Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Where's The Love?

I don't know about you, but when I think of grandparents and newborns I think about spoiling and love and all those warm and fuzzy feelings that make live worth living. Apparently though things in the Angelina Jolie family are just a bit more formal. In one of the many reports about the Brangelina twins, there is a story going around that Jon Voight sent a gift basket to his newborn grand kids. There were the usual gifts. You know, bibs, blankets, booties, and a DVD box set of his greatest works. Nothing wrong with that except for the fact that the gift was signed "Dear Vivienne and Knox — Bienvenue! xx JV."

Who the hell is JV? Are the kids supposed to run around calling grandpa, Jon? When is the last time you heard any grandfather tell the grand kids to call him by his name? What about all the cool names like Poppop or Pawpaw or Gramps, or Bastard as his daughter so affectionately refers to him?

To me this screams of either a made up story or a note sent by an assistant. At least I hope it is because this really does not seem like a great first step on the road to a warm and loving familial relationship.


  1. I always felt there was some deep rooted dirty secret that he and AJ share, thus the reason she hates/hated him. Yeah I have heard that he left their mother and they struggled because of it but it has to be something else, perhaps incest/molestation?
    Now that would explain a hatred for one's parent.

  2. enty you should know that AJ hasn't even allowed jon v to see his grandbabies. I feel sorry fo him. He prostrates himself before AJ everytime there's a mic in front of his face and it doesn't change things one bit.

  3. What's he supposed to write? He hasn't even been able to see them.

  4. Please. Didn't 'JV' give that interview about how emotionally unstable AJ was when Maddox's adoption wasn't yet final? That would be enough for me to write him off.

  5. I don't feel sorry for him. MM makes a good point, there does seem to be something between the two of them. I don't think he had much to do with Angelina until she got going in the bizz. Angelina always seemed to be close to her Mother and Brother and now that she's a Mother herself of six it's not like she isn't into family. I blame JV.

  6. my grandfather is 84 with the beginnings of dementia...his name is settimio and sometimes he gets grumpy and insists i call him sid (his nickname) i dont mind...hes adorable...different situation but i thought id share

  7. well Angie poo ain't really the picture of normal domesticity...i don't blame the old guy for trying.

  8. I know that there are recent photos of JV and James Haven. Seems they are trying to reconcile. The worst think James said about his dad was that it was embarrassing for him to go to school without a car (John wouldn't buy him one). I remember when JV went on ET (?) and said that Angie was emotionally unstable and a cutter and that her management team wouldn't let him talk to her. Basically, she was a cash cow and he wanted to help her and they wouldn't let them talk. And after her mother died he had a separate funeral for himself and her family because they weren't invited to the one Angie did. I have a lot of time on my hands. That's why I know this. If it's even accurate.

  9. Of course, we have no idea what's going on behind the scenes, but JV seems to mean no harm. Remember when he said in an interview that he was excited about his new grandson before AJ had announced the adoption? She flipped out. When he was worried about her destructive behavior he made a public plea for her to get help. You shouldn't carry out your relationship in the press, but he was probably genuinely concerned about her.

  10. You know what, though? I didn't have the greatest relationship with my dad. He is an alcoholic. He was a crappy husband and not the best father.

    But after I had my own kids, I got a little perspective. He loves us kids. He's not going to be here forever, and he's the only grandfather my kids will have, and I've forgiven him for being human and a shit sometimes. We have a really nice relationship now.

    Obviously, there are some things you should never forgive, but if it's possible, people should try to mend fences before it's too late.

  11. That was very well-put, ayesha. Thanks for the perspective!

    Live for today and love who you can while you are both here to do it.

  12. ok I guess I strange but I like the kids calling him JV it's kinda cute in a way.
    Now I'm sure if he isn't close to the parents that they would not choose to let the kids call him gramps or an endearing name like poppop or paw-paw....it's prolly best to treat him like a nice uncle JV until he cleans up his act......

  13. Yeah, so...I still don't think it's cool to speculate about molestation or incest as a possible reason for anything unless you have SOME sort of evidence, but whatever. To each her own.

    I've read WAAAAY too many interviews with Angelina and she's always kinda said the same thing: she decided to cease contact with her dad when he began flapping his big puffy piehole on every television tabloid outlet about how he was so concerned about her because she's so troubled, blah blah blah. Talking to Mary Hart about what a fuck-up you think your daughter is isn't exactly the most compassionate way to show your little girl that you care.

    So, I believe that story. Jon Voight just strikes me as sort of a famewhore, and perhaps Angelina wants at least just a little bit of privacy. And, if I were her, I'd be protective of my kids under those same circumstances, too.

  14. JV gets bashed for saying AJ was nuts. She's clearly nuts! She's admitted drugs, experimenting with knives while having sex, she wore that last knucklehead's blood in a vial! These are not the acts of a sane, stable person. Calling a duck a duck isn't mean, it's the truth. If you were adopting a child, don't you think the agency doing the adopting would have the right to know if you were a raving psychopath?

    That said, I'd wager money Sainted Whore Angie won't even let the kids know she has a dad. JV might be the only way she'll allow any contact. I doubt she'd ever tolerate "grandpa".

  15. Yeah, what the other posters wrote about JV shooting his mouth off.

    I seem to recall that he shot his mouth off for a few YEARS to various media outlets and it finally reached a crescendo with Entertainment Tonight.

    AJ had disowned him before over his comments and would forgive him and let him back into her life. Then the dumb-ass would do it again. I don't blame her one bit for cutting him off. If she wasn't so famous now, do you really think he'd bother trying to ingratiate himself to her?

    He didn't really bother with her until she started to make a name for herself. Virtually a non-existent parent until then. She sought out a relationship with him and has said that she had minimal contact with him until she was a teenager when she began to make a concerted effort to get to know him.

  16. I dunno, Rihanna. I wouldn't call her a psychopath or a whore. And I think it's cool that she adopts children and speaks out for children's rights. She's beautiful and talented enough to simply remain rich and famous, but she'd rather use her fame for greater things. She's got the resources to do so, and I don't see why people give her so much shit for being a humanitarian.

    I can think of some celebrities who do nothing but sun themselves, whine, and shop. *cough, cough, jenniferaniston, cough, cough.* And those people bore me silly.

    Also, I don't think that admitting to prior drug use and kinky sexual experimentation makes a person legitimately crazy. It just makes her a Gemini. :-)


  18. My grandmother made me call her by her first name when I was little because she said she was too young to be a grandmother. My mom was 29 when she had me but my grandmother was younger when she had my mom. Now she wants to be called Grandma so I do because she is old and I try not to hold a grudge.

    JV and AJ have had a rocky relationship. I am sure the dynamics will change many times over before the grandchildren are all grown.

  19. What everyone above said.

    But also -- it's an effective (clearly) way for AJ to remind the world she's in control, and capable of doing great damage if you piss her off. Brad.

  20. Rihanna the blood vial thing is not even true. AJ said recently that it was more of a drop of blood on a piece of paper or something...made me think of when you are a kid and become blood-sisters with someone. I think she is a little out there but I also think the "darker points" of her life are exploited to make her seem a lot more on the edge than she really is.

  21. This morning Jon Voight was being interviewed on CBS, & said he had not sent anything as of yet.

  22. I don't think that admitting to prior drug use and kinky sexual experimentation makes a person legitimately crazy. It just makes her a Gemini. :-)

    Well said!!! lol.

  23. God, if Angie's not a textbook Gemini, NO ONE is.

    And just to clarify: my boyfriend, best friend, and about two dozen OTHER friends are Geminis. So I'm speaking with love in my heart for those crazy, wacky, wonky-minded yet brilliant, perpetually curious yet confused late May/mid June babies.

    What's Enty's astrological sign, anyway? TONS of lawyers are Geminis. It's the whole overly verbose/dual personality thing. :-)

  24. Facebook says enty was born Jan.14.

  25. Jon Voight is an ass and if he REALLY wants a relationship with his daughter and grandchildren he needs to STFU with cameras and microphones around and make a real effort.

  26. Ah, a Capricorn. Coulda guessed that one -- horny ol' goat.

  27. Ayesha, I'm very happy you managed to find a good relationship with your Dad after going through a lot of shit. I'm not so lucky with my mother. When I was a teenager I swore to myself I would never let her near any child I may have. We live about 5 hours away from her, hardly ever see her. When I do see her, I can only speak to her about superficial things because every time I have let her in, even just a little bit, she has managed to come up with a degrading, belittling comment. Now put that scenario on Angelina.

    There was a BI a long time ago about a white hot up-and-comer who was verbally abused by her respected actor father when she asked for his opinion of her work (which won an award). This was around the time of Gia. I suspect JV has the same parenting skills as my mother. That would fuck anyone up.

  28. I was reading in Entertainment Weekly that she said that she has been in contact with him but won't talk about it in the press anymore. I think they are talking but he learned his lesson & is shutting his mouth for once.
