Friday, July 18, 2008

Vanity Fair - Hitchcock Classics

Vanity Fair did a Hitchcock Classics spread. For more detail on the photos, go visit their site. The original movie still is first, the celebrity photo is second.


  1. Isn't this from a while ago? I remember the boat picture.

  2. dude, i was rereading the magazine about 20 minutes ago while trying to clean up.
    i gave up.

    vanity fair hollywood issue march 2008

  3. Yeah it is older, but goodness Grace Kelly is beautiful!

  4. Robert Downey Jr. was the best pick, and Paltrow. The rest weren't even close.

  5. Rear Window & North By Northwest <3 <3 <3

  6. Too posed to appear really natural. Not impressed at all. Yeah, KMG. Grace Kelly was pretty spectacular. Trying to remember the name of the film with Joan Fontaine. I'll look it up.

  7. Rebecca. I confuse all the gothic woman-in-peril films like this one, Laura, Dragonwyck, etc.

  8. Who is that in the Janet Leigh role? Whoever she is, she is awful!!

  9. Although all relatively nice, why must everything be 'redone'. Can't hollywood leave anything well enough alone?

  10. I was honestly most impressed by the Zellweger shot. Vertigo is my FAVORITE Hitchcock film.

    I love how ScarJo still can't register any sort of actual emotion -- even in a photograph. She's looking so blankly at that wall. Love the dress, though.

  11. Keira doesn't capture the wide-eyed innocence and naivete that Joan Fontaine portrayed so well in the film. Jennifer Jason Leigh however does get "it" - that expression hits the exact right note.

  12. The originals are more interesting. Grace Kelly was unbelievably beautiful.

  13. ya who is that in the shower scene?
    its not Alba is it? she did that shot b4 but this is different.

  14. Craig, I think that's Jessica Alba. Not surprising, huh?
    Looked at the VF site. I hadn't at all recognized a bunch: Naomi Watts (as good as she is, she still didn't get it), Hirsch and McAvoy (not too bad), Renee Z (her eyes are open! Lol!).
    In the boat photo, I thought the woman in front was Kyra Sedgwick. It's Julie Christie. And Eva Marie Saint!!! YOWZA!!! THAT was a coup getting her to do it! Love, love, love.
    So, yeah. I need new glasses.

  15. NO! The shower scene is Marion Cotillard. Well, that's disappointing!

  16. Um. No.

    The only good one is Seth Rogan.

  17. Why'd they have to leave the black buy out of the lifeboat though?

  18. At first I was thinking, "why are we revisiting this, isn't it pretty old?" but then I saw the Seth Rogen picture and immediately smiled, so yeah, you can post that one whenever you want Enty.

  19. I could totally see James McAvoy doing the psychopath in Strangers on a Train. You want to see a scary McAvoy, watch him as the knife-wielding chef Joe Macbeth in Shakespeare Retold. He's pure, frightening brilliance.

  20. I agree with the other posters, Grace Kelly was gorgeous.

  21. I was just going to say, Seth Rogen as the svelte and soigne Cary Grant?

    NO WAY!

    Sorry, coco, but I just can't see him nimbly eluding aircraft with that gut hanging over his belt.

    I agree with siwillia.

  22. The Vertigo picture with Zeilwiggly is the best! Didn't even recognize her. Dead ringer for Kim Novak. And good acting in photo to boot. Best Hitchcock picture in the Vanity Fair spread.

  23. I'm more impressed with the quality of people they got to pose than with the pictures themselves. And having Seth Rogen "portray" Cary Grant is insprired lunacy. Or maybe just regular lunacy.

  24. Time to re-read "The Dark Side of Genius."
