Monday, August 04, 2008

Mary Kate And Heath

This weekend I must have spent, oh, maybe five or ten whole minutes wondering why Mary Kate Olsen refuses to talk to the feds without immunity from prosecution. I mean everyone else has talked to the feds and to the NYPD, but Mary Kate has kept completely quiet about the whole thing.

I want to make it clear from the outset that I have no information that suggests anything other than what has been revealed so far. Heath's masseuse called Mary-Kate instead of 911 and she called her security team who then called 911 after they had reached the scene.

Odd? Hell yes it's odd, but then again, look at the fashion choices of Mary Kate and then you realize that perhaps she isn't playing on the same field as the rest of us. What could she possibly know that could get her thrown into jail? I thought the whole Oxy-Contin thing had been settled so it seems she would be in the clear on that. I mean unless she has her own little stash of them or something and gave some of them to Heath or has her own little prescription writing thing that she does as some kind of hobby in between Starbucks visits, I just don't see why she needs immunity.

As far as I know, the NYPD never interviewed her as a part of their investigation. They did interview the members of her security team who responded to the place Heath was staying and they obviously did not provide any information that shined any negative light in Mary Kate. If they had, then you had better believe the NYPD would have hauled her ass in, or at least sent someone to question her. They didn't. Actually now that I think about it. She is only like 4'11" and 90 pounds, so really she doesn't have much of an ass so that cliche probably doesn't work as well as it would if they were hauling in someone like Kim Kardashian. I mean they might need an entire squad there if they were going to haul her ass in.

So, why all the fuss? I don't think she contributed to Heath's death so I say give her the immunity just so there are no conspiracy issues clouding this thing for the next fifty years. Immunity would not cover her if she lied to the feds, so let her spill, and spill truthfully and get it all out. If she tries to lie about something, believe me they will nail her and the next thing you know she will be doing some Martha Stewart time. Remember, Martha didn't actually do anything illegal except lie to the feds.

It would be kind of interesting though if Mary Kate turned out to be some jet set drug dealer to the stars and her talking to the feds resulted in this amazing web of deals and intrigue that made Mary Kate actually seem interesting. They could make a book and a film and people would actually go see it. Would make a nice change.


  1. WOW. You should get an award for digging up a flattering pic of that little fraggle. That's why you're the man!


  3. I am constantly (I don't know WHY) amazed at what celebs get away with. I'm guessing that the first thought MK had was for herself and not Heath.

  4. All I have to say is Mary Kate is hiding something about his death! Maybe she was his drug dealer? Whatever it is, it's so sad to see someone that was so young and had a lot to live for like Heath passed away! I wish people would realize that drugs is not the answer to your problems.

  5. It would be kind of interesting though if Mary Kate turned out to be some jet set drug dealer to the stars and her talking to the feds resulted in this amazing web of deals and intrigue that made Mary Kate actually seem interesting.

    Maybe she supplies half the NYPD too! ;)

  6. im thinking the "masuese" that was sent was mks drug dealer. and she probably supplied all of the drugs to him.

  7. Big Sur -- my first thought, too! She looks so gorgeous in that picture. I always thought M-K was the far prettier of the two, but I'm so used to seeing her all bedraggled and ducklipped. This was a nice change. Was she all of sixteen in this shot or something?

    Why does she CARE? Celebrities never go to prison, anyway, and I'm sure the Olsens can afford about 57 lawyers to extricate them from any manner of legal shitstorm.

    Dudes: inDICT her little elfin ass. DO IT.
