What Are The Odds?
It's the middle of the night. You're Christian Bale in Rome and you can't sleep. No, this isn't going to be another Verne Troyer post, although if he did follow you to Rome that would be pretty f**king funny. Now where was I? Oh, yeah. Can't sleep, blah, blah, so you get up and decide to walk around the streets at 3am, because hey, that's what people do when they can't sleep right?
So, you are walking and there is only one other person walking the streets. You notice them, but move on, because hey, its 3am, what would another guy be doing walking the streets of Rome at 3am.
The next night Christian has the same problem and so goes wandering again. Again, he spots the guy from last night, but Christian, being the warm and friendly guy he is, waves to the other man. The other man comes rushing over and lo and behold it's Viggo Mortensen.
Now, Christian told his side of the story to GQ, but I don't think anyone has asked Viggo what the hell he was also doing wandering the streets of Rome at 3am. Christian also said Viggo couldn't sleep. This is the oddest damn story. They weren't staying at the same hotel. They both picked the same street to cruise at 3am and we are all supposed to think it's a coincidence.
Now, I have run into some friends and people I have known in some very bizarre places. But, doesn't the whole story seem weird? I mean they both were out two nights in a row? Exactly the same place? Exactly the same time? In the middle of the night?
Christian doesn't say what happened after the pair hooked up. Maybe they walked the streets together, held hands and sang show tunes. Maybe they joined forces to fight crime for a few hours, or maybe they cried in each others arms and sang nursery rhymes. Hell, for all I know they just kept walking and the next thing you know John Travolta popped out of an alley he was hiding in and the three did shots. I'm perfectly happy to entertain suggestions about what they did.