Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Today's Blind Items

Seems like every woman on a reality show just loves their gays. Well I love my concierges. They are the greatest. Now that isn't to say that I don't love my gays, because I do, and if you are a gay concierge, then that is just a bonanza. Do they still have Bonanza's? I remember there used to be Sizzler and Bonanza and now I think it is just Sizzler.

#1 - A certain Northwest city - Several weeks ago this not married actor who is involved in a relationship with an A list actress was staying at a hotel and he was all alone or so everyone thought. The concierge got a call from the gentleman in the room asking if the concierge could get him some company for the evening. Well the concierge asked some preferential questions and arranged for someone to be sent over. The woman was only there for a few minutes and was sent away, but with a little cash in her hand. The concierge receives another call and then another as this act plays itself out over the course of five or six women until finally one stays. And stayed all night and left the hotel with the actor and lo and behold his actress squeeze as well.

#2 - A certain Southwest city - This male talk show host had just a few too many to drink or to smoke or to snort but was crazy out of his mind, and made his big eyes even bigger. Well the talk show host decided that at 2am he was going to make a raid on the lobby furniture because it was moving. Oh yeah, it was moving and trying to surround him. So, our talk show host spent about an hour taking a fire ax to various pieces of the furniture. When management was notified they said they didn't care since no other guests were awake and they would get paid for it anyway. After an hour, the talk show host said the furniture was dead and fell asleep right there in the middle of the lobby.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. #1, Kinky! I like that!

    #2, buddy, it's time for rehab...

  3. #1. Charlize Theron and her guy?

  4. One of my favorite experiences was waiting for my friends in a hotel lobby in Chicago. The doors were locked after 11pm, so you needed to get buzzed in. I got to listen to an older gentleman explaining to the desk clerk that he was expecting a guest. The clerk needed more info, but all the gentleman could give him was his first name, and that he would be "young and attractive." Concierges, limo drivers... Be nice to the little people, celebs, or you'll regret it! :)

    #1, Jakey-poo & Reese?
    #2, no idea, but hilarious!

  5. #1 -- I'd guess Justin Long and A-list Drew Barrymore. We already know that Drew has a rep for swinging both ways....

    #2 -- Please let it be Dr. Phil....

  6. #2, wait, aren't there rumors that Tyra is really a guy? She's got big eyes!

  7. 1 - Stuart Townsend and Charlize Theron. Even though it seems the couple in the blind are a bit more casually invloved...

    2 - Jimmy Kimmel, upset over Sarah Silverman.

  8. c! i thought charlize and stuart for number 1 also... HOT! and if number 2 is dr. phil i may never stop laughing!

  9. I agree with Sara, #2 must be Carson Daily.

  10. Oops. Pardon muy spelling. I'm a foreigner.

  11. #1
    I was thinking Tim Robbins. He was filming in Portland OR within the past couple months.

    I saw him there in a club, alone.

    He's not married to Susan Sarandon.

  12. #2 Bill O'Reilly? Sorry, needed a laugh.

    And Charlize and Stuart were my first thought for #1 since she's been doing junkets for Hancock

  13. #1 - I immediately thought of Timberlake - but there is no way in hell anyone would call Shelf Ass "A list"

    # 2 - I agree on Carson Daly

  14. I will refer everyone to Ent's post about what constitutes an "A list actress":


    i.e. there aren't that many of them.

    Eliminating the ones who are married (or lesbian), you come up with Reese, Drew, and Cameron Diaz. So I think it's gotta be one of those three. (Not sure whether Diaz is dating another actor currently....)

    I still vote Drew.

  15. "made his big eyes even bigger" does sound like Carson Daly.

  16. Charlize and Stuart but I like the Tim Robbins guess as well.

    Jake and Reese? Pah. No way. Besides, apart from the Captain Obvious part, the item calls the man a "gentleman" which implies an older man. Jake's still a kid.

  17. Eliminating the ones who are married (or lesbian), you come up with...

    The blind implies the partner is into the ladysex.

  18. Is Stuart and actor?

    I know #2 has got to be Carson Daly. He looks so horrible! I don't know how anyone can watch his show! He's gotten so gross!

    How about Scar Jo and Ry Rey?

  19. Okay, I seldom post (but always lurk). I'm jumping on the Townsend/Theron bandwagon. Suart Townsend was in Seattle a few weeks ago at the Seattle International Film Festival for the movie Battle in Seattle, which he directed/wrote/produced.

  20. where is there still a Sizzler? I loved the 5.99 salad bar with Texas toast. There is a Ponderosa still here in Indianapolis with the cowboy's motif sign but it says it is chinese food.

  21. "Eliminating the ones who are married (or lesbian), you come up with Reese, Drew, and Cameron Diaz."

    "The blind implies the partner is into the ladysex."

    Not only that, haven't all three of them been very popular guesses for girl-on-girl blinds in the last few months? Everyone in Hollywood is gay, yay!

    "Is Stuart an actor?"

    Haven't you seen the glorious Queen of the Damned?

  22. I'm on the Drew trail.

  23. #2 would be hilarious if it was adam carolla...said on his morning radio talk show today that he was in phoenix over the weekend...

  24. Just when I think Ent. is really a teen aged boy with an overactive imagination, he goes and mentions Bonanza. Wasn't that a cowboy steakhouse? I was very young when I think my town had one of those restaurants.

    There are still Sizzler's around in SoCal, but I've never been a fan.

  25. "Eliminating the lesbian" = Jodie Foster isn't going to be dating any ACTORS any time soon....

  26. ohh Bonanaza had the BEST fr. onion soup. damn EL now im craving it.

  27. Oh, please let blondy be right - Adam & Dr. Drew could reunite on Celebrity Rehab!!!!!!!!!!

  28. Bonanza, Sizzler, Ponderosa...Barnaby's (pizza) ALL favorites in the mid-west...yes, we live good here...

  29. Kris - viva la flyover states!

  30. He doesn't have the biggest eyes I don't think, but what about Pat O'Brien for #2? He certainly has some well-documented substance abuse issues and seems crazy enough to do something like this.

  31. #1 Scarlet Johansen + Ryan whatshisname
    #2 Carson Daly

  32. I think the bug eyed hint = Carson. I used to think he was kinda cute when he first started out. Come to think of it, Tara looked better too when they were together. Now, they're both horrible looking.

    I don't know why, but when I first read the blind, I thought of Ryan Seacrest, but I can't see him swinging an ax.

  33. My first thought for number 2 was Carson Daly, too. Every picture I have seen of him in the last 6 months he has crazy frisbee eyes. And he's turned into the incredible shrinking man.....definitely on something or has major manorexia.

    No clue for number one.

  34. Off topic but that guy we don't like to mention has on his blog that John Edwards was cought going to a hotel room to visit his mistress and love child. Didn't ENT have a blind about a presidential candidate who was cheating?

  35. #1 - Why not Scarlett and that idiot Ryan Reynolds? I so used to like him until I heard stories about what a douche (wash my mouth out!) he is considered to be in H-wood.

    #2 - Jimmy has big eyes too. Although I would hate to think he's this torn up over Sara.

  36. #1 - HOT. No idea, but I love the Theron guess.

    #2 - I am a terrible person because I just laughed hysterically at that. The imagery made my day. The staff not caring, the ax to kill the furniture, falling asleep in the lobby after his victory... Oh that made my day. Nothing could be more pathetically hilarious. xD

  37. 1# First thought was Jake and Reese but Reese seems a little too frigid for something like that. I like the Ryan/Scarlet guess. She seems like she would be into some kink.

    #2 Carson Daly for sure. Jimmy Kimmel doesn't have big eyes. He has more stoner eyes if you ask me. LOL

  38. #2 sounds like larry king

  39. steuart was in the league of extraordinary gentlemen...

    carson for 2

  40. Carson Daly looks like he is into meth or some similar stimulant that makes you crazy and paranoid and bugeyed.

    Edwards was already eliminated by Ent as the politician having the affair, I thought.

  41. I looked up "Extraordinary League of Gentlemen" for the gentlemen reference and Stuart was in that movie. (didn't see it) Does that make any sense? Unless, of course, he wasn't an actual gentlemen in the movie.

    LMAO at Dr. Phil reference for #2, that would make my whole week, but the eyes reference does seem to lend itself to Carson.

  42. Poor Stuart, he gets no love at all. I've had a crush on him since "Shooting Fish" and half the people on here don't even know he's an actor.

  43. I have no clue was #1 but I'm guessing number #2 is Carson Daly or Jimmy Kimmel but I'm leaning more towards CD.

    And I thought the politician that was having an affair was revealed to be Hillary Clinton.

  44. Ryan is Canadian, so he could have been in Seattle or something. So, sure. I'll hop on that bandwagon. Is Scarlett really A-list, though? She can't open a movie, and God knows she's never won any awards for her acting.

    I will never, ever, ever, understand all the coos and screams for that himbo. He tweezes his eyebrows, for one thing, and wears more makeup than I ever have in my whole entire life. And the smug look on his face at all times makes me want to hork. And Scarlett is the most overrated actress working today. Her range is nonexistent. Did anyone see The Other Boleyn Girl?! HER ACCENT. Oh. My. Goddddd.

    Okay. I'm done.

    Charlize honestly seems as if she wouldn't put up with Stuart cheating on her, and why WOULD he cheat on her? She's, like, his total mealticket, for one thing.
    I dunno. I still think it's Ryan and Scarlett because of his Canadian connection.

    Oh, and number 2 is totally Carson. Totally. He dated Tara Reid, remember? :-)

  45. Spicy Hotpants is that you??

  46. Charlize is WAY into coke, i know this from a reliable source, so its possible.
    I vote charlize/stuart. especially if he was in seattle.

  47. #1 so obvious it's Theron/Townsend. The "not married actor" line refers to the now infamous answer of how they said they wouldn't marry until gays had the right to marry. Plus I can see Charlize into the kink.

    Jake/Reese? On what planet would that happen? Besides, he's been in Europe filming and vacationing and nowhere near Seattle. While Stuard Townsed WAS just in Seattle recently.

    Not Drew/Justin. She's been broken up with him for about a month. Timeline doesn't work. Plus he's barely an "actor." He's a commercial guy. Townsend is a legitmate actor.

    #2 so obvious it's Carson. How much fun would it be to put an axe-wielding furniture killing Carson in the same lobby as a drunken Xmas tree attacking Kiefer Sutherland? Oh man, you could sell tickets.

  48. #1 so obvious it's Theron/Townsend. The "not married actor" line refers to the now infamous answer of how they said they wouldn't marry until gays had the right to marry. Plus I can see Charlize into the kink.

    Jake/Reese? On what planet would that happen? Besides, he's been in Europe filming and vacationing and nowhere near Seattle. While Stuard Townsed WAS just in Seattle recently.

    Not Drew/Justin. She's been broken up with him for about a month. Timeline doesn't work. Plus he's barely an "actor." He's a commercial guy. Townsend is a legitmate actor.

    #2 so obvious it's Carson. How much fun would it be to put an axe-wielding furniture killing Carson in the same lobby as a drunken Xmas tree attacking Kiefer Sutherland? Oh man, you could sell tickets.

  49. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Hey guys I got more blind items up on my site today.

  50. 1) Seattle

    2) Phoenix

    That's all I got.

  51. #1--Stuart & Charlize

    "Gentleman"=Stuart. He's an actor from Ireland. Played Dorian Gray in "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen". He was recently in Seattle. They make a big point about the fact that they are not married.

    Charlize is A-list. She's an Oscar winner for best actress, and she's starring in blockbuster "Hancock". Enty says "actress squeeze", which rhymes with Charlize.

    Plus, can't you just see Charlize being tres picky about the women in a threesome and sending several of them away?? Drew and Scarlett—they don’t seem like they’d be that picky to me. ;)

  52. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Ryan Renoylds and Scarlett. Ryan is from Vancouver, and it's ALWAYS mentioned in articles about him. Unless they were implying Seattle, which they weren't. Scarlett seems like a tart aswell, and lets not forget! Ryan went out with Alanis Morr. who recently admitted she sings both ways. Prob something he likes.. no doubt?
    Plus, escorts are WAY easy to come by here in Van. It ain't no thing.

  53. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Why oh why can't I get my comment so show up?! I'll try again...
    #1 Definitely Charlize Theron and Stuart Townsend. For one, Drew and Justin broke up a few weeks ago. And I think the last thing Jake G. would want is two women in his bed, let alone one! (Plus, I agree that he and his, um, girlfriend Reese W. are still in England.)
    #2 This has got to be Carson Daly. He is a train wreck!

  54. To me, I was thinking Charlize and Stuart, but the Scarlett and Ryan thing so rings a bell with me.

    Carson Daly is of course, bug-eyed in a very bad way.

  55. carlasee has brought me around to CT/ST.

  56. I've been brought around on the ST/CT for #1 too.

    But I still hold out hope for #2 being Dr. Phil. Especially if he was trying to disarm the furniture with homespun hillbilly nonsense (a.k.a. authentic frontier gibberish) in addition to the fire ax...

  57. Stuart apparently cheats on her all the time. There was a story going around that when he was in New Zealand getting ready to film LOTR, he would go up to women in bars and say, "I'm in Lord of the Rings, want to give me a blowjob?" Rumor has it, that was just one of the many things that led to him getting fired from the project.

  58. I'm on the Stuart/Charlize bandwagon for the first one. League of Extraordinary Gentlemen clinched it for me. I think I suggested CT for partial blind reveal about the A lister who shared a lover with Angelina Jolie. Also, Cinephan - that LOTR rumor, wasn't that a blind at one point awhile back too? Hmmm...the blinds converge...

    No clue on the second item. Don't watch any of those guys. He sounds like a train wreck though.

  59. uh, justin long only a "commercial guy"?
    he IS a very popular commercial guy, at least to us apple/mac people, but he IS an actor ( i know, surprised and uplifted me, too). gimme a movie i wouldn't have watched anyway, throw in justin AND a bit of kevin smith, and i'm there. Live free or die hard was actually a little fun, with a little tequila on a slow saturday and a 15 inch diagonal screen.

    sorry, damn low blood sugar..

  60. sorry guys, i have to test this one, if it works, CHECK OUT THE AVATAR---
    if not, i'll have a new bun up soon.
    thanks fer yer support!

  61. Hey Beth...so nice ya had to say it twice!! :D

    ...my way of saying I agree w/both those guesses...

  62. 1. My immediate thought was Townsend/Theron.

    2. I like the Carson Daly guess, but I am still leaning more towards Jimmy Kimmel.

  63. 1. Surprisingly, I don't care. It's interesting enough, but everyone in Hollywood is a freak so *shrug*.

    2. Now THIS is hilarious. I see the visual in my head and I'm howling to myself. And yes, I think it's Carson. The hint to me was "when management was notified they said they didn't care since no other guests were awake and they would get paid for it anyway." Carson's talk show comes on so late (doesn't it actually come on at 2 am Eastern?) that almost no one is ever awake to see it, and I've been wondering for a while how the hell he is STILL on air, but I can see NBC management not caring because at that hour it could be an infomercial, they still get paid the same for the ad time anyway.

    I know that's kind of a kooky and convoluted way to look at it, but that's my answer and I'm sticking to it.

    And to whomever said Larry King, do you honestly think the deadest man alive has the strength to even lift an ax at this point?

  64. Alright. I'm on the Charlize bandwagon, too. I guess there's a reason why they steadfastly refuse to marry each other yet stay together, anyway: they love porking other people. And I also agree with the person who said that Charlize is probably pretty picky when it comes to threesomes. I mean, it's CHARLIZE. AND I agree with the genius who pointed out that Actress Squeeze rhymes with Charlize. Good job! Assonance!

    I still think Ryan Reynolds wears too much makeup, though. Not that it actually has anything to do with the blind. Just wanted to say it again.

    And any blind that involves kinky hetero sex is NOT going to involve Jake. And any blind that involves a woman doing anything remotely interesting is NOT going to involve Reese. That woman is as fascinating as a bowl of milk. I just wanna take that square little jaw of hers and unclench it for good.

  65. Bionic!-- I love your avatar!!

    I think the Charlize guess makes sense. I wasn't thinking of her as an A actress, but I guess she is. I did always think it was odd that they have been together for so long, & never married.
    Maybe we will find out New Year's Day when the next reveals come along!

  66. I thought of Montel Williams for the second one

  67. What I want to know is when El is going to give us the goods on Edwards. NE is all over Drudge. On that note I think it pretty much verifies that he is not the politician in that blind bc this Hunter woman is NO Brenda.

  68. gayla, I had to wipe off my comp screen after this comment:
    And to whomever said Larry King, do you honestly think the deadest man alive has the strength to even lift an ax at this point?

    S/C for #1

    I'll go along with Carson for #2. That would be a funny tape to see.

  69. John Edwards is my number two Dream President (right behind Al). I just really, really, really don't WANT to believe that he'd cheat on his dying wife with some dumb whore and father a LOVEchild with said whore.

    I also clicked on the link to that Enquirer article and it just sounds absurd. Chasing him in parking garages and staircases? Please. AND, it's the fucking National Enquirer. If it came from a more reputable source -- perhaps.

    I'll buy it if, say, CNN reports on this. Or NPR. But the Drudge Report and the National Enquirer just aren't reputable enough to make me change my mind about Edwards, personally.

  70. Charlize didn't dawn on me, but she IS just about the biggest lesbian in all of Hollywood, so I'm satisfied.

    For the second, though, you'll not convince me it's not Craig Ferguson. No talkshow host is buggier-eyed and more manic. I love the man, but I can see him trashing a hotel lobby more easily than I can the squinty Carson Daly.

    (WRT Ryan Reynolds, that's tan-in-a-can more than it's makeup, though lord knows he wears that, too. And any man who plucks his brows deserves to have his panties yanked into a very painful wedgie. Man up, dude!)

  71. where are you guys from?

    every man in hollywood plucks his brows, or has someone do it for them...
