Friday, August 22, 2008

Da Brat Is Da Gone

It's jail for Da Brat. You remember last year when she hit a waitress with a rum bottle because the waitress wasn't attracted to her? Well, Da Brat plead guilty to aggravated assault yesterday and was sentenced to three years in jail, seven years of probation, and just for good measure 200 hours of community service.

This to me, is one of the worst deals I have seen in a really long time. She plead guilty to this. This was her deal. This was the best she could get? Oh, and don't forget the lawsuit the waitress filed against Da Brat and also against the club which is owned by Jermaine Dupri.

Now, even though the waitress worked for the club and was bleeding and in serious trouble that night, the club refused to kick out Da Brat.

Wow. This is the longest sentence I have seen for something like this in a long time. I am all for celebrities standing up and taking their punishment, and I think Da Brat should be praised for that at least, but it seems excessive. You are basically talking ten years and ten million dollars or so. People who murder people don't always serve that much time.

I know, I know, I am usually really strong for victims, and I am here as well. I mean, the waitress was an aspiring actress and is permanently scarred on her face. Got it, but it just seems excessive. Maybe I am just being more lenient because it is Friday.


  1. Agreed--it does seem rather harsh when you compare it to all the other 20 minutes of jail time that has been given out.
    However, the moral of the story is don't assault someone with a bottle & not expect consequences.
    She may have been made an example of, but she could have killed this waitress by slicing an artery or something.

  2. the woman was seriously injured she could have been killed. i love this judge.

  3. Anonymous10:28 AM

    She could've killed that woman. I don't think there is anything wrong with the sentence.

    If she had just say, punched the woman, it probably wouldn't have been such a strict punishment. A bottle is a potentially deadly weapon.

  4. I think the sentence is appropriate, I just think the short sentences for those who kill should be longer.

  5. about fucking time, that bitch has been nothing but trouble hence Da Brat name. maybe she wil learn to control herself in the slammer.

  6. Don't want to start a fight or anything, but there's no way she would've gotten that sentence if she were white.

  7. girls got anger management issues she's not getting help with and if she wasn't getting this kind of sentence should could kill someone. why wait until that happens?

    i don't know mooshki. lately it seems like judges are not messing around with going light on women regardless of their race.

  8. thats cuz you'll never find a drunk white women willing to part with a bottle of Mailbu. trust.

  9. So she should have gotten the Naomi Campbell treatment?

    She lost control, broke the law and ruined someone's career. Not to mention she could have killed that woman very easily.

    Sounds about right to me. You gotta take your lumps.

  10. So I guess Mariah went ahead and married a dude since her main squeeze is going to the big house for awhile.

  11. Dumb question alert:

    What exactly is probation?

    When Ent says this is ten years lost, are the 7 on probation really that bad? I always thought probation just consisted of meeting with some dude once a month to make sure you aren't doing anything illegal. Is there more to it than that?

  12. So I guess Mariah went ahead and married a dude since her main squeeze was headed to the big house for a while.

  13. selena what are you talking about? i must have missed that.

    marisa, yeah you have to report but if you do anything wrong to break the law or violate probation you're in jail.

  14. ent- you mean three years in PRISON not jail, right?

    if this happened in la central i'm shocked, but anywhere else the three is probably reflective of the severity of the injury, no?

    that's typically how you end up with a three year term on something like this.

  15. Considering it seems like it wasn't just a simple lashing out, but in fact a deliberate "I'm going to break this bottle across your pretty face because you won't go out with me" act, I say she deserves every single day of that three years.

  16. And I might add: She's too old for that sh*t. She'll be 35 next year. Maybe the wasted 10 years will help her to catch up to the maturity appropriate to her age!

  17. Maybe it just seems light because most celebs get slaps on the wrist and end up serving one hour of there light sentence. This was a violent crime and she deserves everyday of those three years and Im glad she got probation.

    If someone disfigured my face with a bottle and could have killed me just because I wasn't interested I probably would want more then three years.

  18. Ditto what Kimmi said. Also, Ent, I'm reading this as you being more for Da Trash than for the victim, regardless of what you wrote otherwise. What she did was effed up and selfish.

  19. molly--I thought I read recently in a Blind somewhere that Mariah and DaBrat were an item.

  20. Marisa,

    She actually got a potential 10 year prison sentence. Probation is a term of time after your mandatory jail time when you can still be sentenced back to jail if you violate said probation. Probation terms vary from state to state and case to case. It can consist of holding a mandatory full time job, meeting with counselors, taking random drug tests, meeting with and filling out various paperwork for your probation officer, completing classes and/or your community services requirements on a certain schedule, paying fines on a schedule, etc. So it varies, but if you violate your probabtion, you can be sent back to prison to serve the remaining part of your "probation" in prison. Oh..and you usually can't leave the state without permission from the courts when you are on probation, so no vacations out of state, no relocating, etc. Of course, you can usually get permission to attend funerals, travel for work, seek medical treatment, etc., but it's a pain in the ass and not always guaranteed. Also, most probation standards dictate that you can't be in a bar or other place whose main business is procured by alcohol and if you commit any OTHER crime while on probation, they can yank your probation for the current crime as well.

  21. selena, now that you mention it i remember that, too.

    does this mean brat hit it with mariah, since she didn't hit mariah? ;)

    indigo, i didn't know all of that stuff. sucks to be her.

  22. i think maybe what enty means is compared to other sentences being handed out to celebs, this is heavy handed.
    although, is it just me, or or they harder on the rappers? didn't li'l kim do hard time?
    hey, i only know this stuff because of sites like this.
    i honestly don't know who this person is.
    and isn't EVERY waitress an aspiring actress??
    sorry, i live in SoCal!

  23. She got what she deserved. She scarred the face of an aspiring actress, thereby ruining any chance of pursuing this career.

    Jan... Jan... the chick who played Bailey on WKRP in Cincinnati had a scar on her chin that that prevented her from getting film work.

  24. ms, jan smithers!! she was married to james brolin for a while.

  25. She was a bitch on Celeb Fit Club or Surreal Life or whatever show she was on so I couldn't care less how long she is locked up.

  26. She ruined the face of an Atlanta Falcons cheerleader (who'd been super-cute, not that that should count for anything) and left her with NEUROLOGICAL DAMAGE besides. In my book, that's worse than having killed her. I think she got what she had coming, legally speaking, though if life were fair, someone would have whacked HER with a bottle first, that worthless piece of crap.

  27. I think they were punishing her for being on Celebrity Fit Club *snort*

  28. The bottle makes it "...with a deadly weapon" right? That's why it's so strong a punishment. If she open-palm slapped the lady, it would be anger management counseling and community service. Someone got killed with a bottle in a club in NYC recently at some celeb's birthday. I don't remember which celeb. But, yeah, a bottle can kill someone.

  29. Apparently more serious than we thought. Turns out this was a plea deal as reported almost two weeks ago.

  30. jerry, that means her sentence would have been harsher. glad you posted that. thanks.

  31. I'm with kimi, seems too many of us (ahem...Enty are you reading this?) are so desensitized from the lack of justice served in recent years by celebrities.
    I'm sure there are earlier accounts but start with OJ and continue on to Shia LeBeouf (was he drunk or wasn't he?).
    I hope the tide's turning and regardless of celebrity status, the days of ridiculously lite sentencing and mere wrist slapping for serious and violent crimes are ending.
    Who am I'll never end.
    With fame and fortune comes privilege. Full stop.



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