Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Today's Blind Items

Wow. This is a tough one to classify. It is almost where I want to give you the name just to see how you would classify her. The problem is that she has done so many things besides acting. Lets go with B- list, but definitely A list name recognition just for her name alone. She isn't gorgeous, but she is cute, and has a nice personality. I think the crew on one of her movies would agree that she definitely has personality at night. See, that is when she starts hitting the J&B. Yep. Big fan of it and when she starts drinking she also starts screwing. No need to hide or pretend or anything. She will go straight up to whatever crew member strikes her fancy that night and ask them point blank if they want to have sex with her. Goes on all during filming. In the mornings though. Different personality completely. Horrible hangovers and lots of extra makeup. She is married, but most people don't realize it and she is currently dating someone openly.


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