Why the hell not start with Martha Stewart. Sure she can be cranky, but I can relate to that. Haven't you ever wanted to just go hang out with her for a day? I think it would be pretty cool. Plus, I could use some help with my crafting skills. I'm not good for much except, making beer cap necklaces.
Aerosmith - Boston
Since she was so popular last time I put her on here, I figured what the hell, might as well put Adriana Lima back up again.
Carmen Electra does something we all wish we could do. Smack Vanessa Lemonjello.

You will notice that despite the blood and emergency room and the near death experience she suffered to her toe, Kim Kardashian still managed to squeeze it into a pair of heels two sizes to small for her.

Brad and the boys.

So how exactly did Beyonce earn those pilot wings? Hmmm?

I don't think I have ever had a photo of Blair Brown on the site. Damn shame if you ask me.

James Hetfield certainly drew a crowd in Berlin.

Janice Dickinson and her son. Man, I want to hear those stories.

George Michael - London

Earth Wind & Fire go to the US Open.

Dave Stewart - Las Vegas

Maria Sharapova is ok looking, but the way people act as if she is the best looking thing since free Krispy Kremes really puzzles me.

You know, I had an entire spiel here all planned, but basically it came down to whether or not with all thing 80's returning (I have my parachute pants all ready to go) if Michael Jackson gloves would also be returning. Apparently the answer is yes, and in colors to match your clothes.

Macy Gray and her son.

Apparently Marcia Cross has a d**k.

This is the first time in a really long time that I haven't seen Joshua Jackson's girlfriend hanging on to him like she was drowning in a pool.

Snoop Dogg - Las Vegas

Stray Cats - Amsterdam

"I thought the tennis players did such a good job grunting. They have such a bright future and they looked amazing."

Room number or how many guys she has slept with?

A first time appearance for Mark Valley.

"Daddy make the noise stop."

"Xenu won't be quiet daddy."

A line of bikinis from Tara Reid. Tops, bottoms and really bad plastic surgery optional.

Tracy Morgan teaches us, that even when no one else loves you, you can always hug yourself. Oh, and lotion is your friend.

I know it is a trick of the camera, but it does appear that Shawn Johnson is actually shorter than the car.