I figure why not start out with some of your favorites, although I think we will all admit that when Jeremy Piven takes a better photo than Gerard Butler your weekend might not be starting off as well as one could hope. But look you can have Guy Ritchie or Ludacris if you prefer.
Dick Cavett almost made it to the top, because, well lets face it, he is Dick Cavett.

Someone who will never make it to the top unless he is caught on film naked in a men's room in a park is Dane Cook.

Carmen, Carmen, Carmen. I thought we were beyond the whole need to look hot even though 40 is around the corner thing. I mean this is just not classy. This screams Mariah Carey and not in a good way.

Obviously Jesse McCartney is showing us how many brain cells he has left which is his only excuse for whatever the hell he is wearing.

See, this is a reality couple I can get behind. I mean Jenna Morasca and Ethan Zohn have been going out forever and unlike Speidi, you would probably want to hang out with this couple.

Jennifer Lopez's first experiment with making her own clothes was not the fashion success she hoped it would be.

"So, then the goat said to me, grab me by the horns and I will make you a king."

Feist - New York

Well if she doesn't stop stealing other boyfriends, Green is going to be the next black & blue. Seriously. Shanna Moakler will beat Kim Kardashian down, and now it looks like Reggie won't be there to help Kim back up.

Kelsey Grammer looks remarkably good for a guy who said he died two weeks ago.

Hell, I must be in a good mood because Kevin Costner looks good.

And then he ruins it by hiring out himself to play at his own after party. Remarkably, four or even five people stayed to watch him play.

Jessica Simpson looks nice. There I said it. She does actually though. Must have found out John is going to be over at Pete's place this weekend.

Wow, someone who doesn't look so good. Damn Quentin.

Well the wig looks just as fake as the rest of Paula.

Swear this is true. Nicole Richie wore this to yoga class.

This man is by far the bravest man on the planet. He is dating Naomi Campbell.

Awww. I miss Mare Winningham. Does anyone know if she ever made it into double digits with kids? I could look it up, but laziness runs through my family. I blame sugar.

About ever six months I like to post a photo of Victoria Silvstedt just so I can see what alterations she has made to her body. Entire teams of plastic surgeons can buy countries based on what she has spent.

The Music - Incheon, Korea

The Go! Team - Incheon, Korea

She'll have a boyfriend by mid-August, and if not the tabs will find one for her.

Rush - Noblesville, IN