David Duchovny Enjoys Sex
Actually I guess the headline is wrong, because a true sex addict wouldn't really enjoy the sex act because he would always be thinking about the next time and the next time. Michael Douglas found the key to dealing with sex addiction is finding someone 30 years younger than you who will literally maim him and then kill him if he cheats. You think it is the money in the pre-nup? Hell no. If he wanted he could make that in a year or two of working. It is Catherine Zeta Jones and what she has said to him, or the way she cuts carrots. All I know is that Michael has been meek and in a corner since she came into his life.
Eric Benet? Please. He probably is still screwing everything he can find. I'm not sure he is actually an addict. I think he might just be a dog. There is a difference. Take for an example, someone who has not admitted to being a sex addict, like Peter Cook. I mean come on. $40,000 a year on porn is a sex addict. He may not have called himself one, but it's what he is. Sex addiction was not as prevalent before the internet. There were just as many, but it was much harder to "use." The internet is like crack to sex addicts.
A sex addict goes through a 12 step program just like AA, and so even though it is sex, and I think a lot of married guys, use it as an excuse when busted, I have to give David Duchovny the benefit of the doubt. That being said, I wouldn't make fun of him if he went in for drug addiction and I won't make fun of him just because his addiction is sex. Now, not making light of his situation does not preclude me from revealing some blind items he was in which deal with his sex issues. I just need to read through them first because some involve other people as well.