Might As Well Kick Him In The Junk One Last Time
As Kate Hudson continues sleeping her way through the Hollywood phone book, she has taken pause for a moment, to go back to a name she has crossed off several times. Apparently she likes to beat dogs, or beat down men, or just kick them in the nuts repeatedly. According to Star Magazine, Kate has been calling Owen Wilson and trying to reel him back in for some sport fishing. You know, just in case he would like to be crushed again.
Star says that Owen was frosty to the idea at first. Oh, not because she has beaten him down and broken him or even possibly was the result of his suicide attempt. No, the reason he was frosty was that she had been doing one of his best friends. Well, Kate managed to skate right through that one, and Owen did his awww shucks thing and now they are talking on the phone.
Now, we all know that talking leads to coffee which leads to dating which leads to Owen getting stepped on again when Kate takes a shine to some other guy that Owen is close to. I would say a brother, but she probably knows to stay well clear of their path. If you are Owen, you need to stick with that woman you were hanging out at the beach with last week, or go smoke with Woody or do something other than getting back together with Kate Hudson. If he ends up with her again, he needs to turn in his man card and go sit next to Zav Efron in the Ryan Seacrest Room watching Scarface on a continuous loop until he is healed.