Monday, August 11, 2008

I Have Your Hero Right Here

Well apparently things got out of hand at Hayden Panettiere's house while all of you were sleeping. Seems that Hayden's dad was busted around 3am for allegedly hitting his wife. 3am on a Sunday night? Who the hell stays up until 3am on a Sunday night? Oh, that's right people who don't have a job and instead live off the generosity of their daughter. I mean anyone who has a real job was in bed lots earlier than 3am.

This doesn't appear to be a case of just pushing and shoving. According to TMZ, Hayden's dad was busted for allegedly hitting Hayden's mom in the face. I guess it is possible they were roleplaying Heroes episodes or Hayden's mom was comparing her husband Alan to Mario Lopez again.

Whatever the reason, Alan wins the a-hole of the day award. He is currently being held on $50,000 bail. Wonder if Hayden will bail him out.


  1. I hope she doesn't bail out her scumbag dad. Let him chill out in jail. I hope her mother presses charges!

  2. Small wonder Hayden is with a man who cuts her food and was rumored to have been abusive to his past girlfriend...RUN away fast...stop the cycle

  3. This is so, so, so sad. I have nothing snarky to add. I like Hayden. She wants to save the whales (seriously!) and she seems like a sweet kid.

    Jessica Simpson needs to talk to Hayden. Being tortured by a bunch of bitches in high school really isn't the same as seeing your dad haul off and smack your mom in the face.

    Hi, Jessica. I was the new girl TWICE between the ages of twelve and fifteen. When I moved to Maine, people teased me mercilessly because of my D.C. "accent" (people in MAINE teased ME because of the way I talked. Alllrighty then!) and because of my complete lack of fashion sense. Fortunately, this was 1991, and grunge was about to become the latest mode of dress. Beat-up jeans, messy hair and flannel shirts? Damn. I was all over that shit.

    I was called "Satan Girl" the first day I arrived to school in Colorado (uh, I don't even believe in Satan. Never have, actually). Girls put maxi pads on my locker, egged my house, pranked me constantly and stomped ketchup packets on my doorstep. I'd come home crying each day.

    My point? Now, I can kinda laugh about it. We've all been THAT kind of victim -- it's people like Hayden and her mom who really deserve a lot of sympathy, not freaking Big Tittied/No Talent Jessica. There's a difference between a bully and an abusive jackass. Hayden's dad needs to stay in jail to learn some sort of lesson, but we all know that he won't.

  4. hmmmmm I had typed a joke but it wasn't appropriate so I erased it and all I have to say is... Get thee to a safe house Hayden's Mom!

    Not sure how it works in CA but here in PA if the police witness the domestic crime or the after effects (aka the handprint)even if the victim doesn't want to press charges the police still will. Supposedly saves the victim from being responsible for the inevitable issues.

    let the bastard sit in jail and see how he likes being pimp slapped...

  5. for some reason I had thought they were divorced. I guess not.
    Hopefully Hayden was/is not abused by this asshole also.
    He sounds like a good mate for Dina Lohan.

  6. Ernestine, they thought YOU had an accent in Maine? heh heh heh! I was in Maine once as a tourist, and I watched some lobster fishermen hauling in hei catch, and I made a comment about how yummy Maine lobster is...and this fisherman who caught my comment said to me "Well, you don't want these...they're shot"

    And I said "O, God! What do you shoot lobster with?"

    And he looked at me like I was nuts and says "No..they're SHOT, kid...SHOT..y'know, they're not LONG enough to cook and eat"

    And, yeah, in FL, our law is like PA's law....if there's evidence that someone got beaned, the person who smacked them is getting arrested. Period. No matter what the victim says.

  7. Ragdoll, I can TOTALLY hear a grizzled old L.L. Bean-wearing fisherman telling you allll about the inadequacies of certain types of lobster! And have a VERY similar story re Maine accents.

    My seventh grade physics notebook was full of the word "inershur" because my darling little teacher kept pronouncing "inertia" in said way. That's just ONE example of how Mainers mangle their words. Now, if you're a Mainer, please don't take offense. Your state is absolutely gorgeous and still relatively unspoiled by humanity. I LOVE New England. Honestly.

    But your winters are horrendous (and I KNOW all the Canadians reading this right now are rolling their eyes, but I'm a native Virginian! What can I say?) and your accents are considered odd to anyone who wasn't raised there. The end.

  8. Ent just confirmed that old blind about Leslie, Mario and the other chick getting it on.

  9. Yeah, I love it when offhand comments solve old blinds. And this makes the second time in one day! (Other time was on another website)

  10. I hope Hayden is smart enough to leave him in jail.

    Ernestine, your high school experience makes mine look like cake. In a nutshell, insecure + smart + outspoken + thinks for herself + small school + conservative baptist = misery for me (I was THE outcast in my real friends)

    CO has the same law (my cuz was hit by his gf, the police came and arrested her eventhough he wouldn't press charges)
