Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Today's Blind Items

A very long time ago I posted about the B list couple (films and television for both with television being their forte) that hated being married to each other, but lived with it because they hated admitting they were wrong in public more. They are the couple who negotiated deals with each other for photos together. They never took many together, but at least it was some. Well now, they can't even stand to take photos together and her girlfriend is getting antsy and wants to take things public. He understands because he also plays for the home team, although not as openly. The problem is his career couldn't take the exposure of an outing while hers could probably use the boost. Oh, they do have (a) child(ren).


  1. What were the old guesses? Does anyone remember? I'm lazy.....

  2. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Lisa Rinna and Harry Hamlin?

  3. Yipee! A juicy blind.

    Things have been kinda slow lately.

    Lisa and Harry are photographed frequently together, so I don't think it's them.

  4. Here is a question...Why would his career suffer...would people be that close minded towards this partucular person and more specifically why...(this is a clue somewhere imo). Are we looking for a major heart throb or what????

  5. Courtney Cox and David Arquette

  6. David D. & Tea Leoni.

  7. mlissa -- I think you're dead on. there's been lots of talk of trouble-in-paradise w/ david d. and tea leoni since she didn't show up to his premiere (not that I think going to premieres together means you're a solid couple, but you know what I mean)

    deff dd and tl


  8. Courtney and David are photographed alot together. David and Tea on the other hand are not. Didn't they get married right after they met? I thought David was the main guess on the blinds about some guy cheating? I don't see him playing for the hometeam.

  9. Supposedly DD has had affairs and was banging Minnie Driver during filming of Return to Me. I don't think it's them.

  10. what dis Tea Leoni do besides "Flying Blind" on tv?

  11. Sarah Michelle Gellar & Freddie Prinze Jnr

  12. Sarah and Freddie don't have kids, I don't think.

  13. not a famous adrian: Tea Leoni was the lead in "The Naked Truth"

  14. "not a famous adrian:"


  15. oops--forgot about that!

  16. Mooshki-- I couldn't stand to see my name attached to naked guys & possible douches. I needed to differentiate, & Ben Affleck was taken.

  17. that's because it was a forgettable show.

  18. I could totally see Tea as being gay...I get that vibe and although straight myself, I've always had a girl crush on her, but isn't she more in movies than anything else? And is DD really B-list?

  19. do we really consider DD and TL as B-List?
    unless ent's definitions are very loose.

    i am gonna do some research since im bored at work..

  20. I think it's DD & Tea also. He seems like a dog. And, their Malibu house has been on the market for a few weeks.

  21. Anonymous2:24 PM

    For some reason I first thought of amy p. and will arnett

  22. I don't buy for a minute that David is gay. I think he's a straight (dog).

  23. what tv did david arquette do?
    how about felicity and william h macy?

  24. felicity and william h macy is what i thought very much. they have been married forever! i can see him being gay and i can see her really being into chicks. she has shoulders like a linebacker!

  25. jennifer garner and ben affleck hands down. i've heard about their marital problems and they both look like they could play for the home team.

  26. I thought so too miss em, but i think affleck is known more for film than tv, isn't he?

  27. Regarding the home for sale, David subbed for Regis last Friday and said he and the familia were moving back to New York.

  28. Tea is not better know for tv, although DD is. Besides, DD has been hinted at (as stated above here) for having hetero affairs, not the other way around.

    However, this blind could be twisted to include SJP and Matthew Broderick. Supposedly he was cheating on her with a female redhead but someone said it's probably a setup for their divorce so that the "real" reason won't be revealed.

  29. It could also be Kelsey and Camille, although I don't think you would ever call her b list

  30. Jen Garner's p.g. with their second child so they've been photo'ed together a lot lately. Felicity and William & Kelsey and Camille are photo'ed together most of the time.
    Her career needs a boost? Hmm. So the guy has the stronger career going right now.
    Hate admitting in public that they were wrong? So their marriage was controversial. Maybe they married soon after meeting or they left their spouses for each other, or some situation like this.
    Oh, I don't know. Am having a hard time thinking of couples at all.

  31. Ted Danson/Mary Steenburgen?
    (I know, not all, but it could happen).

  32. Mary Steenburgen not known for tv, really. good guess, though. Like it.

  33. Did y'all know there's a handy lil website called

    From their list, possiblities:

    Freddie Prinze, Jr. and SMG (but no kids)
    William H. Macy and Felicity Huffman (but often photographed and seem to like each other)
    David Duchovny and Tea Leoni (but David doesn't seem gay to me, either)
    Rebecca Romijn and Jerry O'Connell, with babies on the way? (Eh, this one I could see. Jerry hasn't been looking very happy in photos lately, and Rebecca just always looks excited to be photographed. Plus, the rumor about her getting booted from Ugly Betty because of a nasty attitude. And, Jerry's career kind of sucks. I've never understood why he was famous in the first place.)

  34. by the way, in a perfect world, this would be Will and Jada. Sadly, not B list. Well, not him, anyway. She's A only by association.

  35. Is Freddie known for TV though? I really really like the Jerry O'Connell / Rebecca Romjin guess, except Enty says they "do have a child", implying already born...Maybe I'm being too literal. He does look like he might like his options...

  36. AHA! Doug Savant and Laura Leighton?????
    It fits! That doesn't mean it's correct, but hell it FITS!

  37. Rebecca just announced she's preggers with twins

  38. Rebecca Gayheart and whatshisname - he looks like he hits for the other team (or is it pitches?)
    Jenny Garth and whatshisname, although I can't really see her being into the ladies.

  39. My last one for a while:
    Tori Spelling and that Dean guy she's married to...

  40. I don't see why DA would be antsy about coming out. His brother is out all over the place and is accepted. and don't Friends stars automatically get like at least B+ (honorable mention) for being on that show?

    I think DD is more A List tv due to the xfiles franchise. Tea not so much B.

    Harry Hamlin/Lisa Rinna sounds good. HH seems to want to be "old school" and would be likely to play it on the dl.
    I don't know if they have kids though.

    I don't watch enough television.

  41. Jumping on the Tea and David bandwagon.

  42. Julie, Harry and Lisa have two young daughters and he has a grown son with Ursula Andress.

  43. Orange said...

    what tv did david arquette do?

    He's done a lot of cameo appearances and was in a series last year called "In Case of Emergency".

    Can't be Ben Affleck and if DD is a dog as so many people say he is it can't be him. Lots of pics of Harry and Lisa.

    I can see CC and DA not wanting to appear wrong in the eyes of the public since so many people said, "HUH?" when they first hooked up.

    Tori and Dean would be a good guess but we see them together a lot with their show.

    I think it might be someone we haven't named yet.

  44. Sorry, David isn't gay and that is well known. I believe there is a load of unfaithful blind items about them, but this is not one of them. Don't believe it is Cox-Arquette either.

    I'm at a loss for this one. Nope it is not Ben AFfleck, you crazies! Six degrees from Ben AFfleck! Woohoo!

  45. Oh and obviously it is someone who actually is better as a couple then separate, in other words, truly B list.

  46. Catherine-Zeta/Michael Douglas

    that's my guess

  47. Sweater, television their forte?

  48. How 'bout Danny DeVito and Rhea Pearlman?

  49. Tori and Dean LOVE being photographed. Has to be a couple you don't see together often. And by the way he phrases (a) child(ren) it makes me think they have one child together and then one of them has children from a previous relationship

  50. Anonymous6:54 PM

    JLO and Marc?

  51. Great point molly:) Forgot what the blind said while reading responses.

    I have to say, that Devito/Pearlman guess is outstanding daver

  52. I guess Pam Dawber isn't exactly B list anymore. She and Mark Harmon are the only other celeb tv couple that came to mind.


  53. May I just ask one question?

    How does a person "look like" s/he is gay?

    That makes no sense to me. Even if my gaydar were going off like a siren (which it often does), I fail to see what appearance alone has to do with it.

  54. Blank princess, may I refer you to a picture of Samantha Ronson or Lance Bass?

  55. my first thought was SJP and Matthew Broderick...although I wouldn't pin him as a TV star they fit all the other descriptions very easily...

  56. DaVito and Perlman make a good guess to me. Is it because they are a Hollywood Power Couple? I'm not sure that statement really applies, but I can see them definitely hating each other. DaVito is best friends with Clooney too.

  57. I just read IMDB. Perlman and DeVito have 3 children and have been married since 1982.

  58. Kyra Sedgwick & Kevin Bacon??

    Although I don't think KB plays for the home team.

  59. violet - i was TOTALLY thinking of KS and KB and hoping i wasn't the only one. but, i'm always sad when things don't work out. the only reason why i don't think it's them is that his career could TOTALLY take the exposure (did you see the shower seen in Wild Things), but i don't think her's needs a boost at all - emmy nominee anyone?

  60. Dude, this screams DD and TL. DD may be an outright hetero, but it can't mean he play for the other team now and then.

    And YES. DD and TL SCREAM B list to the high heavens. Though honestly, with DD's shit film and TL's wooden performances, I'm suprised they aren't C list.

  61. Ent always notes that there's nothing bad that anyone could say about Danny DeVito. So I'd cross him and Rhea off the list.

    Does anybody know where the other blinds on this couple are? Maybe there are some helpful descriptors in them. I looked around but came up with nothing.

  62. Jane Kaczmarek and Brad Whitford

    Kelly Ripa and Mark Conseula(sp?)

    Debra Messing and Daniel Zelman

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. kim Basinger (some Jodie Foster rumors) / Alec Baldwin (he was a studio 54 waiter....)

  65. What does "seeming gay" mean though?

    If you're on the downlow, isn't that the whole point? You're not going to "seem" gay are you? A lot of gay men and women don't give off any vibe.

    I wonder if those rumors about David banging waitresses over the years have all been plants to stop people digging about what's really going on.

  66. Btw, there might be a clue in the word "exposure" (X-posure?), which sounds very X Files-ish.

  67. I like the Kelly Ripa guess too. They are both known for TV and seem very b-list. haven't seen public pics of them lately either.

    Also like Rinna & Hamlin as a 2nd guess.

    all the other couples are more movie than Tv...

  68. I loved this blind.

    I'm on board with the Jane K/Bradley Whitford guess.

    Can someone find the original blind?

  69. My first thought was Sarah Jessica Parker and her husband?

  70. i like the DD/TL connection (both on TV, both on movies) but i think his career could survive the outing, frankly.

    i liked the SJP/matthew broderick angle, but her career's on an uptick,'s his that would get the boost if he came out.

  71. Sweet God, that took forever -- I finally found the blind. It was like looking for a hypodermic needle in a smutty haystack.

    August 9, 2007:

    #2 This former A list television star and now a "Didn't he used to be in?" kind of star who still works but not at the same level he did and his never higher than B list wife are each enjoying other people while remaining married for the sake of their child(ren). Each parent takes a turn at home with the kid(s) while the other goes off with their current flame. It works out well except when they need to be photographed in public. They need each other for publicity sometimes but are loathe to ask for a favor from the other. Their solution? They actually charge each other to show up for photographs. This way the other person needs to be really sure they want the person to come along and is not just saying it.

  72. jw12 said...

    Kelly Ripa and Mark Conseula(sp?)
    Debra Messing and Daniel Zelman

    I also thought of each of these couples. Kelly and Mark actually seem to love each other, so not sure. And we don't see DM and DZ together all that much...

    What about Eric McCormack and Janet Holden? (She's done a lot of Canadian TV.)

    I'm just grasping here...

  73. I don't think it is Kyra Sedgwick & Kevin Bacon because Kyra is pretty A list in TV right now with "The Closer". Also they seem pretty happy and I think are photographed together a lot.

    I think we really need to remember it is 2 B list actors. SJP irritates me but I think with the whole SITC thing she is pretty A list. No doubt that Matthew plays for the home team though. I almost fell out of my chair with laughter when that story about him and the female redhead came out. Hey Matthew was her name Georgette Glass by any chance?

  74. Also thanks are a patient person to sort through all of those blinds. I was not even going to attempt.

  75. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Corbin Bernsen and his wife Amanda something?

  76. Lets rule out Kevin and Kyra. He his forte is definitely film and I've never heard any bad gossip about them. SJP and MB don't fit even though he probably prefers men. Tea Leoni is gay and had an affair with Madonna. Many blind items have pointed to DD saying that their marriage is a sham. I don't know if he is playing for the home team though.

  77. I wish this was Ashton/Demi, but she is not known for TV. Too bad, Ashton fits.

  78. Are Corbin Bernsen and Amanda Pays even B list? Seems like they both could use the career boost.

    My gut said Lisa Rinna and Harry Hamlin when I first read this but after reading trhough the comments not so sure.

    I think it's between Tea and David and Courtney and David.

    Remember back when Courtney lived with Michael Keaton for years? They never married and never had children. As far as I know Michael Keaton never married.

    Ooops, imdb says he was married and had a child in the early 80's.

    But still.

    Seems like David D. is straight but who knows. It'd be a bummer as they seem like they have a good marriage.

  79. Someone mentioned the word "exposure" as a clue and tied it to X Files. If it is a clue I'm thinking more like Northern Exposure. How about Rob Morrow and his wife. I have never heard of her but she does have acting credits on IMDB. She wouldn't be B list but it said B list couple, not individually. And I thought that he was already out.

  80. Anonymous7:38 AM

    If the word "exposure" is a hint, how about Rob Morrow (of Northern Exposure) and his wife Debbon Ayer? Don't know if they have kids, though.

  81. Matthew Broderick has not done much TV, if any. He started in movies (War Games was his first big one) and moved to Broadway.

  82. What about Patricia Arquette and Thomas Jane??? They've been together for awhile, married in 2006, and have a child together.

  83. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Has Thomas Jane done tv?
    If so, I like it!

  84. David and Tea fit, since she certainly hasn't done anything in a while and could use a career boost. They also aren't photographed often.
    At the same time, they have always been a fairly private family. There are just some people who genuinely don't do the public relationship exposure for the sake of privacy.

    And, maybe I'm just old fashioned, but I find it hard to believe that every single freaking relationship/marriage in hollywood is one of convenience to cover closeted homosexuality.

  85. An insider tells the British media, "They have never had a conventional marriage, but it works for the two of them. Sure they fight like other couples but they love each other and their little boy. They are so private and hate all this silly gossip."

    Another source reveals that son James Wilke is the glue that holds the two actors together, "(SJP and Broderick) had been out of love for a long time but remain married for their son. Sarah and Matthew have been struggling for years. Now they have decided to make things work - especially for the sake of their son, James."

    Is that a good enough reason to stay together?

    Sometimes 'staying together for the kid' makes the kid miserable cuz mommy and daddy are miserable.

    Can't he find a new beard???

  86. Broderick is not, and never was, a TV actor.

  87. Duchovney seems like a total dog to me. That is to say, he will stick it in anything that stays put long enough, regardless of gender (or species).

    I'm totally on board with David/Tea for this one.

  88. broderick did 30 rock, so i wouldn't say never.

    not him, though.

  89. I like the Thomas Jane and Patricia guess too.

    He did a guest spot on her show this year.

  90. Jane Kaczmarek / Bradley Whitford
    both B list. married, 3 kids. They fit the circumstantial evidence of the blind (but....).

    She's done a ton of tv and minor movie roles, nominated for emmys a bunch, never won. Broadway. She's going to be lead in a series in the fall but it's on TNT. (but Enty said her career could use a boost, so that might kill it. she sounds like she's doing okay.)

    Bradley Whitford - lots of minor movie roles, lots of tv, Broadway. Won an Emmy and SAG for West Wing. - secretly gay? maybe, but I think he's hot. not a big gay vibe for me. and I get a huge G vibe from Matthew McC. always suspicious!

    but I think they're disqualified on circumstantial evidence. also, why would it bother them to be shown to be wrong in public about their marriage? and they do a lot of PR for charities together.

  91. Patricia Arquette and Kelly Ripa certainly do not need career boosts.

    I could see Lisa Rinna for this and that Hamlin would not want to be seen as gay, since he gives off such a butch hetero vibe.

    Corbin Bensen and wife have been married for years, and nowadays, who under the age of 30 knows who they are??

  92. Pam Dawber / Mark Harmon - married, 2 sons.

    they fit the blind in a lot of ways.

    Mark Harmon - random starring and non-starring tv roles, random movie roles. And he was People Mag's Sexiest Man of the Year in '86! Rah! he's always played sort of macho sexy guys.

    Pam Dawber - random starring and non-starring tv roles, hasn't done much since 2000. (one documentary about Christa McAuliffe in 2006.)

    these are the reasons I think they fit -
    both B list
    married with children
    never see them photographed together (not that they're huge red carpet draws)
    Pam hasn't worked in a while

    and they fit the part about not wanting to admit in public that they made a mistake for several reasons -
    his whole career is based on playing macho cop hero types

    Mark's the son of a big Heisman-winning football star, he was a starting quarterback in college with a big hero win, grandfather was Secretary of the Navy during WW2, and the whole family is supposed to be all upright and perfect.

    Mark and Pam tried to get custody of Harmon's sister Kristen's kid because she was a druggie, not taking care of the kid, etc. (the sister was the Tic-Tac chick, and formerly married to Ricky Nelson)

    When Mark hooked up with Pam, there were a bunch of self-righteous quotes about how great Pam was and not so vain and self-absorbed as the first wife, etc.

    so the wanting to keep up a public image of perfection is there.

    my guess goes with them.

  93. Hi - long time lurker but just finally coming out of the shadows...

    I think the important clue in the old blind was that the guy was formerly A-list while he wive was never better than B...

    I really liked the Doug Savant and Laura Leighton guess until that since his current role as the family man on Desperate Housewives doesn't match with that image. Plus he formerly played gay on Melrose and I'm sure there would be lots of comments about that if it were true. I wouldn't consider him ever A list though but DD probably fits that. Oh well.

  94. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Matt Damon and his wife maybe?

  95. how was Matt Damon ever a tv guy? Remember, "B list couple (films and television for both with television being their forte)", and his wife was like a nanny or something. Not a successful actress, which the blind clearly states.

  96. I'm home from an evening out, and possibly a bit cranky. But I have to disagree with a lot of the posts. Does no one actually read the blind?

    "B list couple (films and television for both with television being their forte)" with one or more children.

    Disqualified List-
    SJP / Mathew Broderick.
    Telvision is not their forte. SJP is films and HBO, MB is films and Broadway, no tv. And they are bth A list. Disqualified.

    Courtney Cox / David Arquette.
    She was A list televison. Blind clearly states the wife was never more than B list tv. And I don't know that he's really done tv in a big way. Disqualified.

    Jennifer Garner / Ben Affleck.
    Ben is known for his film work, not known at all for tv work. One lousy after school special does not make tv his forte. Disqualified.

    Sarah Michelle Gellar / Freddie Prinze
    Freddie hasn't done any B-list TV work. And they don't have kids together. Disqualified.

    Kelly Ripa / Mark Consuelos.
    Film work? Please, enlighten me. Disqualified.

    Matt Damon / wife.
    She was a nanny, not an actress. Disqualified.

    Kevin Bacon / Kyra Sedgwick.
    Kevin movies, Kyra movies and recently tv. No tv for him. Disqualified.

    Kelsey Grammar / Camille.
    no tv work for her. Kids?

    Tori Spelling / Dean whatever.
    TV for him? Plus they live for photo ops.

    Debra Messing / Daniel Zelman.
    how was he a tv B-lister?

    Catherine Zeta-Jones / Michael Douglas.
    seriously? TV B list for either of them? Streets of San Fran does not eliminate his major movie career. And she's never really done tv. Disqualified.

    Get on the stick, people!!! We need well-researched guesses, not the first random thought that comes into your head!

    Read the blind and think first!

  97. Sorry for the crankiness. Love all of you. Mostly.

  98. OK I have a new couple.
    Josie Bissett & Rob Estes.

    They both did more TV (Melrose Place), did a a few movies (i imbd'd it). B status..not quite sure? He does always play the role of a ladies man (Silk Stalkings). And she hasn't done much lately so a boost for her could be good?
    They have kids.

  99. ok apparently they split in 2005. Whoopsie...carry on.

  100. hey violet -
    kudos for the effort,and a new name into the mix!

  101. ^Matt Damon's wife was a waitress/bartender... not a nanny.

    I like the Thomas Jane/Patricia Arquette guess but I have absoloutely no proof or info to back it up.

  102. Mia - can you look up their film vs tv careers? Blind says that they both have tv and movies, but that tv is the forte for both of them. wikipedia or imdb?

    p.s. in an earlier post, I totally copped to the fact that I have no idea what Matt Damon's wife did before she married him. nanny, waitress, bartender...whatever. She could have been a rocket scientist and it wouldn't matter, sadly. Our culture doesn't value teachers and scientists as much as it values singers and actors.
    We've got priorities!

  103. Even though it's obviously not Catherine ZJ and Michael Douglas I'd just like to point out that CZJ started out on TV and did quite a bit in the UK before going into film

    still no idea who the couple coule be - what about Felicity Huffman and William H Macy? just a wild guess

  104. Marg Helgenberger and Alan Rosenberg.

  105. Benjamin Bratt and Talisa Soto.

  106. whitney and bobby? they did do a tv show together and that's what they're probably most famous for at this point. could be....

  107. The other possibly clue that this is DD and TL is that "he bats for the home team". Wasn't Mulder obsessed with baseball? He was a baseball nut.
