Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Today's Blind Items

I don't know what this says about her reputation, but apparently can't be great. This A list television/ B list film actress is on a hit network drama, in a 2007 hit film, and is fairly newly married. In her pre-nup it stipulates that she is to never be alone with another male in her trailer or dressing room. Now, I don't know how her husband is ever going to be able to enforce that without a camera on her 24/7, but apparently she must get into all sorts of trouble when left alone.


  1. Anonymous1:24 PM

    I'll throw it out there:
    Katherine Heigl

    a-list TV: Grey's and Roswell, success x5+ years
    b-list 2007 film: Knocked Up
    Married around Christmas 2007.

    Somehow though, I don't see her being a slut.

  2. it does sound like Heigl, but again, every tv/movie actress blind can't be about her, can it?

  3. i thought Heigl too...there was even an interview where her and her husband talked about being jealous of the other's groupies/costars.

  4. Heigl is becoming the female Ben Affleck...the answer to every blind. Of course I think it sounds like her too.

  5. Does sound like Mrs. Josh Kelley. Sounds like her husband doesn't trust other men being alone with her.

  6. Wow--can you imagine if Affleck & Heigl ever did a film together-the rumors that would come from that--my mind is totally boggled.

  7. If you distrust your fiancee that much that you need to add that to a prenup, is it really worth getting married? I just don't understand Hollywood.

  8. I'm going to post this again

    There can be a disproportionate amount of blinds with certain people Heigl, alba, longwhoria etc if ent's main sources are people that are more familiar with these people say if they all have the same agent then maybe he gets a lot of gossip from the agent;s assistant.

    That being said, its definitely Heiggggl, a bitch and a whore, who would have thunk it, lol

  9. These clues are pretty specific and it would be hard to find anybody else who fits as well as Heigl.

  10. to me this sounds like the husband wears the pants in the relationship...does Josh really strike anyone as the one that "wears the pants?" not me....

  11. "If you distrust your fiancee that much that you need to add that to a prenup, is it really worth getting married?"

    No kidding! Either accept that she's going to cheat, or don't marry her!

  12. i think heigl too, but it almost seems obvious. any other suggestions?

  13. I hate it, but Heigl was first I thought of too.

    Damn it now I will keep thinking.

    Eva Longoria?
    She had a bit part in Heartbreak Kid.

    Its a stretch, ok. But I will keep thinking.

  14. My first thought was Eva Longwhoria, but I don't know if she was in a hit movie in 2007 (or if she'd even be B list, for that matter). But it sounds like the husband must be someone fairly prominent, or at least has some money of his own to protect, otherwise there would be no such stipulation. Right?

  15. i wanted it to be longWhoria too but she hasn't been in a hit movie period, let alone in 07. Therefore she is not B list film

  16. If it were Eva, the pre-nup would've read "no going within 50 feet of Mario Lopez." Who wants those douche-cooties?

  17. Sounds like Katherine Heigl, she fits all the clues. I've always thought she was a cheating slutty ho. Can't be Eva because she wasn't in a hit movie in 2007. Stephen you're right Heigl is becoming the female Ben Affleck.

  18. But does the prenup have a special rider for whether or not she can be alone with her gay male friends? Like, how does T.R. Knight fit in here?

  19. That's funny stuff with Heigl and Affleck.

    I know America is supposed to be "safe" here, but did anybody hear about her making faces during an interview when her co-star started talking about "Gossip Girl."

    I soooo don't want America to be another Hollywood bitch. Say it ain't so.

  20. who would want heigggl! she is worse than carrie underwood she's never out with friends....does she have any friends? I remember ent making fun of her because after the emmys last year there was no one there with her except her mother

  21. Pandora, that is what I was thinking about. It says she is to never be alone with another man. Paps see her hanging out with T.R. and I always got the feeling that Josh was jealous of their friendship even though T.R. is gay. I remember that when engaged Heigl basically said in an interview that if T.R. wasn't gay, she would be dating and marrying him. Interesting..............

  22. Blake Lively? Was she in a hit movie in 07?

    I really like the Heigle guess but was throwing something different out there.

  23. and the Longoria guess wouldn't work then either - she's often with Lopez.

    Searching 2007 movies

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. i am watching the jennifer lopez true hollywood story because i want to point and giggle at the TV when the ben afflek "that j lo used to date" comes on...LMAO

  26. Ed I don't think it's Blake Lively, the blind item said newly married and Blake's not married. I'll try to think of something else that could fit this but the only that seems to fit it 100% is Heigl.

  27. I know Heigl dated Jason Behr (yummy) when she was on Roswell (He was the star, Max). Perhaps her part of the prenup is equally as strict on her husband? It's just that since she's more visible, this is what we hear about.
    I don't think being jealous requires a bigger paycheck:) Perhaps her husband just doesn't like her track record of hooking up with people she meets on the set.


  28. I would look for a couple where the husband is loaded. The person with the $$$ dictates the prenup and this is someone who is dictating.

  29. Mooshki--you are TOO funny!!


  31. I saw the America thing on Talk Soup and it was absolutely hilarious!!! Blake Lively (was that who it was?) came across as a total idiot going on and on and on about her stupid show when they were supposed to be talking about the movie!!! I actually have an even deeper admiration and respect of America after seeing that!

    Also-maybe the husband doesn't feel that having a man in his wife's trailer even "looks" appropriate, and quite frankly, is it??? What would a man be doing in a married woman's dressing room anyway, unless he is doing her hair and makeup???

  32. Kim Raver?

    Night at the Museum/Lipstick Jungle?

  33. Who is the woman in random photos getting a burp blown on her?

  34. Heigl was famously a virgin until well into her twenties. Maybe she then proceeded to make up for lost time....

  35. That's it Ice Angel. Thanks.

  36. I know KH is a *lapsed* Mormon, whose family converted into it when she was about 8 years old. I know nothing about LDS, but is there something about that in their beliefs?

  37. The person with the money doesn't necessarily dictate the pre-nup, it is possible she traded less money to pay out in spousal support if they split for this provision. An iron clad pre-nup for two "celebrities" will have a lot of give and take. I would venture to guess that this provision was traded for a reduction in her financial liability to her husband.

  38. What about Jessica Alba? Was Fantastic Four or Good Luck Chuck really a hit? I could see Cash being controlling enought o put that little provision in the prenup... if there even is one.

  39. Oops, never mind. IS ON a network drama, not WAS... but I'm still not convinced its Heigl. It can't always be.

  40. The husband clearly has to be the wealthier of the two with regards to this particular pre-nup. Therefore, Longaria seems the more logical choice than Heigel.

  41. Heigel was my first thought. Has Long-horia had a hit film?

  42. Sounds like Katie Holmes to me.

  43. Heigl is always alone with men.

  44. Heigl is always alone with men.

  45. I'm on the KH train _ I kind of think ENT is throwing us this one because it's her.

    Losing any love I had for Blake Lively, America was spot on with that eye roll. The unflattering blind items about Blake are probably coming from her Sisterhood co-stars. Notice how Ent gushes about all of them except Blake?

  46. Justin .. that is Yasmin Le Bon .. she is a model and also married to Simon Le Bon. And yes .. it DOES make me equal parts sad and physically ill that I actually know that! ; )

  47. Its Heigl.

    She was looking to trade up before the wedding (Enty had a BI of this). She was stuck with the date and the hoopla and then with the groom.

    Kelley is smart to have it in the pre-nup. Its his insurance and I'll bet it comes with a hefty payout. (I wonder if he picked up that tip from KZJ?)

    I suspect when Grey's is gone and her film offers are Tara Reid rejects, she'll go for pay and dump him.

  48. Katie Holmes is not on a hit network drama, nor did she have a 2007 hit film and neither did Eva Longoria. Heigl fits the bill tidily. I'm on board with Katherine.

  49. Am I the only person who likes KH? She reminds of old Hollywood, those stars who were dames, drank, smoked and said whatever was on their minds.

    Jeez! We complain when all actresses act like dizzy little sluts who have to be escorted through every PR move. Then we get one like KH, who says Knocked Up was sexist and banal(it was), who says the writing on Grey's was subpar (it is), and says she likes to drink and smoke - and everyone complains because she isn't following the idiot starlet script!

    I love her! She's like a breath of fresh air in a Miley Cyrus/Jonas Bros world.

  50. Miley pretty much pulls the same crap as KH with a teen flair. If you are going to stand up for the likes of KH don't dump on Miley. BTW I think they are both idiots but Miley at least has the excuse of being really young.

  51. Nope, Plot, you're not the only one. Yes, she's flawed, but I still like her. :)

  52. I would NEVER compare Miley to KH. I don't dislike either, even though I don't think you should bite the hand that feeds you (KH) BUT at least KH has been open and honest, unlike Miley who has her people spin, spin, spin in regards to the questionable photos and the photo shoot in VF.

  53. OT: HAH! Adrian Grenier and Isabel Lucas have officially split up. It took them long enough. :)

  54. More OT: HAH! Ian Zierning says guesting on 90210 would be a "step backward" for his career. What crack is he on?

    And on another delusional note, J.Lo wants to produce a tv version of "Maid in Manhattan." Crap alert!

  55. a...mooshki, thank you for keeping us updated while Ent eats his breakfast!

  56. You mean drinks his breakfast, right? ;)

  57. LOL, the OT updates are cracking me up! Thanks.

  58. Princess Buttercup,

    Where are KH's nude pics? Where are her minders and publicists censoring everything she says?

    I don't think she is anything like an older Mylie.

    As for criticizing her bosses, hurrah! Actresses got to start somewhere, demanding better roles and scripts. With most US actresses coming straight out of the prop room, it's time to upgrade all the way.

    plot - sick of the robo-chicks.

  59. yeah, katie holmes is on eli stone right now.

  60. what hit 2007 film though?

  61. I would be so down with Katie Holmes, but the hit movie part is a stretch. The last film she was in prior to 2008 was Thank you for Smoking, which was released in 2006. But it was still playing in 2007! please let it count!

  62. sadly, who else could it be but Katherine Heigle?

  63. I want this pre-nup stipulation with every girl i date!
