Friday, August 29, 2008

Four For Friday

#1 - So what do you do if you are a C list actor from film and television with B+ name list recognition. You have been through several marriages, one of them extremely high profile, and have suffered through battles with drugs and alcohol and are apparently losing them again. Why, you go on sets and badger co-stars, former co-stars and others to buy Amway or whatever the hell they are calling themselves now. Our actor specializes in victimizing people with bit parts who don't want to upset him and possibly get fired so invariably buy things.

#2 & 3 - Some new information about one of the bigger breakups of the year. It was an A list actor and a wannabe. Apparently the A list actor found out that the wannabe had stopped taking birth control. He found this out when she told him she might be pregnant. Apparently he felt that her purposefully not taking the pill in order to get pregnant violated a rule and showed her the curb.

#4 - This A list actor who had some serious health and emotional issues last year, but was allegedly on the straight and narrow either doesn't care or had a huge slip over the weekend. At the same party that brought us two blinds from yesterday, our actor managed to consume almost an entire bottle of vodka all by himself. Sweet and very quiet was how the spy described him.


  1. #2 & #3: How can anybody not guess it is a wannabe actor called George Cloony and this big star, Sarah Arson?

  2. #1 - Tom Arnold

    #2 - 3 Cloonster and the porn star

    #4 - poor Owen Wilson, that girl really wrecked him, didn't she?

  3. Dayum, Blondie!! Tom Arnold is a GREAT guess for #1 -- Good job!

    And I agree with Cloonster and Owen Wilson as well. Well done straight out of the gate.

  4. 1. Not sure but sounds just like one of my ex-husbands.

    2. Definitely George Clooney and Sarah.

    3. Sure sounds like Owen.

  5. damn, sara f'ed that up. a bird in one hand is better than two trapped in a bush.

  6. I think Amway International is now Quixtar. Those people are nasty pieces of work.It's like Scientology without Xenu. I've got some family members involved and I no longer speak to them due to their "tactics".

  7. #1. def Tom Arnold, think i already heard about this

  8. Tom is an awesome guess for #1

    #2 is an obvious George & Sarah

    #3 Owen fits

    Good job Blondie

  9. 2 & 3 Didn't Sarah even tell Clooney's family that she was going to have a baby? I wonder if she actually got pregnant or if he dumped her for trying. Either way, it was against their agreement.

  10.'re good Blondie!

    how sad...I thought Tom had his problems licked. For some reason I've always wanted to root for the guy...maybe because he had to put up with Roseanne!

    Makes a lot of sense on the Clooney thing now-but she's probably ticked off he found out before she got the job done!

    Poor Owen is right...seems like no one is able to save him from himself-can't blame the girl though-he's a big boy and needs to fix his problems on his own. Sad.

  11. Wow I was going to say Don Johnson for #1, but I think blondie was right with Tom Arnold.

  12. Lainey had a blind about George & Sarah. Didn't believe it then, don't believe it now. Why? Because there's no way in hell George hasn't been snipped. He's been very vocal about not wanting kids and some broad would have nailed him by now if he still had swimmers.

    Okay, that said, she did eff up something fierce to be shoved out the door that quickly - especially on the heels of the PR campaign conducted on her behalf.

    Maybe someday we will find out what she did.

  13. Shown. Shown, not showed. oops

  14. except for tom arnold (i was clueless) you took the words right out of my fingertips. i like the easy days sometimes, makes me feel good.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. the thing i read about george and sarah is that george is very generous with the people who work for him and sarah was cutting their bonuses and acting like they worked for her behind his back. did anyone else read that?

  17. re george - i just read he hit some woman's car in a fender bender and he said he'd pay the bill and asked for the information on the garage she was taking it to. when she got there she found a brand new model of her car with a note from him apologizing again for the mishap.

    i wish he'd hit my car.

  18. " Because there's no way in hell George hasn't been snipped. He's been very vocal about not wanting kids and some broad would have nailed him by now if he still had swimmers."

    You don't get it, do you? It's that she is trying to force him to marry her with a pregnancy. Doesn't matter that he can't get her pregnant. She's a bitch and he dumped her. Doesn't matter that she will never be pregnant.

  19. Sarah had no manners and was a stripper from Vegas, someone who will eventually end up on Rock of Love 5. He liked her because no one knew her. She then made herself very well known, forced him to pay for her breast implants. Then she announced that she got them, making him look like a bad guy for forcing his gal get breast implants to satisfy him.

    She was long overdue to go.

  20. #2--Clooney and Larsen.

    I agree that he's probably been snipped, but I bet he doesn't tell any of his gf's about it. Larsen probably thought she was being clever, but she just proved she's a moron. She overplayed her hand by thinking she'd tamed him and could bring up the possibility of pregnancy. He knew she couldn't be, but she didn't. Probably still doesn't know.

    Clooney's no fool. He's not going to get caught out.

  21. I like the Tom Arnold, Clooney/Stripper and Owen guesses.

    Those Quixtar people are advertising on TV now! My former boss got into it and also got a colleague into it. They used to sit around and talk about what they were going to do when they became millionaires. LOL.

    Back in the 70s my mom used to buy Shaklee stuff and it was pretty good. That stuff still around?

  22. Without even looking a y'all's guesses--

    #2's gotta be Clooney & Sarah. but you know, I SWEAR I always thought Georgie Boy was gay.

    and #3's gotta be Owen Wilson.

    But no idea about #1 yet.

    BTW, Amway is now called "Quixtar" in the US, according to their TV commercials.

  23. damn job, late again.

    1- tom arnold- agreed
    2- the cloon and robogirl
    3- Owen that sad sack.

  24. Well it's always nice to see that we're all on or close to the same wavelength!

    Sad about Tom Arnold. Pyramid schemes freak me out. Like fundamental religions, they make my skin crawl.

    OT, I saw a recent pic of Roseanne and she looked pretty.

  25. Jamie's Girl: No need to be rude.

    My point is that I don't believe the blind; I think it is speculation only. I don't believe there was a pregnancy scare. I don't believe she tried to trick him with pregnancy.

    However, I do believe she did something equally stupid and look forward to learning about it someday.

    Now... if we're going to get really technical, you can see the scars from the snip. Anyone here not believe that she spent a lot of time in his crotch area?

    Also, she wasn't a stripper. She was a waitress AND a promo girl. The questionable part is the promo agency she worked for. These promo agencies are a dime a dozen in Las Vegas because of the convention business and our company has employed 'Booth Babes' a million times. However, it has been alleged that these girls at this particular agency would go further if the price was right. No proof on that one, though.

  26. should specify that 'go further' mean prostitution.

  27. Molly, I didn't read the bit about Sarah interfering with bonuses etc., but find that one hard to believe. How could she possibly cut bonuses? A business manager or accountant wouldn't take direction from her.

  28. its so nice when we all agree

  29. ms, i don't know, but it also said she insisted she was going to be mrs. clooney soon and they were to take direction from her.

    if i can find it, i'll post the link. you may not believe it, but you may find it interesting reading anyways.

  30. @Ms: Not sure you could see his "snip scars"; my tubal ligaion scars are long gone. They were tiny to begin with, and the cream i was given to minimize scarring made them extremely pale inside a month. Within a year, I could no longer locate them, and no one ever asked me about them, so they were apparently gone. If he had his done when he was young, his may be long gone as well.

  31. That was to have been "tubal ligation."

  32. Hey Molly, wouldn't surprise me to learn she didn't know her place. I can't see her messing with financial matters, but can definitely envision her behaving like Queen of the Manor.

    Binkym - I've had a tubal ligation too, 16 years ago, and my scar is still visible. Everyone heals differently.

    That said, even if his scars have faded, I doubt he would withhold this info from a girlfriend.

    Snipped or not, I think pregnancy entrapment is amateur hour and Sarah is much more savvy than that. Or at least she was... she effed up, but I don't think it was by trying to get knocked up.

  33. ms, i can see her being mz bitch, too.

    i googled and found nothing but story after story saying he dumped her ass for cheating on him. why does that make me laugh?

  34. Molly, that makes me giggle too. Neither one of them are saying a word and the rumour mill is working overtime.

  35. #4 We just passed the 1-yr anniversary of Owen's "incident." Bummer that he is still self-medicating. He's gonna succeed with what he failed at last year at this rate.

    #2 George Clooney is a self absorbed poseur. He and Sarah deserved each other.

  36. did anyone else notice this news about owen came out after kate hudson went back to him again? bitch needs to keep her big hot mess self in her own back yard.

  37. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Ladies, ladies, its okay to mis-spell around here! We only turn into the Grammar Police if someone is being an asshole. ;-)

  38. I agree with Blondie...great guesses! What I am curious about is what party was everyone at? Was Owen Wilson at the 90210 premiere party or was it a different party?

    I totally could see Sarah Larson trying to trap George Clooney...she seems extremely fame hungry. I also think that George Clooney would keep it under his hat if he had a vasectomy.

  39. wow, you guys are good. I only got the George Clooney and Sarah Larson guess.

    I think I read about her trying to withold money from George's employees too.

  40. Damn, EL is way late with the Clooney BI. Lainey NAILED this one when it happened. She had this info within a couple days of the breakup. That apparently Sarah was dropping "oops, I forgot to take my pill" statements a couple times but then the fatal blow was she called HIS parents and started hinting that they might become grandparents. George saw that as the ultimate violation and literally on the spot made her pack her bags and leave his mansion immediately and never looked back.

    Stupid whore blew the chance of a lifetime cause Lainey said he'd hoped to keep her around for awhile until this went down. She'd have spent the summer in Lake Como in designer duds with celeb guests if she hadn't gone too far. Now she's gone back to being a nobody in Vegas.

    Stupid stupid girl.

    And #4 has got to be Owen Wilson.

  41. Anonymous4:57 PM

    I want to know what party had these all these celebs obvs not hayden's bday. Who all was at Trump's bash?

  42. Yeah, Lainey had that blind a while ago. I just don't buy this scenario for the break up.

  43. regarding 2 & 3--it doesn't say that she accused him of being the father-just that she may be pregnant. What if it was Clooney/Larson, but a different possible father? If some of us are right about him being gay, & she was hired help, maybe being with someone else & possibly being pregnant was out of contract. Just a thought...

  44. Remember when ENT posted the notice that Sarah was in San Diego pregnant? And then no comments after that. Nothing.

    And do you remember the anonymous phone messages Clooney got advising him the dump the beyotch? Shortly thereafter she was dumped. This appeared in the New Yorker and other news thereafter.

    Poor Owen. Makes sense that he gave up his loud "Butterscotch Stallion" ways and then quietly took to the bottle with little fanfare.

  45. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Ali Larter , Hayden Panettiere , Ivanka Trump and Kate Walsh and more were all in NYC for Nakheel Party Launch for Trump International Hotel and Tower Dubai at The Park Avenue Plaza. See the gorgeous pics after the jump

  46. If Tom Arnold is #1, I don't quite understand the last line in that BI. Why would people not want to upset Tom Arnold and cave in to him?

  47. Here it is, from the New Yorker:

    “You haven’t heard the message we had?” Clooney asked Sarah Larson, when they were sitting on the sofa in L.A. “It’s about you, you know.”

    She was a little taken aback. “What?” she said. “What?”

    “It’s right here. Listen to this.” He stood up and tried to make the telephone give up its voicemail.

    Someone had repeatedly called on his private line, and had then left an odd message. “It’s not a prank—none of my friends would do that,” Clooney said. He found the right switch, and we heard a calm, middle-aged male voice: “Dude, your friends asked me to give you a message: Dump the bitch before you’re sorry.”

    After a moment’s pause, Larson said, “ ‘Before you’re sorry’?”

    “ ‘Before you’re sorry,’ ” Clooney said, with a laugh. “ ‘Dump the bitch before you’re sorry.’ ” The message was perhaps fan mail of a perverse kind, from a Clooney admirer in some way disappointed with Larson—for being young, or for being a non-celebrity and therefore an interloper. Or it might have been a wrong number. Larson was not aghast, but she did not seem quite comfortable, either. Clooney, though, was punchy, seeming to accept the voicemail as no more than a test of his good humor: a chance to reconfirm his efficient, uncomplaining handling of the complications of a public life.

    He said that, with the help of his police-officer driver, the number had been traced to a pre-paid cell phone. Now they were trying to find out if the suspect had paid by credit card. But—Clooney laughed—“there are certain laws that, you know, that are applicable.” And then, to Larson: “It’s wild, isn’t it? Isn’t that interesting?”

    “Yeah,” Larson said.

  48. Anonymous5:40 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Grace, if the ex was knocked up, don't you think we'd know about it by now? She's been at events recently and appears to still be very slim. Gold diggers don't get abortions.

  50. I agree, ms., but ENT put it up there and never posted a retraction. Wierd.

    OH NO -- she would NEVER do anything but have the baby if she had been pregnant! You don't say no to the jackpot.

    Sarah goofed up her dream ticket to an A+ list life big time.

  51. Yup, Grace. Totally agree with you. She goofed up big time.

    Ent never posts retractions to his speculations. Or if he does, none come to mind.

  52. 1. This one just screamed Alec Baldwin to me. I know I wouldn't want to piss HIM off.

    2. Clooney, of course.

    4. Not sure, but i don't think Owen is A list...

  53. Anonymous6:17 PM

    #2 - At the same party, these two related celebutantes shared a few joints with their bad girl hero. Of course the bad girl hero is now about 15 years removed from her height of fame, but hey, she has another chance again starting next week. I'm trying to think if the trio have slept with any of the same people.

    Melania Trump, Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump and Vanessa Trump

    Here is an early Christmas present for everyone: (According to Donald, although Forbes has a lower estimate) The six billion dollar Trumps! The rumor on the red carpet was that Demi Moore was paid $300,000 to show up and look good, which she more than fulfilled! In addition to Demi, the Zac Posen black and white dress came wearing a beautiful Naomi Watts, and the slim, sexy and super-sophisticated Heidi Klum always has a way of taking a party to a whole new level!

  54. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Jim Belushi for 4?

    Sightings:: Hilary Swank, Aaron Eckhardt, P. Diddy, Wayne Gretzsky, Adrian Grenier, Tom Arnold, Jim Belushi, Hayden Panetierre, Omarosa, Tracey Edmonds and Pete Wentz. (These are just the ones we actually spied but there were more.)

  55. Anonymous7:20 PM

    The long black limo list includes Hilary Swank, Russell Crowe, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Orlando Bloom, Hayden Panettiere, Ali Larter, Brent Bolthouse, Aaron Eckhart (Harvey "Two Face" in "Dark Knight"), Kate Walsh, HBO honcho Colin Callendar, Wolfgang Puck, and more. Heidi Klum, Naomi Watts and Demi Moore turned out for the NY version June 23.

  56. Ali Larter = the spy

  57. Demi was quite the bad party girl in the 80's... good call. I can well imagine her being a hero to Trump offspring since she is *the* female who got the younger babe. It still creeps me out that Rumer had posters of him on her wall. That is uber icky!

  58. 1. I was gonna say William Shatner but really like the Tom Arnold GUess.

    2. & 3. George Clooney and Sarah Larson.

    4. Poor Owen. Kate Hudson will do that to am person

  59. Maybe she claimed that she was pregnant and certain that it was his, and he then informed her how that just isn't possible due to him being snipped. Sorry, I wouldn't put past the girl to just get randomly knocked up and then try to play it off like that.

    Stupid girl should have done her golddigger homework.

  60. If anyone tried to say Clooney fathered a child, they'd be crazy he had a vasectomy when he was divorced.

    If someone was screwing a media mogul it was to jump from a man who was going to put you out to pasture and hope you could find a golden ticket with a man who can produce a child, while enjoying the good life that Clooney could provide. Boy did all that back fire, she's damaged goods now.

    Clooney really, really did have a himself fixed way back when. Never wanted kids, even when he was young.

  61. Wasnt Owen in Hawaii hanging out with Harrelson the same night this party occured? Said he was in the process of purchasing a 100% efficient green home next to Woody's.

    Ya, and I wouldn't be pushed into buying anything by Tom Arnold either. Has to be someone big and ugly or stupid and dangerous.

    Has to be Clooney. A listers don't publicly date wannabe's. At least no one has recently. George did, tho.

  62. Wow, you all figured these out quickly.

    Ayesha - Shaklee is still around. I have some relatives involved it. I buy/sell their stuf occasstionally. But, I get annoyed w/ the family b/c I feel like they are only interested in seeing me/calling me if it's related to their Shaklee business. They are doing very well with it, though.

  63. #2 & 3 - Definitely Clooney since I saw the same exact thing elsewhere (ohnotheydidnt I think?).

    #4 - I feel terrible for him. Owen would make sense, but the A list requirement has me doubtful. I've loved that guy ever since reading the Rushmore screenplay, so I'd be especially sad if it was him.

  64. VH1 just got through playing a mini The Time marathon and I thought of you, Ent.

    "Grace, if the ex was knocked up, don't you think we'd know about it by now? She's been at events recently and appears to still be very slim. Gold diggers don't get abortions."

    That's pretty simple to explain:

    1. Sarah Larson is an idiot.
    2. She got off birth control to get pregnant, but was fooling around with other people so she got knocked up by someone else.
    3. George called her out on it because he's had a vasectomy.
    4. Since the baby can't bring a payday (she may not have even known who the actual father was) she got an abortion.

    I assumed all of this the last time Ent did a post about her and said we'd probably never hear from her again. I think around that time she had a little bump, the kind where you can't tell if a person is pregnant or if it's just a funky camera angle/pouffy top/a little bloat. It's one of the reasons I don't care too much for pregnancy blinds because it ain't nothing but a thing for a celeb to get an abortion and deny, deny, deny.

  65. Gayla, good call. Your guess sounds way crazy, but this IS Hollywood, after all.

    And it always amazes me how many actresses have so-called miscarriages; certainly they have more than the national average.

    Anyway, Clooney dumped Sarah very quickly either because of the pregnancy ploy or the anonymous guy who told him to dump her. It had to have been something that would have affected Clooney personally, not some "bad girl" story that may have come out about her. The pregnancy thing works.

  66. this kid from school, Nick Winkler started a whole quixtar/amway/pyramid scam and started it by coldcalling people from the yearbook. A few people fell for it, I guess.
    A woman started talking to me at Target and tried to get me started...I was like "Umm isn't Amway illegal?"

    Some kids from school started a whole myspace and facebook thing against Nick. I didn't know him well, but he was our class president. Hes all rich now, apparently. :\

    but i agree with TA GC/SL and OW for these

  67. sorry folks, getting snipped is a selling point for getting ladies in the sack..she surely knew..don't trust Lainey.. she was terribly wrong about their relationship which was over in March and has printed a lot of garbage since then. The phone nonsense was a set up conveniently revealed just as a reporter shows up (puleeeze)..he didn't toss her to the was a long time coming, and the 'surprise' is just her way of keeping her name connected to his..

  68. If the relationship was over in March, why did Clooney bring her to the NYC costume gala in May?

  69. The relationship was "officially" over on May 28th, when it was announced.

    The costume gala was in early May.

    Their relationship obviously ended somewhere inbetween.

  70. CDAN, July 7, 2008:

    So, on Friday night in Vegas, Sarah Larson was supposed to be at the opening of Christian Audigier's nightclub there, which is named Christian Audiegier. Small penis anyone?

    Anyway, Sarah Larson, the former girlfriend of George ClooneyGeorge Clooney who this weekend said it is really hard work to look sexy 24 hours a day, was at one point supposed to be the new face of Christian Audiegier's clothing line. I don't know if this was contingent on her putting out or a breast reduction or what, but I do know she was supposed to be in Vegas on Friday.

    Well, lo and behold Sarah wasn't there. Nope. Instead she was in San Diego hiding out and instead of getting ready to be the new face of small penis dude, she instead is sitting in San Diego pregnant. I know, I know it does seem kind of odd that she would first get pregnant at all, and then second, that it would be that quick. I mean how heartbroken could she be if she is already knocked up with some guy's baby, and third, it isn't exactly like job offers are everywhere so you would think she would keep this one. I mean come on. The guy has a nightclub named after him. Those always work don't they? I mean just ask Paris HiltonParis Hilton . Oh, what? Oh, it's closing. Didn't know that. Well, lets just pretend I didn't write that last sentence and speculate as to why Sarah didn't show up where the money is.

    Oh, unless she is pregnant by someone good or involved in a Verne Troyer 3some, I think this is the last of Sarah Larson.

  71. Regarding the vasectomy scars, do a GIS, they are really tiny and disappear in the folds of the skin.

  72. Awesome comment, BrendaLove. :)

    #1 makes me think of the movie "Go." There's an absolutely hysterical scene with a couple pushing Amway.

    Owen was in AA and rehab within a couple of years of arriving in Hollywood, so this has nothing to do with Kate. I think she actually did everything she could to get him to cut back on the drugs and drinking. As an Owen fan, I rag on her, but the truth is they were equally to blame for the problems in their relationship. Depression and addictive behavior seem to run in the Wilson family, although as far as I know, Andrew is pretty stable. It makes me very sad. :'(

    Trivia of the day: The Wilson papa ran a public television station in Texas, and he was responsible for bringing the Monty Python show to the U.S. Go Wilsons!!!

  73. Grace, my comment was about Kelliknows post about them breaking up in march.

    btw, Sarah isn't gone. She made the news a week or two ago for hosting a party at a Vegas club. She's gonna ride this wave as long as she can.

  74. I know it was end of very good resource..after getting her modeling gigs, it was planned well in advance that he take her to be seen at the fashion thing..they arrived and left was 'announced' at the time he was leaving the country, thus evading any questions of why she wasn't going w/ me on's gold...

  75. Kelliknows: I get what you are saying. He probably agreed to help her 'launch' her career as a model. It was a deal brokered, as she was a gold digger. Clooney is a gentleman about things, because he doesn't like to get dirty with women. Makes him appear less than gracious.

    If she were pregnant, it cut her own throat, as there is no way Clooney would get anyone pregnant. He would know she is screwing around.

  76. KelliKnows, you make a good argument.. except that they arrived together at fashion event (same car) and were on the red carpet together too. Not to say they didn't split like you said, but not all the facts are accurate. I can see the split being managed. Only thing that is an issue is the anonymous voicemail that Clooney played for the reporter. That happened when... April? I can't see Sarah going along with that.

  77. one more question - why did they break up?

  78. the phone call was before the oscars, not in april..isn't it a little odd to play it for her when there's a reporter there? it was a lot of nothing.,.they arrived in NY seperately, and left VERY seperately..she was not in la w/ his 'people' said they had little in next to nothing.
