Tuesday, August 05, 2008

NY Post Blind Items

WHICH stylish lady on the latest International Best-Dressed List in Vanity Fair is said to be having an affair with a dapper married man who is on the same list a few pages away? "She doesn't care who she hurts," sniped one detractor.


  1. Queen Elizabeth and Matt Damon.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Ivanka Trump and Morley Safer.

  4. I like your guess too, Dave. :-) HOTTT!

    Also, why in the HELL is Tilda Swinton on this list?! Since when does shapeless androgyny equal sartorial awesomeness? I'll keep my Target wardrobe and my Chacos, thanks. Tilda can wear all the thousand-dollar floursacks and hefty bags she wants.

    Then again, there are some people who point to Katie Holmes as a fashion icon. Dowdy ol' peg legs does nothing to inspire my wardrobe, but whatever. Glad to know those 234534543 trips to Barney's have truly paid off.

    Helen Mirren should have made this list strictly based on her insane, insane, insane body alone.

  5. Ivanka and Matt Lauer? Yuck

  6. SHE doesn't care who she hurts? What about him? HE'S the married one!

  7. there are some real freaks on that list.

    trump & lauer? who knows.

    if i was matt, i wouldn't be to thrilled to be on that list

  8. ITA with the Tilda comment. That is one scarey looking woman.

    I just thumbed through my copy last night. I'll have to take a closer look tonight.

  9. Agree with the Tilda observation.

    It's Tilda and Zac Goldsmith. The bitch really doesn't care.

  10. Isn't Tilda the one who lives with her husband, their kids, and her lover? (or something like that)

  11. Let me add that I don't know some of these people. Until I looked at their names I thought slide 29 was Ann Coulter and Don Johnson.

  12. I want it to be Michelle Obama and Karl Lagerfield.

    Only because Dick Cheney's not on the list. -sob!-

    think of the hotness!

  13. Tilda lives with the husband, travels with the lover, and apparently just does whatever the hell she wants. you have to love her!

    although if I were harry potter in a glade waiting for my father to save me, I'd be mighty scared if I saw her zooming around my head.

  14. can't stand her! she must be banging everyone in h'wood to get any roles and she must be the only one buying the sexy routine cuz she's not.

  15. I can't believe Horse Face Parker got on any best-dressed list! Ack!

  16. Carla Bruni and David Beckham

  17. Cheryl said...
    Isn't Tilda the one who lives with her husband, their kids, and her lover? (or something like that)

    Yes, Tilda is. They made a documentary about her entitled The Cook the Thief His Wife & Her Lover.
