Monday, August 11, 2008

Daily Mirror Blind Item

Which rapper is worrying pals with his camp requests? He's started waxing his private parts and now wants eyeliner and powder puffs......


  1. Powder-Puff Daddy Diddy Piddly Widdly?

  2. He's not a rapper is he?? What is he? A producer, impresario, mogul type thingie?

  3. Kanye Pain in the Ass? He's the only rapper I can think of other than Snoop and I don't want to picture that, thanks.

  4. Will Smith?

    Again, it's the DM, so it could very well be a non-US artist.

  5. ... *the "white" cRapper aka "Em"-IN-ANU$*.

  6. Wasn't there something about Diddy's waxed balls a while back? Can't rmember if it was a Blind, or from one of his Youtube rantings.

  7. Diddy was raving about how he waxes, but not sure if he would still be called a rapper.

  8. im going with Kanye after his "open your fucking minds" speech last week. maybe he's just prepping the masses.

  9. Rumor has it that lots of rappers are on the down low so I'll need some more clues.

  10. I think the ball-waxing is a hint.
    Diddy did have some press in the last couple of months about how he likes to stay hair-free down there.

  11. Anonymous1:10 PM

    That dude that wants everyone to use baby wipes when they poop.

    Guess what? I took his advice and now I use baby wipes when I poop. And I highly recommend it. But I still can't believe I took a rapper's advice about ANYTHING.

  12. Blove- it only takes one wipe to relize what you missed don't it?? has the flushable kind next to the TP. godsend.

    you're thinking Terrance Howard, who aside from Hustle n Flow does not rap for a living.

  13. this is ditty. he said that he considers ball waxing to be an event, with candles and soft music and wine or some weird shit. lol, this guy is gayer than clay aiken. for sure.

  14. p.s. jax, i love your new picture. are those your TOES flipping the middle finger, er toe?! awesome.

  15. My sister and I keep saying we're going to buy some baby wipes and "make the adjustment" just to see what the hell Terrance's fuss is all about, but we haven't gotten around to it yet.

  16. They are a must when you're freshly dating and want to impress...

    ...the wipes, that is, not the waxing and powderpuffing.

  17. This is beyond metrosexual, and yes, Diddy did admit to liking a hair-free zone down there.

    However, Lainey Gossip hinted that Kanye was coming out with his own reality show because may he was .... "coming out"????
