Thursday, August 28, 2008

You Just Know It's Haunted

Want to live in the apartment where Heath Ledger died? You can. If you have $26,000 a month you can rent the 3 bedroom 2.5 bathroom apartment where Heath Ledger died. For the privilege of living where he died, you will be paying $4000 a month more than he did. Hell, it does come with a wood burning fireplace so that extra $4000 is probably worth it.

Look, I know apartments are tight in New York and I'm sure someone will rent it really quickly, but it wouldn't be me. If I had $26,000 a month, I think I would find a different place to rent. Sure, people would want to come over and have a morbid curiosity, but they are not the ones who have to spend the night there. I don't know if Heath would haunt the place, but from what I understand, don't people who have been murdered or killed themselves or died under unusual circumstances in their homes come back to those homes? I mean it isn't like they would decide to hang out at a Motel 6 on the side of an interstate. I mean if ghosts could haunt wherever they wanted don't you think the women would go to Daniel Craig's house and the guys would go hang out with their favorite porn star.

And, just for the sake of argument, lets say the apartment wasn't haunted, don't you think that every night when you were trying to sleep, that you would be listening for that kind of thing. Every bump, or groan or strange sound is going to cause you to jump up and turn on the lights. You will talk yourself into it being haunted. Images of The Dark Knight will run through your head constantly because you know every friend who comes over is going to want to watch the film right there. They aren't going to watch something light and fluffy like A Knight's Tale. Nope, they are going to want full on intensity, while you just curl up in a corner in the fetal position and mumble "don't kill me Mary-Kate." (Satire people. Satire)


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