No. Please Don't Let It Happen
I think I have made myself clear before about my love for 30 Rock. But, just to reiterate, I love the show. I love every part of it, and to follow along with that childhood taunt, yes I would marry it. I would marry 30 Rock. I don't care that Alec Baldwin is an ass of epic proportions in real life because, honestly, his assiness is what makes him so good for the show. The writing is great, the characters are great. And now they are going to ruin it. They are going to destroy it for one big publicity stunt, ratings week spectacular. They are going to put Jennifer Aniston on the show.
I don't care if it is for 15 seconds or 15 minutes, I do not want her to spoil that show. I already think it borders on the criminal that the producers of The Iron Giant have never taken my advice and found someone to replace her on that film. I consider that film to be one of the greatest animated films of all-time. It would probably be the greatest, but Jennifer Aniston is in it. Sure, after the first time you can mute her whenever she comes on the screen, because her character does nothing, much like the real Jennifer Aniston.
30 Rock doesn't need a ratings boost. Show people having sex or something if you need ratings. Tell Alec and Tracy they need to do a shower scene and show some ass. Anything. What you don't need is Jennifer Aniston and her publicity machine taking over the show. And you Tina Fey. Yes you. I want to hear your explanation and it better not involve anything that has the word great in it when it comes to Jennifer.