DMX Has Way With Words
I once had a client who got arrested four times over a two week period. He was trying to raise money and so was taking a few more chances than he normally would. As a result, got busted a bunch. I thought his record would stand, but honestly, DMX has been arrested so many times over the past few months and has been to so many hearings, arraignments, courthouses and jails, that I don't know where he is at half the time. Oh, I know he is in jail, but there are so many to choose from at this point, that it is tough to decide. This is a guy who had everything going for him. Music, films, everything. Now, it is all going to slowly slip through his fingers like water. Between attorney fees, lawsuits, and no time to make any money, he is going to be just another guy we will remember.
I will say this about DMX though, he certainly has a way with words when it comes to judges. Apparently he decided that courtrooms were a great place to drop a F-bomb. Lucky for all of us, it was filmed.
I will say this about DMX though, he certainly has a way with words when it comes to judges. Apparently he decided that courtrooms were a great place to drop a F-bomb. Lucky for all of us, it was filmed.