Tuesday, August 19, 2008

At Least Something Is Real

Victoria Beckham is sending out her lawyer dogs against Now Magazine because they said that she stays slim through the use of pills and her sister smuggles them to Victoria from the UK. Oh sure, what? Our diet pills aren't good enough for you? Have you seen what our diet pills can do for you? Me either. I'm actually scared to take diet pills. I'll eat or drink anything known to man, but for some reason I just won't take a diet pill.

I know it probably will not be worse for me than a Red Bull, but I just have all these stories in my mind of people dying from ephedrine and so, rolling the death dice just to drop a few pounds off a 400 pound frame is just not something that is attractive to me. I mean, if I am going to go that route, I am going to go the coke route. At least if I went the coke route I would feel good, lose weight, have friends while the coke lasted. I would get to meet interesting people, and, I mean, who doesn't love a good nose bleed.

Anyway, Victoria says she is a role model to girls around the world and is hurt by the story. She doesn't want them to think that pills are the way to diet, but getting fake lips and breasts with permanently hard nipples is ok. See, that is what kills me about this. She is offended because she is a role model and doesn't want girls thinking she does it.

"Victoria takes her position as a role model to young women very seriously and is horrified by this hurtful, fabricated story. It is now with her lawyers."

I agree with that. So, why then, does she think that kids won't follow her example and get fake body parts? Has she ever come out against plastic surgery? Has she ever said anything bad about it or explained why she did it? So, she's concerned about a bunch of girls thinking they might take diet pills because she does, but she isn't concerned that she is encouraging girls to think the only way they can get a man is by making their body turn into some kind of anime barbie doll.

I'm sure it makes sense to someone, but not to me.


  1. Anonymous10:49 AM

    lol EL coke is just as bad for your heart as ephedrine. I know you're joking around, but I'm just saying.

    I suppose Victoria thinks its ok if we all emulate her 900 calorie a day diet of edamame and pretzels, but not the diet pills. Self deluded cow.

  2. Those titties look like balloons! I think she downsized them a few months ago though.. they're not as round now.

    I think it's less than 900 calories to be honest.. more like 500 o_O

  3. I KNEW IT! You DID hit 400 after the night out with your dad. Congrats!!!

    I don't know the statistics, but are diet pills less safe than anorexia? She's often talked about how little food she eats, and I think that'd be a far worse example for impressionable girls.

  4. Wow. Her new boobs are like MAJOR!

  5. btw-that before pic shown is actually after alot of facial surgery.
    i've seen earlier photos which are unrecognizable.

  6. Yeah! She doesn't abuse diet pills (ahem), she just starves herself!

    Is she really a role model anymore?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Role model? No. But it is interesting to see her and her husband with their kids doing things as a family.

  9. I certainly hope that this vacuous, worthless, ignorant, greedy waste of space is NOT a role model for ANYONE. She's utterly useless! I hate everything about her, her snotty, constipated expression, her stupid clothes, her overhyped and not even attractive husband (please, someone explain all the hype over David Beckham!)...EVERYTHING. But mainly, I hate how she is the celeb that everyone tells me I look like. What a freaking insult.

    And give me a break, of COURSE she uses pills! You aren't that skinny without something, especially when you were a lot bigger before. Yes, people are truly thin without pills and eating disorders, but this bitch is not one of them. Also, her arrogant attitude, like "Oh, of COURSE little girls look up to me! I'm so great!" is completely disgusting. She has no class, no tact, no humility, no sense of humor, no intelligence, nothing! I cannot find one single thing about her that makes her in any way, shape or form, appealing or worthy to be a role model for anyone. God, I hate her SO MUCH!!! Does anyone like her...really? I would be utterly shocked to find that she has fans, or even people who don't violently hate her guts. She is THAT intolerable.

  10. I gots nothing against fake boobs. As long as they don't look too screwed up, and as long as I don't see scars. :) So yes, I'll take picture #2

  11. She is one of my least favorite celebrities so I have nothing nice to say about her.

  12. She looked SO much better before.
    Somehow I don't imagine her living a long & healthy life with that abuse to her body.

  13. i don't have a prob with her, i thought her lil reality show was good entertainment for an hour...What's Eating Vitoria Beckham was hilariously good for an unauthorized bio.

    i guess i'm not quite as...'passionate' about it as some.

  14. She has the worst tits evah. Eww. I thought her little reality show was kinda funny myself. The dolphin lady killed me! LOL

  15. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Hasn't she denied that she hasn't had worked done on her body. So if she has denied that wouldn't she denied the pills too.

  16. Anonymous12:09 PM

    I actually really like her personality. She should showcase it more. She's funny. I just don't appreciate the double standard.

  17. EL, you're on a rant about everything today! Lay off VB!

  18. She looks greasy and pissed a lot of the time. Or nauseous. Something unhappy and unpleasant.

    Remember the strange bulgy pocket of armpit fat in her Spice reunion costume? Check out the inside of her right arm in Pic #2.

    What is that?

  19. Um...I'm going to sheepishly raise my hand and say that I kind of like her. Don't get me wrong, I'm not deluded enough to think she has talent, nor am I or was I a fan of the Spice Girls.

    But I've seen her in interviews and I watched her reality show and actually found her endearing. I liked the fact that she seems to get her role. She poked fun at herself for her reputation of not eating, and for not smiling (I've read she doesn't smile because she thinks her smile is ugly - I just kind of find that sad).

    Would I ever call her a role model? hahaha, no. But I do find her entertaining and after watching her show kind of wanted to be her best friend a little bit. I like that she seems very aware of her public image and can laugh at it. I also kind of respect that she seems to get that this fame and fortune thing is fleeting. I get the impression she is simply trying to rack up as much $$$ as she can now because she gets that it's fleeting and is shrewd enough to know that the money they make now needs to last the rest of their lives.

    Now, were I to have a daughter who came up to me and was all, "mommy, I want to look like Posh when I grow up," perhaps I would take more issue with her.

  20. Meh, I don't have anything major against her. My kids have never HEARD of her, so no role model worries here. I don't appreciate her double standard, though, that surgery is okey dokey but dontchu take pills!!1

  21. I like her too. I thought her show was entertaining and I enjoyed her book.

    Personally, I don't see a thing wrong with her having had plastic surgery yet also saying she would never touch diet pills and then adding that as a role model (which she no doubt is to a number of girls somewhere) she wouldn't want to give girls the wrong idea... After all, diet pills are easy to find, easy to abuse and can easily cause some major health problems, whereas plastic surgery is going to be a bit more of a struggle for a young girl to casually emulate.

  22. i remember when the little girls on the street (3-4 years younger than my daughter) were SO into the spice girls, and i "just said no". after all the littler ones had memorized all the words to all the songs, one of the moms noticed that the lyrics weren't really appropriate for 8-9 yr old girls. no, really?
    role model?

    and, enty, as a man, what do those fake things REALLY feel like? i used to want a reduction, but i read that you lose "sensation", so even with upper back pain, i nixed that thought really quick.
    girls, guys, thoughts on the fake boobies???
