Wednesday, August 20, 2008

That's Disgusting

So Gary Glitter got out of jail in Vietnam but is refusing to go back to the UK. Well, I know he is a UK citizen, but if I were them I wouldn't want him. Currently he is stuck in Thailand where they don't want him, but only legally can deport him to Vietnam which is where he came from on the flight and where he served three years for molesting a 10 and 11 year old girl.

What I find disgusting is that this guy has been kicked out of several countries permanently for sex offenses against minors, jailed in the UK for possessing child porn, and doesn't even seem to care, and yet on the flight from Vietnam to Thailand, passengers on the flight were getting his autograph. His autograph?

You have got to be f**king kidding me. Who the hell would want the autograph of a paedophile. I don't care if he had some hit songs back in the 1970's. Who gives a crap? Do you know how many children's lives he has destroyed with his perversions? And you want his autograph? I don't care who he was or what he had done, there is no way I would ever want an autograph from someone who had been having sex with kids not even in double digits.

What? Are you going back home and display it proudly at the office? Show it to the wife and kids and say, "look honey, I got Gary Glitter's autograph and he thought the pictures of our kids were precious." You have to be one sick bastard to want his autograph. You would think there would be at least one person who would yell at him or cuss at him or try and kick him in the balls or, even cut them off. Nope. Just a bunch of a-holes who wanted to meet someone famous.

If you want to read a really excellent account on his travails, click here for the Daily Mail article on it.


  1. Enty, I truly had NO idea Gary Glitter had been charged with these offenses. Honestly. That "Rock and Roll Part 2" dude? THAT guy? Wow. Weirdness.

    God, I'm SO glad this isn't Murray Head. "One Night in Bangkok" is one of my absolute favorite one-hit-wonder eighties tunes.

    That said, I STILL wouldn't want his autograph, and I question the sanity of the people who would even recognize this man. He DOES look really ooky and skeezy, though. Ewwww.

    Pedophiles should have their 'nads ripped off and fed to rabid wolves. The end.

  2. pedophiles= lethal injection.

    there is no cure.

  3. Maybe they were all fellow pedophiles, given the flight they were on. Or trying to get his signature for potential credit card scams.

    Still - there are some sick people in this world.

  4. I hate that they play his song at sporting events. He was caught years and years ago in England (loooong before the Vietnam stuff), and yet they still play that song.

  5. Anonymous11:04 AM

    1 word for why people want his autograph: Ebay.

  6. What songs? I only vaguely recall this name. I have no sympathy for those people and agree with the lethal injection.

  7. Lethal injection is too kind for a pedophile. For a repeat, unrepentant pedophile it is no where near strong enough punishment. He should have to suffer for an extended period as he is slowly, painfully killed as he slowly and painfully killed children's innocence.

  8. I think a sufficient punishment for a pedophile would be to leave him alone in a room with the victim's parents. Three people enter...two people leave.

    Are there actually radio stations that will play his songs anymore? I sure hope not...

  9. The people who wanted this perv's autograph were most likely pervs themselves considering what Thailand is famous for. Sick F**Ks. (*sneers with disgust*)
    Castrate them, then kill them slowly.

  10. Ent, you have truly summed up my feelings for this scum. Also for R. Kelly and Michael Jackson. I do not understand the idol worship of these degenerates. It is astounding the excuses fans make to dismiss their behavior. It is also astounding how little respect I have for those fans.

  11. eh, maybe someone will "take care" of him.

  12. Anonymous1:59 PM

    I was about to say the same thing that shakey wrote.

  13. who was he? the name is vaguely familiar, i was a teenager in the 70's, but for the life of me i can't make a connection.

    the sad truth is, people who abuse children and animals don't ever really get harsh enough sentences. even reading that article, why the hell did he get to hang around as long as he did? he was actually treated like some sort of celeb instead of the fucktard he actually is.

  14. He makes my skin crawl. What a disgusting rapist pedophile peice of crap. I hope he gets whats coming to him.
    And for the record, here is another example where a prison rape story would be incredibly amusing and satifying.

  15. "Just a bunch of a-holes who wanted to meet someone famous."

    To be fair, much better than one a-hole who writes about famous people.

  16. Look at how many people still ask for OJ's autograph. :(

    I've always dreamed of a desolate island where they could send all pedos so they could never hurt anyone but each other. Like that community in the X-Files movie if it were surrounded by a moat.

    Given the statistics I've read on internet pedophilia, odds are each and every one of us knows one of them. (A friend of my dad's is in jail for going after a 15-year-old on the web, so check me off.)

  17. Ernestine,
    actually, a lot of people would recognize him - he's notorious in the UK, and I imagine his face is known all over the sex-tourist-ridden Far East.

    When I read that he was being put on a flight, I imagined the fuss I'd make if I were on the flight and they sat him next to me. Air rage wouldn't come close to it! And I'm normally mild-mannered...

    Something else sickening? The bastard still has a £5 million personal fortune.
