Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Take Note Of The Day And Time - I'm On Michael Lohan's Side

My original plan today was to talk about the idiocy of Erin Muller, who is now affianced to Michael Lohan. I know, I know, someone is actually going to marry the guy. He popped the questions just as soon as the box from QVC came in the mail. Free shipping.

Anyway, when Michael was doing all the press about his engagement, and when I say all the press, I mean he was making calls, and then some guys came over from the school paper. Anyway, while he was doing press, the story came out that Samantha Ronson has a book deal. The same Samantha Ronson who no one had heard of outside of LA prior to her sleeping with Lindsay Lohan.

What is the book going to be about? Her life with Lindsay of course. What she and Lindsay do from morning until bed. So, basically she is going to be making money off of her relationship with Lindsay. There is not going to be anything in the book other than some talk about her siblings. Michael is pissed. He thinks Lindsay is being exploited and I agree.

Yes, I think we can all agree that Samantha has kept Lindsay in one piece. Maybe as a reward Lindsay is going to let her write all this stuff about her. No one would buy a book only about Samantha Ronson. Of course she needs something to make people want to buy it, and right now all she has to offer is Lindsay. Maybe she will out Lindsay in the book, or maybe she will say that Lindsay sleeps on the couch alone surrounded by empty boxes of wine.

I don't know, but it does seem highly suspicious that she is writing the book about Lindsay and making money off it. I think we all had this vision of Samantha as some kind of savior of Lindsay. What I think she is doing is planning for the inevitable breakup by having a book deal in place, ready to go, and will just be able to come right out with a book after they break up. Of course it could just be a book about hats and the women who wear them.


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