came out.

    Also saw Blazing Saddles pretty young with the 'rents.

  109. ...and I think the first theater movie overall was Snow White, which Mom said scared me bad and I cried and we left early.

  110. hmm..1st movie..Bad Day at Black Rock...then Fantasia....First R movie...way before the rating..probably Whatever Happened to dad was on a business trip and my mom and I went to a drive-in to see it by we drove home fast.

  111. Our ages sure are showing with this one.

    First movie: 101 Dalmations

    R rated: The Godfather. When Sonny and the bridesmaid went at it against the door, my Mother whispered, "I don't think you should be watching this."

  112. First movie at the theater: ET
    At school: we saw ALL the Herbie movies (love that little bug :))

    First R-rated, that I can remember: Silence of the Lambs
    (I was, & still pretty much am, a chicken when it comes to "scary" movies-my best friend had seen it already & told me when to close my eyes!)

  113. My first movie was something Walt Disney...I think Dumbo.

    My first R-rated movie was 'Saturday Night Fever'. I promised my parents I was going to see the PG version with friends, but we lied and snuck into the R.

    I also remember my first horror film was Carrie. It was playing on HBO (back when HBO was only at night). My parents were watching it and I hid and watched it in another room. They had no idea. Although the nightmares I had for months afterwards were probably a dead giveaway. That movie still freaks me out to this day!

  114. Bambi. My sister was really pissed, because of course I cried when Bambi's mom got shot. I think I was only four, but we probably had to go to the "crying room" in the back of the theater. The first R rated movie I saw was actually rated X. John and Mary with Dustin Hoffman and Mia Farrow. I was only fifteen or sixteen and you had to be seventeen to get in. Still, it was basically a yawner. Apparently anonymous sex was a lot more objectionable in 1969! IMDB claims it was R, but I know that it was X when we saw it. Now it is PG!!!

  115. I don't recall the first R rated movie I saw, but I'm pretty sure that Die Hard 2 was my first one. I also saw Heathers when I was about nine... WAY too young to see that, but I'll never forget it!

  116. I remember my Dad taking me to see the original Rocky whenever that came out.

    And the first R-Rated movie i saw in theaters was Caddyshack, my "cool" aunt too me!
