Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Hollywood Fun - Fake Pet Adoptions

A friend of mine is a little upset, and when she gets upset, the world needs to listen. Actually most of the time they don't, but in this case they do. She sent me a breakdown she received on Monday at 3pm from Breakdown Express.

Reality TV

Casting Director: Angela Bosworth
Shoot/Start Date: July 31 - Aug 1
Pay Rate: TBD
Location: LA area



[WILLING PITBULL ADOPTER] Seeking male or female interested in adopting a Pitbull dog for a pilot. Is not required to follow through with the adoption.

If you are interested let me know ASAP

To say that my friend is a dog lover would be an understatement. So, to say she was a trifle pissed that someone is going to fake an adoption of a dog simply for a reality television show was not something that made her day.

Here is what she wrote to me:

I think this is disgusting. They want to "fake" adopting a pit bull just for TV? Pitties have enough trouble getting adopted without having it be made light of on television. Heck, enough people already take dog adoption too lightly which is why we have so many dogs in rescue. Just a little PSA I hoped you might be interested in posting to bring people's attention to this and maybe stop the pilot from getting a green light. Yes, I'm an optimist, but I can't sit here and watch this happen without feeling like I said something.


  1. Enty, your friend rocks. So do you. Thanks for posting this.

  2. reality shows aren't real?????? Who knew?

  3. sic Ashley Paige on these assholes!

  4. This is a potential disaster for Pit bulls, who can be great animals for the right owners. If the dog doesn't work out on this show, it can potentially cause the death of 100's of placeable dogs. And the poor dog is it returned after they use it? Do the producers have pit bulls?

    These people are evil.

  5. That is fucked up. Tell me which production company or producer or whatever I have to contact and I for one will raise holy hell with them about this. And so will all the people at my favorite dog park. :-)

  6. I'm with your friend, Enty. I have no problems with positively-trained animals (i.e. Ian Dunbar-style, NOT Cesar Milan style) appearing as actors, but to bring a dog out of a shelter just to send it back? That's fucking disgusting.

  7. why don't they just use Dina Lohan...she'd make an excellent pit bull.

  8. Triple UGH! If that pit bull ever ended up hurting anyone, Jack McCoy would prosecute them for reckless endangerment for traumatizing it.

  9. I have a pit bull-lab mix, and he is a big schweetie! Pit bulls are great dogs. They have to be trained by baaaadd humans to go bad.

  10. I agree with your friend 1000 percent.

  11. Anonymous12:38 PM

    this is sick.

    I have a pit-golden mix and she is the sweetest dog you've ever seen. she had a tough life before she found us, and it just amazes me how cavalier people can be with animals.

    speaking of shelters, there was good article on one of the local LA news sites today about the over-crowding of shelters due to the mortgage crisis :( it's just so depressing.

  12. oh, now I AM UPSET!!!

    well, how tragic. OOOOH how traaagic.

    1. for any show you need TRAINED dogs. They have a HOME AND a TRAINER.

    2. if not, at least its clear and honest where its going. agree, there is no statement if they send the dog to a shelter later, BUT again, they don´t say where the dog comes from - wich could be, surprise, a shelter.

    3. now, ent, how about some other starving PEOPLE instead? Dont you have enough unpaid mortgages and stuff to present? i bet your friend , to wich the world has to listen because she is sooo upset, doesnt suffer too much, to be upset by this ridiculous shit, right? There is no dogfight, killing, mistreating, eating the dog or any kind of mad stuff planned. Just a little bit of filming, feeding, jumping around.

    OOOOH this is soooo inhuman, right. and whoa, you know? maybe some crew member likes the dog and takes him, later on.

    now, and this i say because i am upset too, tell your friend to shove her huge breakdown reason up...

    for the record: i own dogs. i love dogs.

    but thats bullshit. Ent, sorry, but lately you include more and more unworthy stuff. miss the earlier days. Why needs the world to listen to that shit? She your landlord? Is xour cdan income not enough for your cellar? come on, get some quality back here.

    rant over.

  13. *coughs.* AlllllllRIGHTY THEN.

    People who "rent" pitbulls should join Michael Vick -- in a rape stand, with a 7'8" bucktoothed boyfriend named Bucky performing the task at hand. Oh, and they can go ahead and get soaked in water and electrocuted afterwards.

    You know, you can fucking love animals and love people just as much. Sometimes, there's even *gasp!* a CONNECTION between those two things!

  14. Right on, ernestine, right on.

  15. right on, what? where is the CONNECTION between loving people and dogs in this story? ernestine didn't make a point. where did you study debate?

  16. Sassafras: there's a GIGANTIC connection between people who abuse animals and abuse people. It's been PROVEN. Every single serial killer, from Bundy to Dahmer, has abused animals in his youth. Every. Single. One. Dahmer decapitated cat heads and stuck them on posts in his front yard. People like you probably shrugged and kept on walking.

    And where the fuck did YOU study debate? I don't need some bobo college team to teach me that abusing ANY creature -- human or nonhuman -- is just a shitty and immoral thing to do. Do you have any knowledge/semblance of compassion? Because it sure as shit doesn't seem like it.

    I sincerely hope you don't have pets. Or children, either. Here's hoping you're infertile.

  17. Enty, I love your friends! I wish I knew you in person, but since I live in Houston, I'm sure we will never meet!

  18. i've had nothing but problems with pitbulls. or their owners. not one good experience, and i don't know of anyone personally who has had a good experience.

    but this sucks. it's people like these producers who make the problem worse. if my next-door neighbors treated their dogs like, well, dogs, maybe i wouldn't have the problem i have. i've also known people who have had problems with german shepherds, and i've known and loved them all my life. hey, i've got a bunny that is psychotic, but we keep trying with her.
    what would it say to her if we abandoned her?
    this is a horrible thing. as much as i hate PETA, maybe somebody should anonymously email THEM this treatment. although they're just as likely to put down an animal as anyone else.

  19. Sassafrass.. sorry, babe, you are wrong. There is a 100% connection between serial killers and abuse of animals. That trait is at the top of the list.

    Not all sadistic abusers of animals move on to humans, or become serial killers. However, virtually all serial killers started out on animals. This is extremely well documented by the FBI and other elite law enforcement agencies around the world.

  20. I have TWO pits that I have rescued. One is almost 3 and was tortured and stabbed by 16 yr old boys.. She is the best dog now... I just rescued another pit that was abandoned because people had to move and couldn't take her. 8mos old... a big dope, but the most lovable dog. I have always had pits, the last two for about 13 years. They are fantastic dogs, and I'm 110% for adopting dogs, and I agree with your friend Ent... What a shame. Very inhumane to do that to the dog. It's disgusting, and very sad.

  21. *Most* serial killers do, to say 100%, though, is wrong. Mental illness does not work in absolutes, and every investigator will tell you there is not such thing as all. There's certainly a path, as there are paths to many things. This is just silly though, the blind had nothing to do with animal abuse or the like, just pretend adoptions for the camera, which is just idiotic. I do German Shepherd Rescue, which while not quite as hard as Pit Bull Rescue, sucks in many of the same ways.
    I contacted BAD RAP and pointed them towards the blog.

  22. Come on, people, this is a gossip blog, not CNN. I don't see why there is "oh my god, why does Ent DARE to report on this when he could be reporting on people?!" at all. It's not as if Ent is supposed to be a judge on "Nope, only the worst things ever in the history of the world get on MY all important blog! Anything less than genocide doesn't make the cut!" It's still wrong and it still shows how idiotic this "reality" pilot is. It hurts my heart.

  23. Thanks to the last four commenters. Glad to know some people still have souls and beating hearts.

  24. ok...this is getting ridiculous...I think Joanna said it best. THIS IS NOT CNN...IT'S A GOSSIP BLOG PEOPLE...for God's sake.

    This is my last comment on this blog as I simply can not stand to read the others anymore.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Bionic Bunny! said: "i've had nothing but problems with pitbulls. or their owners. not one good experience, and i don't know of anyone personally who has had a good experience."

    I say, may I suggest you make a change in the people you surround yourself with if possible? Because you personally haven't had any good experiences doesn't mean there will be none in the future. No puppy is born bad; they are made that way after much abuse by idiotic trash PEOPLE. We have a 65 pound pitbull female and she is a daffy love bug who still thinks she can fit in a lap, AND who is DOMINATED BY MY 8 pound POMERANIAN.

  27. I am Ashley Paige from Bikini or Bust on TLC, and I have to say that sadly this is typical in Hollywood. It is up to the actors to put their foot down and do the right thing.
    On one of my episode I go to the pound to search for one of my rescued dogs that had gotten lost from their owners, I went to get the poor thing the day it happened. the next day we re-enacted the scene, but i said NO-way if i walk through the pound that i would (A) pretend to rescue a dog or (B) leave empty handed. And i didn't, i got the 2 least likely to get adopted dogs that day!!!!
    What show was this make-believe dog adoption on?

    love is everything, Ashley Paige
