I Have Your Hero Right Here
Well apparently things got out of hand at Hayden Panettiere's house while all of you were sleeping. Seems that Hayden's dad was busted around 3am for allegedly hitting his wife. 3am on a Sunday night? Who the hell stays up until 3am on a Sunday night? Oh, that's right people who don't have a job and instead live off the generosity of their daughter. I mean anyone who has a real job was in bed lots earlier than 3am.
This doesn't appear to be a case of just pushing and shoving. According to TMZ, Hayden's dad was busted for allegedly hitting Hayden's mom in the face. I guess it is possible they were roleplaying Heroes episodes or Hayden's mom was comparing her husband Alan to Mario Lopez again.
Whatever the reason, Alan wins the a-hole of the day award. He is currently being held on $50,000 bail. Wonder if Hayden will bail him out.