DNfromMN - Movie Review - Tropic Thunder
This is DNfromMN's last move review. He is moving to an area of the country that doesn't have advance screenings. Although I have told him privately many times, I just want to also take the time to thank him here in front of everyone and hope you will do the same. No one asked him to do to the reviews. Sure, he loves films, but to have to sit there and pay attention and take notes and then write it up is not something he had to do. I'm really grateful for all of his hard work on them and I hope you are as well.
Release Date: 8/15/08
The Story: Action Star who wants to be taken seriously (Ben Stiller), Comedian (Jack Black), multiplatform rap artist (Brandon T. Jackson – who?), the Oscar-winning actor who dyed his skin black to play a black man(Robert Downey Jr.), and the Up-and-Comer (Jay Baruchel from Knocked Up) are teamed up to film the story of a Vietnam no-man-left-behind mission. When the film’s finances may get pulled, the director (Steve Coogan) throws his team of actors into a real situation to film the movie guerilla-style. That is, until the real guerillas show up.
The movie starts with some fake previews to introduce the characters. Apparently gay jokes are still funny. At least the audience I was with found them funny. And some of them were (when someone goes into great detail what gay acts he would perform to achieve something, that’s funny. Calling a movie about a priest who struggles with being gay “Satan’s Alley” – GLAAD will be calling.) Don’t worry, I’m not ruining all of the gay jokes… maybe 25% of them.
Personal irritation aside, the movie’s funny. I was laughing through much of it.
Robert Downey, Jr. gives a second memorable performance this year. Yes, in blackface, and yes, he talks in a meesuh-yessur Jar-Jar-Binks kind of voice. I think the point is to shock, but it comes full circle, and is salvageable.
Jack Black is still stuck playing Jack Black, but for some reason, he wasn’t as distracting as I’ve found him in the last few movies I’ve seen him in. He is a supporting character in this, and I think that helped.
Brandon T Jackson – where’d this kid come from, and I can’t wait to see his next movie.

The one that surprised me though, was our favorite shirtless wonder, Matthew McConaughey as Ben Stiller’s agent. Honestly, he made me laugh every time he was on screen. Far more interesting than Ari Gold, in my opinion.
The other notable performance is something that might be spoiled in other reviews, but I will only hint at. The actor who plays the author of “Tropic Thunder” is so spot on perfect, that when you see him/hear him at first, you’re thinking, ‘No way. Too perfect.’ Note: this is not that A-list scientoloass you saw walking around in a fat suit last year, that guy plays a variation of past characters, and while good, just wasn’t as impressive.
What It’s Worth: $8.00. As much as I liked it, it also bothered me. There were things that were great, and things that were awful. I wouldn’t recommend it to everyone. However, if you like any of the people in it, it’s worth seeing. (At the screening I went to, the final reel was missing, so I don’t know how it actually ends. They tried to fix it, but started up the film from the beginning again. And I didn’t like it enough to sit through it a 2nd time.)
Release Date: 8/15/08
The Story: Action Star who wants to be taken seriously (Ben Stiller), Comedian (Jack Black), multiplatform rap artist (Brandon T. Jackson – who?), the Oscar-winning actor who dyed his skin black to play a black man(Robert Downey Jr.), and the Up-and-Comer (Jay Baruchel from Knocked Up) are teamed up to film the story of a Vietnam no-man-left-behind mission. When the film’s finances may get pulled, the director (Steve Coogan) throws his team of actors into a real situation to film the movie guerilla-style. That is, until the real guerillas show up.
The movie starts with some fake previews to introduce the characters. Apparently gay jokes are still funny. At least the audience I was with found them funny. And some of them were (when someone goes into great detail what gay acts he would perform to achieve something, that’s funny. Calling a movie about a priest who struggles with being gay “Satan’s Alley” – GLAAD will be calling.) Don’t worry, I’m not ruining all of the gay jokes… maybe 25% of them.
Personal irritation aside, the movie’s funny. I was laughing through much of it.
Robert Downey, Jr. gives a second memorable performance this year. Yes, in blackface, and yes, he talks in a meesuh-yessur Jar-Jar-Binks kind of voice. I think the point is to shock, but it comes full circle, and is salvageable.
Jack Black is still stuck playing Jack Black, but for some reason, he wasn’t as distracting as I’ve found him in the last few movies I’ve seen him in. He is a supporting character in this, and I think that helped.
Brandon T Jackson – where’d this kid come from, and I can’t wait to see his next movie.
The one that surprised me though, was our favorite shirtless wonder, Matthew McConaughey as Ben Stiller’s agent. Honestly, he made me laugh every time he was on screen. Far more interesting than Ari Gold, in my opinion.
The other notable performance is something that might be spoiled in other reviews, but I will only hint at. The actor who plays the author of “Tropic Thunder” is so spot on perfect, that when you see him/hear him at first, you’re thinking, ‘No way. Too perfect.’ Note: this is not that A-list scientoloass you saw walking around in a fat suit last year, that guy plays a variation of past characters, and while good, just wasn’t as impressive.
What It’s Worth: $8.00. As much as I liked it, it also bothered me. There were things that were great, and things that were awful. I wouldn’t recommend it to everyone. However, if you like any of the people in it, it’s worth seeing. (At the screening I went to, the final reel was missing, so I don’t know how it actually ends. They tried to fix it, but started up the film from the beginning again. And I didn’t like it enough to sit through it a 2nd time.)
That's too bad - I've based a lot of my choices on your opinion DN! You are very observant and most witty. Thanks for sharing your time. :)
ReplyDeleteAnd I was actually waiting & hoping you'd review this movie. lol
Thanks from me. I enjoyed your reviews very much.
ReplyDeleteBoo, I am so sad you are leaving Minnesnowda. :( I like having Enty fans close by. I have loved your reviews, and will miss them, but I expect you will continue to give us your wit and writing talent in the comments. :)
ReplyDeleteI will definitely avoid spoilers, I love a great unexpected cameo!
I've been nervous about the humor in this movie, and it sounds like there's reason to be. I think it's good to push the limits of pc-ness through comedy, but it's such a fine line to walk, and I guess it was inevitable that they'd have some failures. I do think Ben Stiller had the best intentions, but we all know where those can lead...
Awww! I love your reviews -- maybe now you can do more of a "re-hash" after the films are already out. :) Good luck with the move!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see this movie. Ijust seems dumb enough where I would like it...*L*
ReplyDeleteAnd, dn, thanks for your reviews, they've been great! Good luck with your move.
I've enjoyed your reviews and they'll be missed. Good luck in your new locale.
ReplyDeleteI wasn't going to see this movie but after your review I will. The previous reviews to movies were spot on. Thank you!
Thanks all. It's been fun. (Thanks Enty for the space!)
ReplyDeleteI just saw this movie last night. And I'm going to have to disagree with you. Perhaps you would have enjoyed it more if you had seen the end?
ReplyDeleteIt was hillarious. I haven't laughed that much at a movie in a long time.
The actors were all perfect for their roles. Well cast, well acted.
I'm a very girly girl and usually prefer chick flicks, classics, drama, romance, etc.
I didn't find the gay jokes all that offensive. As a good little church girl, I do agree that "Satan's Alley" took things a bit far, but to me it was such a small part of the movie that I could overlook it.
just seeing RDJ posing in the movie posters cracks me up... that guy's got a knack for not taking himself too seriously