Friday, August 08, 2008

That's Going To Leave A Mark

In something that must cause a kid to stay up all night wondering what could have been and has probably led to the worst parent child arguments in the history of the world, JoJo Levesque told Extra yesterday that she was the first choice of Disney for the Hannah Montana role, but that she turned it down.

"Yeah, they offered me the role , but it wasn't what I saw for myself."

Well that is certainly a very well thought out lie. It probably is what her parents told her before they decided that she would be better off being a one hit wonder and doing a small role in RV. Of course I love that film, but last I checked she didn't earn a billion dollars for the role, nor did she get to become the most famous teenager on the planet. But, hey, it's all good. I'm sure that her new Lifetime film True Confessions Of A Hollywood Starlet will be a monster hit for the 25 people that watch it.

Can you imagine how close we came to none of the Miley Cyrus stuff. No Billy Ray Cyrus except in a 8 week run on the Surreal Life. No Vanity Fair scandal or caring that some 15 year old girl was posing in her underwear.

Hey, JoJo, you are not the only one who is upset about all this.


  1. "Hey, JoJo, you are not the only one who is upset about all this."

    Well said Enty, well said.

  2. kind of like katie holmes turning down dark knight to do mad money. good career move.

  3. ''Can you imagine how close we came to none of the Miley Cyrus stuff. No Billy Ray Cyrus except in a 8 week run on the Surreal Life. No Vanity Fair scandal or caring that some 15 year old girl was posing in her underwear.''

    Big mistake to turn to that role, but hey at least JoJo can sing, something that Miley can't do.

  4. this is pretty much a non-sequitur, but...

    I love Spaceballs.

  5. hmm wasn't jojo the tween who gets drunk and talks about her abortion in an old ass BI?

    maybe Disney passed on her.
    shame i'd rather look at her big head than old Gummy Duck lips.

  6. yeah, Jax, no kidding. Gimme JoJo any day over the obnoxious Cyrus family.

  7. I think it was smart move. I think we'll hear more from Jo Jo. Besides, most actors that come from the Disney dynasty seem to have BIG problems. And Ms. Cyrus seems well on her way.

  8. But what we would talk about if JoJo was Hannah Montana? No leaked myspace photos, no incestuous photo spreads, no pot smoking before award shows....I need to weigh this all in.

  9. At least Jojo can sing.

  10. This is old. What is it with old stories making the rounds again? I hate when that happens.

    That being said, I believe this story. How old is Hannah Montana now? The show probably went into production right around the time JoJo's first album was out and JoJo has the look that I can see Disney going for with HM. I wonder if she is really the one who said no though, or if she just happens to be the one child in the industry who actually has some decent parents who decided that they weren't going to let their little girl sucked into that pedophile factory called Disney.

    Either way, I saw it was a smart move for her well-being AND better for her long term career, most child stars get pigeon-holed into that particular role and once it's over, don't make the transition to adult successes. And we've all heard the fuck-up stories.

    The first time this story came out, I saw it on a board that had a link to her wiki and there, I saw that JoJo's albums are both platinum. Talk about being floored. She's had exactly one hit from each album and yet she still consistently sells records. That is why I'm always hesitant to write someone off as a flop or one-hit wonder because honestly you would be amazed at the B and C listers who are doing damn well for themselves and aren't hurting for anything. Just because they're constantly shoved in our faces doesn't mean they're automatic failures, we're just conditioned to believe that.
