Thursday, July 03, 2008

What A Pain In The Ass

Chace Crawford has put his foot down. Not hard, but more like a shuffle step, shuffle with a side of jazz hands. In an interview with OK! Magazine, Chace said that he wants to be taken seriously as an actor and doesn't want to only be known for his body and good looks. Therefore he has made it clear to the writers and producers of Gossip Girl that he will only appear topless when it is necessary to the script.

Ummm. Chace. You are on a show about teenagers, for teenagers on a network that is about to go out of business. This might be your only shot at fame and you should milk it for all its worth. You will have plenty of time to prove you are an actor when the show gets canceled and you are auditioning with 100 other better looking actors for that Hallmark Channel film of the month.

Don't think it will happen? Think you are too huge? Yeah, why don't you go to IMDB and type in Beverly Hills 90210 and see what all those guys are up to now. Oh, and they were way more popular than you.

One scene in particular that Chace found particularly offensive was this:

"There was an episode where we were crashed out on the sofa after a big night out and they wanted me to wake up in my boxers, so I argued with them about it," he said.

"I mean, first of all, who gets wasted with their buddy, and smokes weed and then strips down to their boxers before they pass out on the couch?

"No one does that. Why am I naked on my buddy's couch? It was weird so I fought it."

No one said anything about being naked Chace. It was boxers. Are you trying to tell us that maybe it happened in some other way in your real life? It's ok. No one is going to judge.

In the meantime, take your whiny, pale, chest waxing, non face shaving, can't tell if you are a girl or a guy, inflated sense of worth and shut the hell up. And while you are at it, take off your shirt and give the guys and girls what they want.


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