Guess He Doesn't Like Fake Breasts
Some guy from Ventura County California has crashed his car into the locked gates of the Playboy Mansion twice in the past week. He was arrested and released last week, and this week fled before police got there. No one knows why he has been doing it, but I have my theories. See, this is a guy who has been a long time subscriber, and like Santa Claus he thought all the breasts he had enjoyed over the past twenty years were real. When someone told him they were fake, he went ballistic.
Or, maybe he is trying to get to Holly Madison to tell her to stop wasting her time. Another possibility is that lesbian AC/DC cover band needs a new lead singer and so he was trying to get Kendra.
A final possibility could be that he just likes to test out the bumpers on his truck and picks a new gate to crash into each week.