Monday, July 28, 2008

Should Have Said Playboy

There's nothing a celebrity or someone who perceives themselves to be a celebrity hates more than not being recognized. It is especially galling when they have been on the cover of Star or The Enquirer 40-50 times at one point in their career.

According to TMZ, Shannen Doherty found out the cops in Malibu aren't sitting at home watching Beverly Hills 90210 DVDs with their loved ones. Shannen wen into the police station there to complain that paps were following her, but none of the cops knew who the hell she was. She explained she was on television. In a Malibu police station that doesn't get you very far.

Then she would have to say that the show ended many years ago, and that since then she had been doing some syndicated talk show/love/dating/match/breakup thingy, and their eyes would roll wonkier than Paris Hilton doing the limbo.

Mentioning her Playboy spread on the other hand would have brought the boys in blue to their feet. Not that they would have recognized her or anything, but in about 30 seconds internet searches would have been run and the entire police force would have emerged from their cubicles in an effort to swarm over the paps.

Cops aren't going to sit around a bar and talk with pride how they helped some woman from a show long gone and dead hide from 2 tourists with cameras. They will however gladly talk about how they helped out some chick who was in Playboy and she was so grateful she autographed a bunch of her shots for them, and lookie here, I just happen to have one here.


  1. Wow. I would think that the completely asymmetrical features would be a tip-off.

    Whoa. I TOTALLY remember this cover of Kneepads -- I remember buying it, reading it obsessively, and thinking that Shannen Doherty was the big sister I always wanted and never had.

    Brenda Walsh Forever!!

  2. Anonymous9:39 AM

    She better get used to paps if she's going to be 90210-ing it again. And she should be grateful she still has something going for her after marrying that dude that does all the sex videos.

  3. I don't understand who the cops were because I was under the impression that everyone knew who she was..

  4. It's strange because there have been hundred of covers since but I strangely remember this one clearly.
