Tuesday, July 22, 2008

RIP Estelle Getty

You can't just give Estelle Getty one photo at the top of the photos section. You need to give Estelle her very own group of photos and thank her for creating such wonderful memories and being such a warm, wonderful woman. You will be missed my dear. Very, very much.


  1. One of the best parts of a legitimately good show.

    RIP, Estelle.

  2. Thank you for being a friend.
    Traveled down the road and back again.
    You heart is true, you're a pal and a confidant.
    And if you threw a party,
    invited everyone you knew,
    you would see the biggest gift would be from me and the card attached would say, "Thank you for being a friend."

  3. This sucks. She will be missed. She rocked Golden Girls, best character out of the bunch.

  4. RIP Estelle

    You were awesome on the "Golden Girls"

  5. Oh Cheryl...I sang it...you made me choke up :-)

    I wonder if she was the woman who bought the house of the noisy neighbor..or am I completely off??

  6. Oops - my bad - she had already passed.

  7. The Angels in heaven must be laughing up a storm with you in it, Estelle.

    Thank you for the laughter, you will be truly missed

  8. no blind item here...just a sad RIP.

  9. I couldn't sleep last night so I watched an hour of GOLDEN GIRLS on Lifetime. Picture it...Sicily...

    RIP, Estelle.

  10. thank you funny lady. R.I.P.

  11. Aww, how sad. My grandmother walked around clutching her pocketbook all the time just like Sophia.
    That show is still funny.

  12. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Thanks for the lovely memorial, Ent. What a truly memorable lady, playing a truly funny character.

    You will be missed.

  13. Picture this...
    Sicilly, 1928...

    I loved her in Golden Girls

  14. Jewels -- I STILL say "picture it, Sicily" all the time, and only the cool kids get it. TGG is totally timeless.

    You had an absolutely great career, Estelle. You're quite a beloved lady.

    This sucks. When Bea Arthur passes, I'm gonna stay in bed for a week. :-(

  15. I read all the time and have posted often, but haven't had much time to since I can only read at work and this whole FREEZING thing is putting a damper on the time I have to check the happenings....but I just couldn't let this go without saying my condolences and paying my respect to Ms. Getty. I love, love, love the Golden Girls and think she (and the other ladies) were comic geniuses. That show is still relevant today and Sophia is still someone I would want to hang out with. My favorite "Sophia" moment is the one where Rose is dating the little person psychologist and Sophia comes home unexpectedly, is very pleasant and then asks to see Dorothy in the kitchen because she's not sure if the guy is a midget or if she was having another stroke! Priceless!

    RIP Estelle, may you rest in peace and your memory live on through your awesome talenta and works. Muah!

  16. Indigo, get thee to Firefox!!!

  17. unfort mooshki have of north america is still on explorer at work. we have no choice. sad face.

  18. Jax, they won't let you add firefox as well? Sometimes I forget how lucky I am that I have total internet freedom at work. After spending my workdays on the computer, it's the last thing I want to do when I get home.

  19. Mooshki! Thanks so much for the tip on firefox! I got me there and got the free version and guess what NO FREEZING! Hugs!

  20. p.s. See, even in death, Estelle is still helping spread joy throughout the world! (I hope that doesn't sound cavalier - I mean it sincerely.)

  21. Before she was a Golden Girl I had the great good fortune to work with her under her real name, Estelle Gettleman.

    I was just a lowly theater apprentice at the time, over worked, badly paid and at the bottom of the totem pole. I didn't work with her a lot, but when I did she was delightful, genuinely nice, a pleasure to work with, very funny, everything you would hope, and more.

    So often on this site, and others, we find out that our idols have feet of clay. Estelle was not one of them, she was just as wonderful as she seemed on TV.

    I just thought you all would want to know.

  22. Thanks for sharing that, Kar.

  23. Sure thing, It's nice to have something good to say!

  24. What a wonderful memorial Kar.
    You are truly lucky to have worked with someone like Ms. Getty.

  25. no moosh,we have 'net freedom but restricted on downloading anything.
    i have firefox at home and it still freezes??? wtf.

  26. Sad...I still love that show (the original SATC) and I'm glad to hear she was such a great person. Rest In Peace.

  27. Awww. Thanks, Kar. I love hearing Nice Celebrity stories!

  28. She could take one line of 3 words and make me laugh until I cried!

  29. agreed, she MADE that show.
    and ent, this is all over the net, but always pictures of her dressed as sophia, she was much more than that. thank you for pix of her as herself.
    i wish her peace in her death, as dementia and alzeimer's is/are a horrible way to live, for both the patient and the family. God love her!

  30. You'll be missed Estelle. RIP

    Golden Girls was great.

    nice story kar.

    Lifetime will be running a GG marathon on Friday.
