Thursday, August 07, 2008

Who Cares?

Some things about gossip I just don't get. I do get the fact that Miley Cyrus is popular and that the Jonas Brothers are popular. I don't have a problem with them being popular, because there will always be boy bands and tweeners and their fans.

What I don't get is why by my count at least 20 websites, tabloids and blogs have spent the time to talk about Miley Cyrus and her comments about her two year relationship with Nick Jonas. The relationship ended last year when she was 14 which means it started when she was 12.

Unless she was doing crack with him in a Denny's parking lot while sitting in a car he stole from his neighbor at gun point, I really don't care about the love lives of 12 year olds. The way this is being treated is as if Miley has come down the mountains with tablets.

Are we that concerned about celebrity that we want to analyze the love lives of kids before they are even teenagers? I'm sure their relationship was just like any other teenage relationship. They talked on the phone or texted or IM'D 24/7 and said OMG and I love you a lot and kept asking each other questions in some type of hieroglyphic code that no one over the age of 16 understands.

They laughed and giggled and she took a bunch of photos of herself in sex 14 year old poses. Whoo hoo. I don't have a television in front of me, but I swear it would not surprise me in the least if one of the 24 hour channels was running quotes from the article on their crawl at the bottom. How is this news? Are hordes of 13 year old kids, reading every word repeatedly trying to get a glimpse into what a relationship with Nick or Miley is like and what they can expect when they become their next love? I need a drink.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. THANK YOU, mooshki. Seriously, I dont think we really care. You, EL, are prolonging the hype by continuing to talk about bullshit. Love ya, but you're in denial.

    Why don't you treat Miley like her predecessors, Britney and Paris? Maybe if you start it, the rest will follow.

  3. Wait...mooshki where did your comment go? I look crazy now.

    *starts to whistle and twiddle thumbs*

  4. Deleted previous comment due to likelihood of it not being understood as a joke. Instead:

    "Are hordes of 13 year old kids, reading every word repeatedly trying to get a glimpse into what a relationship with Nick or Miley is like and what they can expect when they become their next love?"

    Oh boy, do I remember those days. I once watched the same tv station literally for 32 hours straight because I caught the end of a commercial with John Taylor, and I wanted to see it again. (No vcr back then.) Every little thing he did seemed to be of life-and-death importance to me. The hormones have complete control of the brain at that age. I wouldn't relive those years for all the money in the world.

  5. Ha, sorry big sur. :)

  6. i quit this bitch

  7. Uhm she's 15 therefore what da f*ck is she doing on the cover of 17 magazine????

  8. I don't know who the Jonas brothers are. I think of them as some of this year's Hanson brothers. A bunch of nothings, next year.

  9. Coming out from under my lurker rock to say.

    It's time for Miley to move over.

    Miley is, at 15, so f*cking over-saturated I'm already hating on her fake ass smile.

    To me, she's already well into the Lilo-Paris-Britney-KimK smelly garbabe dump behind Denny's.


  10. Mooshi, who is John Taylor? That's more important than what Miley is doing.

  11. Blondy - JT is Duran Duran's bass guitarist. Sorry, after that "first album/first concert" thread I figured everyone on here would know who he is. I was so happy to see so many fellow Duranies!

    And, HELL YEAH, I'd rather read about him than Miley Cyrus. I think Ent gets a lot of crap from people when he posts old news, though. It's a shame, 'cause I know JT has gone through a bunch of messed up stuff that I think would make a really entertaining read.

  12. Mooshki- I am a hardcore Duranie and still listen to them everyday. My sister was the JT fan and liked Simon and Nick. I get the teen obsession thing but I don't know why anyone else would be interested in what Miley says.

  13. well, Miley's looking haggard already if you ask me. I don't know if it's all the faux-ingenue, half naked myspace poses, tranny hair/make up or the perenial perkiness, but it's looking tired.

    There was a pic with her next to Selena Gomez, fresh faced heir aparent, and the contrast was blinding...

  14. Nature Girl- just saw your comments:

    Miley is, at 15, so f*cking over-saturated I'm already hating on her fake ass smile.

    To me, she's already well into the Lilo-Paris-Britney-KimK smelly garbabe dump behind Denny's"

    Couldn't agree more!!!

  15. Nick and John are still my favorites. Damn they were hot.

  16. I don't even think that picture of her on the magazine looks like her. I had to look and read the front to the magazine to see who it was.

  17. Try shopping for school supplies wher every notebook, binder, folder pencil, you name it is either High School Musical, Hannah Montana, or The Jonas Brothers. Don't the manufacturers realize not EVERYONE wants these on their school items?
    I am so sick of all of them.

  18. Ha, Adrian, I just saw an "overheard" post the other day where a mom was in a store with her son and she threatened to buy him all Hannah Montana school supplies if he didn't behave. :)

    Saw the Jonas Bros. on SYTYCD last night and they sucked balls.

  19. Mooshki--- I do it at home!! Ha-Ha--
    Never in public. The Jonas Brothers were the cover story in Sunday's paper-- I think I'm gonna put the pictures in the bedrooms as a joke & see how long it takes someone to yell at me!
