No rhyme or reason to Amy Adams being on the top. She just happens to have the initials AA, and so she ended up here. Although, out of the many Ben Stiller films, Night At The Museum was one of my favorites. This is Amy on the set of Night At The Museum 2.
With the exception of her name, the Anna Faris of today is nothing like the Anna Faris of ten years ago.
Adrian Grenier gets us started on what for some reason has kind of turned into a bare chest edition of the photos.
I understand Balthazar Getty and Sienna Miller were caught in mid embrace, but it does look like Balthazar is checking his watch to make sure he doesn't move into the next hour and cost himself an extra $500. Yes, Balthazar is an ass for doing this to his wife, but Sienna jokes are just so much easier because she has been caught doing the same thing repeatedly. Balthazar on the other hand is just a blind item or four.

Sienna on her way to the airport.

Billy Bob Thornton - New York

Ben Affleck is just the like rest of us. And when I say us, I mean guys. And when I say guys, I mean guys who balk at the idea of taking a shower or combing what is left of our hair simply because we may have to go out in public. Sure, we wore these clothes the past few days, but hey, it isn't like we are going to someplace where we are going to be in a confined area. Sure, the jacket might be ten years old, but hey, who is going to notice. Of course unlike the rest of us, Ben gets his photo sent all over the world. Almost makes you want to shower. Almost.

Would this be an inopportune time to play Who Would You Rather Do?

"Drink Vitamin Water and you too can look like Corey Feldman in Lost Boys."

Ben Stiller on the set of Night At The Museum 2.

Playing catch with the kids on the playground? Priceless. Forgetting that baseballs break car windows? $463.28

I don't need to attend the Bacardi Mojito Masterclass. Lets face it. After about the 8th mojito, you are just chugging the rum from the bottle and chewing the mint leaves in your mouth because you are hungry as hell and forgot to go to the grocery store earlier.

Brett Lee demonstrates the latest in bar technology which takes away the guessing of whether some guy is managing to conceal 50 pounds of fat under his Spanxx.

Now, this could just be me, but are Katharine McPhee's breasts actually touching her waistline?

Kelly Brook is not doing Pretty Woman 2.

See, I learn something new everyday. Apparently in Germany when there is a photocall for a new television show, the actors and actresses, show the press what they want for Christmas. I know, I know, but it is tougher than you think to come up with a joke when someone is doing this. It would have been so much easier if some guy had been stuffing socks down his pants as well.

Normally I would think this was weird as crap, but this is Helena Bonham Carter. That ship sailed a long time ago.

Judging from the rest of the photos in this set, I'm guessing Fernando Verdasco plays tennis for a living, but if you told me he was a violinist, I would believe you because honestly I have no idea, and am too lazy to check.

Either this Rhys Ifans thing with Kimberly Stewart is just a friends thing or his peen is huge because I don't know how he could get away with wearing this to what seems like a fairly nice place for dinner with a girlfriend.

Nicole Kidman forgot to tuck it back behind her.

So, according to the Daily Mail, this tattoo is brand new. You will notice it says Nicole. Umm, wouldn't you want one of your daughter. Marriages are curious beasts, but your child is forever.

Sometimes when you catch Monet Mazur just right it is like looking at Madonna from 20 years ago.

Lily Allen winning friends and influencing people. Tough to get a lot behind a punch when you are wearing heels, drunk off your ass, smoking a cigarette and surrounded by paps.

"Look, don't you know who I have f**ked? I want a discount."

Shwayze - New York

" Bueller? Bueller?" I would have also accepted, "Is anyone sitting here?", "Did someone drop a quarter?", and "OK, who peed?"

Selma Blair with her acid trip inspiration.

I'm a masochist, what can I say. I just keep hoping it will get better at some point, but it really doesn't.
Whose up for tracking down the Balthazar blinds!!??
ReplyDeleteLove the Nicole comments!!
and please warn us when there is a Rumer photo so I know to avert my eyes.
I'm lost yet again...what does the Nicole comment mean?
ReplyDeletei dont get brooke shields comment about breaking a windshield. anybody know?
ReplyDeletehelena bonham carter is so beautiful i dont get the bag lady thing with her. why is she afraid of being attractive? sick.
damn ben stiller almost looks like an adult. and good too.
selena, it means she forgot to tuck back her peen which is why there's a lump in her pants.
ReplyDeleteAh man, time to go on a blind item hunt!
ReplyDeleteI'd rather do the dog.
ReplyDeleteAnd I think Ben looks GOOOOOOD, but I like 'em scruffy. No metrosexuals for this gal.
I'll wait until someone finds the Balzy blinds, I'm too lazy.
ReplyDeleteDaym! Ben's looking hard rode and put up wet. Marriage does not seem to agree with him, at least not marriage and mutliple kids on the horizon.
The Mojito dude needs to step away from the bar! Those things remind me of old women drinking Mint Juleps to hide the fact they're drunks. Not a cool idea to me and the guy looks like he's had a few too many.
HBC is nuts. But, she seems happy with being nuts and Tim Burton so leave her alone. Even if they do break up, she can always use those shoes to be the next human fly.
That dress would be lovely if someone just photo-shopped Rumor's head right out of it. If I was the designer, I'd be ashamed to see my creation hanging under such a terrible face.
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ReplyDeleteI like Anna Faris, she's had some great comedy moments, but what on earth happened to her face? Botox? Collagen? NOTHING MOVES!!!
ReplyDeleteActually, he's had that tattoo for a while-I did a quick search & so far, he definitely had it on May 18, 2008 (at the ACM awards), but I'm almost positive he had it before that. I remember watching him perform in a short sleeve shirt w/ the Nicole tattoo clearly visible & it was before May, I just don't have time to search right now. So, be nice Enty!!
ReplyDeletems, thnx, i never saw the commercials. not that it wouldnt have gone over my head even if i
ReplyDeleteI guess it's just me (and Ernestine), but that's the best Ben has looked quite a while. He always looks better without the wife, doesn't he?
ReplyDeleteYAY!!! I can't WAIT for Night At The Museum 2!!! ENT, that's my favorite BS movie too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dumb dumb..You better run run......................LOLLLZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!
ReplyDeleteHey Potato Head Willis, GO AWAY and get a REAL JOB!
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ReplyDeleteyou just knew that I couldn't resist....
ReplyDeleteToday I prayed to Baby Jesus that Sienna would get kidnapped by a bunch of snaggle toothed rouges, and that they would stuff cockroaches in her mouth and eat them out with tweezers.
HBC really lives out of the Hollywood spotlight, doesn't she? Meaning, she is truly an original and isn't a fame whore. Love her originality!!
ReplyDeleteShe lives right next door to her husband, Tim Burton, and the houses are connected by a long hall.
Read that in Rolling Stone.
ms, I actually believe that very FUNNY commercial you described was a Mastercard commercial!! Or was it Visa?? Does anyone remember?? I LOVED that commercial!!!
ReplyDeleteYah, here ya go.....................
ReplyDeleteIt was Visa!!!!
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ReplyDeletems, THOSE commercials? yeah, i remember them now. thanks for the reminder. boy things really go over my head dont they?
ReplyDeletei saw the one you're talking about with the blow job. that was so funny!!
junglekitten thnx for the link. always a laugh when i watch it.
ReplyDeleteMs, you're right!! Amex did rip off the Visa commercials!! LAME!!!
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ReplyDeleteWasn't there a blind about an actress that wasn't sure who the baby daddy was? Sienna cut it pretty close between Ifans and Getty. If I had to choose a baby daddy between the two...!
ReplyDeleteLol!! It always puts a smile on my face too!!
ReplyDeleteYup, it's Mastercard!!! How confusing!
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ReplyDeleteNo I haven't seen that one!! It sounds funny as hell!!
ReplyDeletei am right on board with Rumour El..i hope but no, still fug. shame.
ReplyDeletems and junglekitten (and anyone else)
ReplyDeletehave you seen this one? I LOVE THIS!
Gah! Ent you never like the celebrity's I like... you dislike SMG, make fun of hot ed :/ if you start hating on Leighton I'll give up.
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ReplyDeleteThanks Molly!!! LOVED it!!!
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ReplyDeleteI sent it ms!
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ReplyDeleteI forgot to mention that Amy Adams looks EXACTLY like Kristen "Target Lady" Wiig in that picture.
ReplyDeleteBoy oh boy, do I loooooove me some Target ("Turrget") Lady!
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ReplyDeleteThank you again ms!! You guys have to see it it's great!!! K everyone I'm out for today!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteErnestine--she so does look like the Tuuurget Lady. I like her best when she does Penelope!
ReplyDeleteI didn't know that about Helena & Tim living in a semi-attached house--I actually really like that idea myself! You're regularly available to see each other (and, in their case, the kid), but at the same time you've got space of your own...not to mention that it probably makes getting together feel a bit more like a date and less like a marital duty. ;-)
ReplyDeleteAs for Rumer, I don't think she's nearly as unattractive as people think--she's a composite of both her parents, but unfortunately some of Bruce & Demi's features clash just enough that it doesn't quite "come together" as photogenically as it could. On the other hand, she has a decent figure & skin, which always help IMHO. I do recall seeing some photos of her in '40s-style vintage or something very similar that looked really good on her, though, and I tend to think that's a look she should cultivate--don't try to look like the starlet of the month, but go for the more dramatic '40s effect; I think it would really work. (I also won't be surprised if she's one of those women who ends up looking a lot better as she simply gets older, as long as she doesn't inherit her mom's tendency towards plastic surgery--plenty of homely people age gracefully and end up looking better in middle and old age than beauties do, although character also has a lot to do with that. Can't do anything about her face, but her character is up to her...)
Helena Bonham-Carter's shoes are sprongs. I actually met a guy who was wearing hiking boot sprongs and he said they were the most comfortable things and he never had back pain anymore. Personally, I'd probably fall over.
ReplyDeleteI thought Billy Bob quit smoking after Man Who Wasn't There. He made this big deal about all the smoking on that movie made him feel sick constantly, so he quit. He restarted again?
ReplyDeleteEnty, that's so sweet you're concerned about Keith Urban's ink and its expected expiration date. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty certain that he did consult with Johnny "Winona, er, Wino Forever" Depp so when it's over with Nic, Keith has inked (heh heh pun intended) a deal for a lifetime cough drop pitch deal and the tattoo will then read: Ricola!
ReplyDeletecan we concentrate on those getty blinds instead of all the visa and mastercard comercials you guys are going ga ga over? jeesh.
ReplyDeleteWhy all the Rumer hate? She doesn't really DO anything worthy of venom. Don't tell me you guys don't like her just because she has the gall to work with what she has as opposed to putting a paper bag over her face. Not everyone on the earth is going to be conventionally attractive.
ReplyDeleteIt is a damn shame about have two good-looking parents (hey, I would have done Bruce Wilis during his Moonlighting days, of course I was 16 at the time, but whatever) and to get the wrong combination of their genes. I feel for her, but there is something not right there.
ReplyDeleteI agree: Ben Stiller looks mighty fine in that photo, mighty fine.
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ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure I've stated it here before, I'd do me some Bruce Willis, anytime, anywhere. Mmmmmm.
ReplyDeleteWhere the hey is that beach photo taken from? Some beach in Cannes? That looks like hell. I'm getting panic and anxiety attacks from just thinking about being there!