Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Vanessa Hudgens Naked Again

Yes, it is Vanessa Hudgens, and yes she is naked again. Sorry for the extra click. Click here.


  1. i think i just heard a Disney exec combust. god,this chick is DUMB.

  2. Uhm is that a penis between her legs??

  3. No, Jax, that wasn't the sound of a Disney exec combusting. That was the sound of a Disney exec AND Vanessa Hudgen's career combusting.

  4. Stupid, stupid girl.

  5. How dumb do you have to be. Seriously.

  6. is that a fucking Zac Efron poster on her door??? lol.

  7. You can't keep a stupid, dirty whore down. She has officially Lohaned her career.

  8. Aside from being ridiculously stupid, these photos are not even interesting. How many times have we seen a half-naked wannabe doing the doe eyes on camera? What's more, if taken with her own camera, how much of a deluded little narcissist is she and who posted the photos?

    She's got a non-Disney film coming out, I hear. This could be her way of screaming 'I'm an adult now!'. Course, if she was really talented, she wouldn't have to resort to cheap and uninteresting tactics to be heard.

  9. Anonymous1:37 PM

    I really hate seeing photos celebs have taken themselves with their phone and posing in what they deem as a sexy look.
    It pisses me off!! and I hate them immediately.

  10. I believe these are from around the same time the other ones were taken. For one, she has two very old posters on her wall (one of her boyfriend...odd). Two, that is an old cell phone...Vanessa uses a Blackberry or an iPhone now. Not from the same "photoshoot" as before though. She um, shaved, and looks older than in the others.

  11. Wow, what's she thinking? Her boobs aren't hot -- they look much better in the bra where you can't see what they really look like.

  12. THe last series look like screen grabs from a video....Duuuuuuummmb!
