Tuesday, July 29, 2008

This Is Getting Ridiculous

Liz Hurley in a reality show. If that isn't bad enough, it is going to be a reality show that will force us, the viewer to suspend our belief in reality. How? Imagine a reality show where all of us get to watch Liz all day as she spends her days looking after the animals and day to day chores of life on her farm.

Umm, yeah. Liz might own a farm, and she may have, in fact, petted an animal at some point in her life that wasn't involved in some odd sex encounter, but there is no one alive who thinks she is out working on a farm on a daily basis.

Was that the only way she could sell the show? I wouldn't watch a show with Liz Hurley in it anyway, but don't you think the first time there is film of her trying to milk a chicken or collect eggs from a cow that someone will catch on to this little game?

If she is in face going to do a reality show, then it should film reality. It should be her probably waking up in a separate bedroom from her husband, untying, and then kissing Hugh goodbye as he sneaks out the window, ringing a bell to have someone bathe her, and then after a four hour bath asking someone again what the name of her kid is.

That's reality. You might get me to watch something that shows Liz as she is, as opposed to some Green Acres fantasy that no one will believe. Damn, why did I have to write Green Acres? Now I will be singing that damn song all day. Just so you don't feel left out, and so I have some company in my singing today, here is the song for you.


  1. I am so sick of reality TV - Celebrity or Otherwise. Is there no one in Hollywood that can write a TV show anymore. Are we out of ideas? Are people that sick that they have to watch the boring ass lives of stupid people and broke celebrities?

  2. ummm...wow, you are really dating yourself with the Green Acres thing.....

  3. Ugh, I hate that bitch so much. Even more than Denise or KK.

    Bmini, I'm guessing he watched it in reruns. I know it was on when I was a kid. :)

  4. I know, Mooshki, I just like to give him a hard time....I have nothing but love for the old guy....:)

  5. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Remember, Ent - you can milk anything with nipples...

  6. If her boytoy Denis Leary shows up to clean out the barns, I'll watch. Otherwise, nah.

  7. I almost like the idea of this show for one reason only. If it gave the world a glimpse at what a truly wretched person she is and then people started throwing rotten food at her wherever she went then yeah, I would be all for it.

  8. Does anybody realize yet that "reality" t.v. is a big sham? I mean, from the beginning it's been all lies.

    Real world: Get a bunch of young, slutty, abusers in one house with no t.v. and a bar downstairs and let's see what happens!

    Survivor: C'mon, who actually GOES to islands like these?

    Oh. And I can't stand Elizabeth HURLey! Reminds me of Heidi Montag and Kim K.

  9. hmmmm...on one hand you have the gorgeous Liz Hurley...on the other you have a reality show...tough choice...

    I'll wait for the highlights on The Soup!

  10. I would rather watch Green Acres than a reality show-- & I do! Bought it on DVD last year. That show was funny!!

  11. I would even watch Liz Hurley milk a chicken.

    Thanks for the visual, EL. I'm still chuckling. But now I'll have to tell my boss just how in the world an Oracle database could be this funny...

  12. boywonder:
    as a fan of survivor, i have to tell you, the winner of the thailand season was a used car dealer up here where i live (he and his wife were porn actors before that). he no longer works for the dealership, his wife having beat the shit out of him several times, and he blew all his money.
    i think there are reality shows, and then there are "reality" shows.
