Friday, August 01, 2008

Katie Doesn't Have That Kind Of Power

Unable yet to move things using only her mind, it is ridiculous to hear the reports that Tom Cruise's mother and his sister Cass were kicked out of Tom's house by Katie Holmes. Please. Reports had surfaced that said that the reason Tom's mom and sister had decided to leave Tom after living with him these past seven years is that Katie hated them and wanted them gone. I guess she thought when they got into the newly renovated house that if mom and sister weren't buried underneath it they would at least not be living there.

But, of course along with the rest of the furniture and e-meters they came along as well. Can you just imagine Tom Cruise's mother just sitting upstairs in a rocking chair, and just rocking back and forth, squeaking along, while Tom and the rest of his followers pay their respects with blood offerings. Too far?

So, you have Katie up somewhere riding her carousel of horses while Tom is downstairs doing some kind of Xenu chant while mom is upstairs doing her rocking. You have Jada and Leah in the basement cackling and Suri in the living room just staring glassy eyed at Scientology videos. She then turns to the camera, her eyes glowing red and says, "redrum."


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