Monday, July 28, 2008

This Is Just Wrong

I have spent some time hammering away at Celebrity Rehab and now it is time for some pontificating towards its spin off show Sober Living. Last week they lost Steven Adler and this week it looks like they lost Shifty Shellshock.

Lets see why a show entitled Sober Living may have lost one of their stars.

"While shooting scenes for the show on Friday night at GOA nightclub, he skipped out on production -- leaving the cast high and dry."

Ummm. You are shooting a show about sobriety at a nightclub? On a Friday night? What kind of sick f**ks do something like that?

"Hey, I've got an idea. Lets torture the hell out of our patients by making them work the bar or wait tables at a nightclub on a Friday night. It will be fun to see them sweat and shake. You just know one will booze it up right there on camera."

I'm really finding it hard to believe there could be any logical, sane reason for filming at GOA. In addition, the producers of the show are worried that he may have relapsed because they paid him in advance and think he might be using the money for drugs. OK, so wait. You think he might be using the money to get high again and yet you still wanted to take him to a club? So basically the producers and VH-1 are using all these people as puppets and filming them all. It is one thing to do that when they are just some has beens or reality wannabes or any of the Hogans. It is another thing though when it is someone that is trying to get sober, you allegedly get them clean and then do your damnedest to make sure they fall off the wagon just so you have better television.

That's sick and they should all be ashamed.


  1. Seems pretty typical of anything related to Hollyweird - use whomever you can for how ever long you can and throw them away. People aren't people there - they're commodities.

  2. Next step is a Russian roulette game show. :(

  3. i heard it was Shifty who went there and the cameras followed..either way it ain't rehab never is.

  4. I completely agree with you Enty. The producers know DAMN well what they were doing when they put KNOWN SUBSTANCE ABUSER AT A BAR!!!

    What the hell did these producers think was gonna happen? They were just gonna sit there and watch other people go wild and crazy just like they used to? I hate how Hollywood sometimes doesn't look at these people as humans, and that's especially true of these wannabes/has-beens/reality "stars" (I use the term VERY loosely).

    Jib summed it up: People aren't people there - they're commodities.

  5. This is why we don't get cable or watch VH-1. Who the hell watches this show? I can think of better things to do with my time.

    "Reality" shows have gotten way out of hand!

  6. Ugh. That is just sick.
