Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Today's Blind Items

I've heard of the casting couch, but this puts an entirely new twist on it. So you have a director who is an A list director all the way. Award winning? Sure. The thing about this guy though is that his wife is notorious for coming on a set and finding a woman to play with during the shoot. Invariably an extra, or a woman with a small role, she can often find her role expanded to a bigger role if she is especially good to the director's wife over the course of the shoot. The director himself is never involved in any of the hanky panky, but does acquiesce to his wife's demands for her play thing's role.


  1. Does Will Smith direct? ;)


    It would explain why she's content to remain married to her creepy, pervy, former stepdaddy. This lady obviously has odd sexual predilections to begin with, no?

  3. how about Speilberg?

  4. Yeah I'll go with Woody also

  5. And Woody is in random photos today,complete with a nice comment.

  6. I didn't know Soon Li could speak. What ever happened to those kids they adopted?

  7. Woody is a good guess. Did Scarlet do her? :barf: Lord, I hope not. LOL

  8. I wondered if the 'hanky panky' was a hint. Warren Beatty starred in Madonna's Hanky Panky music video I think.

    I'd be surprised it it was Annette Benning but who knows.

  9. The Woody guess is right on the money -- how else could a director expand a small film role into a larger one **while on set** unless he also wrote the script and it's basically his own film??

    Am I wrong?? Are there other directors who have that kind of power if they don't also write AND own the film??

  10. When I read this, my first thought was Woody Allen.

  11. My first thought was Spielberg and Kate Capshaw but Woody and Soon-Yi makes more sense. I have always heard that Woody gets obsessed with the ingenues in his movies. Maybe its because Soon-Yi is interested in them too.

    Mrs. Allen went to the same college as me and Woody came to the graduation. I laughed when I saw the pictures of him walking around campus in the alumni bulletin. He looked like any other dad (granddad, stepdad?) except his graduate was, well, you know.

  12. When he made 1 of the movies Scarlett was in, he took an abnormal interest in her, hmmmm....

  13. I hear that Woody now has an abnormal interest in Even Rachel Wood.

  14. Cheryl, I think I remember reading that also.

  15. Grace is right, a writer director would be able to expand a role in exchange for sexual favors, or any other reason. The reason he isn't involved is because he maybe to old or disinterested.

    There was a documentary about Woody playing jazz all over Europe, and Soon Yi was a demanding, spoiled child -- so much so she got a meal she didn't like and just took Woody's, he had nothing. It was an a nasty look at Soon Yi to be sure. She was the mechanation behind the split with Mia, no doubt.

    Interesting Blind and one that would be another stab in the heart to Mia, if she reads these or one of the 10 kids does.

  16. I don't have a better guess but I don't think it's Woody and Soon Yi...can't say why though.

  17. Tom & Rita Hanks? She looks like she could do the sapphic thing with a bunch of enthusiasm.

  18. Helena Bonham Carter and Tim Burton.

  19. Ted, I also first thought of Rita Wilson and Tom Hanks.

  20. Hmmmm, good & juicy!

    I'm with y'all--gotta be Woody and Soon-Yi.

    Was also wondering about Ent's comments in the randoms--like, "what'd I miss?"

  21. selenakyle, I think it has to do with the fact that he was having relations with Soon-Yi while she was still under Mia's care. I believe Soon-Yi was underage at the time. It looks like he has a preoccupation with PYTs (Pretty Young Things).

  22. But Soon-Yi isn't "pretty".

    Sorry, but no thanks.

  23. i think random photos just gave this one away big time.

  24. Cheryl and Adrian -- I recently saw pictures of ERW on Woody's latest movie set, and under his tutelage and supervision, she's basically morphed into a skinny, taller Scarlett. It's creepy.

    Of course, when she's with "Manson," she morphs back into a blonde, lankier Dita. SO obnoxious.

  25. The BI doesn't say the wife is pretty. It does sound like Woody and Soon-Yi, and they are in the pictures.

    I was thinking James Cameron and whoever he is married to at the moment, but Woody fits better.

  26. Ernestine-- I used to like ERW, but anyone who would touch Marilyn Manson----ew! Too bad, she is ery talented & pretty when she doesn't try so hard.

  27. i think this is kate capshaw (speilbergs wife). remember the b item said she chooses extras or actresses with small roles initially. scarlett or manson's chick are bonafide actresses. and there would be more rumors if it involved big names like that. i think kate capshaw sounds more probable than soon ye

  28. Kate Capshaw .. she just sends out that vibe.

    As for Soon-Yi .. something about her just screams ice maiden to me. I don't think she f*cks anyone any more.

  29. Sounds like Woody and Soon-Yi. I have seen her at the playground with her kid. She looks absolutely MISERABLE, 100% of the time.

  30. Nah. Kate Capshaw? HELLLLLL NAW! She and Spielberg have sunny, happy-looking kids together. They seem to have a good marriage, they've been married FOREVER (long enough for her to get a tidy divorce settlement should she ever decide to cut the shit/farce and leave him) and they're both pushing 60 -- if not already there. Not saying older people don't want to get it on, but I'm sorry. Woody and Soon-Yi are a far more credible pair for this blind.

    HEEEELLLOOOO? It's WOODY. ALLEN. He OBVIOUSLY doesn't really care about his wife's own sexual preferences or appetites, since he spends so much time overtly praising the physical charms of his actresses and basically insinuating that he'd like to bang them. A wife who was actually attracted to her husband would probably have a gigantic problem with that, but not Soon-Yi. She just dutifully tags along and looks bored and miserable.

    Done, done, and done. Plus, the appearance of the two of them in the random photos seems to indicate that Enty is basically tossing a soft one at us. It's totally obvious.

  31. "scarlett or manson's chick are bonafide actresses."

    JASMINE!! For SHAME! Have you never SEEN Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom??!?!?!? Kate Capshaw could trample those two sorry little bleached-out trollops in the acting department ANY DAY OF THE WEEK!

    Oh, and

    Steven Spielberg>>>>>>> RyRy Reynolds.

    Steven Spielberg>>>>>>>>Marilyn Manson.

    Oh, and I totally wanted to plug my favorite porno title ever: In Diana Jones and the Temple of Poon. Sorry. I'm a twelve year-old boy sometimes.

  32. @ ted: You are totally right! It's definitely Tom and Rita Hanks. I read a BI some time ago about Rita turning Nia Vardalos out (lezzie!). It was Rita's interest, among others, in the movie that helped propel it to new heights! Also, it totally vibes with the 'hanky panky' phrase. Good thinking!

  33. i think that first photo of whoopi is a big clue.

  34. Wasn't there a comment recently about Tom & Rita turning into other people in a recent random photo?
    When I 1st read this post, I thought of them, but I wasn't sure if it would have said A list director/actor/. I'm not sure about the Woody guess. I would think that most of the actors he works with are VERY big names, & don't need to pimp themselves for larger roles.
    Even though he was infatuated with Scarlett, I think she is independent enough not to have to resort to trying to expand her parts--she starred in Scoop.
    Not sure about the Woody connection now.

  35. I have to agree with the Scarlett being independent thing - remember the stories about when Tommy Boy was shopping for a wife and ScarJo supposedly went to dinner and later told people she felt like she was being interviewed, it got creepy and she bailed? or something like that. smart girl. she's no Katie!

  36. Garry and Penny Marshall

  37. I'm still on the Woody train -- he churns out a film a year and so Soon-Yi would be around the set on a regular basis. And she's notorious for doing this. This indicates that it's a regular thing -- like -- every year.

  38. Oh -- not a famous adrian -- the wife goes for the extras and actresses in bit parts. ScarJo is the star, so she would be off-limits according to the blind.

  39. Garry And Penny Marshall are brother and sister.

  40. Hanks directed, but he is more of a producer. There are just few A list directors who can change the parts and casts on the fly, because owning the stuff or beeing the authority whos changes are accepted, because they dont change the movies success.

    Spielberg, Lucas, Besson, Scorsese, Nolan, Emmerich, dirty harry and some others play big.

    W. Allen is known, ok, strange, yes. But A List director? wouldnt say that.

    Nowhere it says actor / director or stated that the woman gets the lead. she just gets upgraded - it would be a very independent film to take an extra and give her the lead. its more like the girl in the shop with no lines, moves behind the counters and says hi, we ran out of that. let me call and ask when its gonna be available.

  41. btw.

    pretty young thing - is not to be understand as "pretty, young thing" but as "pretty young, thing"

  42. Woody Allen is definately A list. He has won Oscars and has been nominated like a million times. I think this item fits him best. I saw that documentary on his jazz stuff and Soon Yi totally controlls him.

  43. I like the Woody and Soon-Yi guess, but my first thought was Joel Coen and Frances McDormand.

  44. BTW, Woody and Soon-Yi look ghastly and ghostly in that pic.

  45. What about Baz Luhrmann and Catherine Martin?

  46. just a note, if both of them are in on it, and the sex is consensual, it doesn't make someone a bad person. there is a lot of postulating that "just by looking at someone" you can tell which way they lean. this is positively not true.

  47. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Woody & Soon-Yi get my guess but I'll admit Woody just creeps me the f*ck, and makes my stomach turn from his nasty crap.

  48. Beth,
    Francis McDormand is an Oscar-winning actress. If she wanted something on the side, she wouldn't have to use her husband to get it. Besides, Joel is 'technically' the director, but he and Ethan co-everthing on their films. Including editing. When you see an editor's name listed on their films, it is a fictitious name because of union/guild rules.

  49. The BI says that the wife chooses EXTRAS or those with small parts. This would not be ScarJo or the Manson chick. These would be SMALL parts...

  50. Baz & Catherine seconded! Great guess anna.

  51. Taylor Hackford and Helen Mirren.

    I've never found any part curiously expanded in a Woody Allen movie.

  52. What about Ben Stiller?

  53. Stiller is mostly an actor and producer, only an occasional director. Zoolander featured his wife in the lead female role and the only other significant female part was given to Mila Jovovich.

  54. I'd do Helen Mirren. Sign ME up for acting lessons. Or I'll carry her umbrella or something. Or work for craft services. Anything.
