Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Who Do You Choose?

Hey, I'm an American and and a guy and I love sports so I am just as big of a Michael Phelps fan as anyone out there. As such, I think I should tell him that if the rumors are true about Michael and Amanda Beard, he really should rethink that.

I also have no problems with his mother Debbie Phelps. by all accounts she is a wonderful person, an educator, a principal and a fantastic mother. With dollars in their eyes, Johnson's named Debbie Phelps "Mom Of The Olympic Games."

Hey, I know, you need to cash in while the cashing is good. In fact she is going to go film some commercials for them and Johnson's is going to donate some money in her name to some good causes.

Here's the thing. I think that the mom of the Olympics should go to Barbara Bachman, who along with her husband were stabbed in Beijing towards the outset of the Olympics. Barbara lost her husband in that attack and is just now showing signs that she will survive. Barbara and her husband were at the Games to see their son-in-law coach the US Women's Volleyball team. Their daughter was a witness to the brutal attack.

So, explain to me how Barbara is not the Mom Of The Olympic Games. Debbie Phelps doesn't need anything. Michael is rolling in the dough and can contribute far more to whatever causes Johnson's was going to donate money to in order to exploit the Phelps name. Perhaps Johnson's doesn't want to offend China and risk not being able to sell any of their products there and so doesn't want to mention anything bad or negative. No, instead they went with who could make their company the most money. They didn't go with someone who probably has incredible medical bills, a medical flight back to the US, a dead husband and a devastated family.

Way to go Johnson's. Be proud.