Grease is done on Broadway. Seems pretty fitting for a top spot moment. Now, I'm not going to say the reason it closed on Broadway is because Taylor Hicks got added to the cast, but hey, it survived Debbie Gibson and Rosie so I think we need to find someone to blame.
A vision of loveliness, is Ali Larter. I always love when I come up with a new adjective. I would come up with more but I've been trying to memorize all the two letter words that are legal for Scrabble.
Amber Tamblyn would have probably got the top spot, but for the fact she chose to share the spotlight with Noah Hawley who just released his book and Joshua Close who if he were a true fan of Noah would be holding the damn book up to the camera so people would know what the hell the book looked like.
Ashes Divine - Camden, NJ
Kabbalah may be for lovers, but apparently they don't carry bags. I bet the Scientologists would have been there to carry Anthony's bags. Hell and they would have brought some complimentary Tom Cruise misting spray to refresh you after a long flight.
Yeah, she's gaining it for a role. Whatever you say. You know, you don't often see blue shoes like that except at Elvis conventions and Tom Cruise's closet. Jeez, I've already mentioned Tom Cruise twice. I need a vacation. I'm thinking of Edmonton. When the hell does hockey season start anyway?

You get the number one movie opening of all-time you get to be in Random Photos twice in a week. When he's not smiling Christian Bale is a scary looking guy.

In case any of you don't know who Bar Refaeli is or who the hell is responsible for putting her on television, the guy holding the sign is nice enough to tell you. When he wanted the sign autographed at the end of the day, Bar just ignored him.

Quite honestly and with no hesitation, I can say this is the best photo I have seen in the past few months. There are just not enough words in the English language to describe what is seen in this photo. I could write a book based just on this photo, but then Brittany Murphy would probably try and sue me for a piece of it. A little background to the photo. This is immediately after they entered the car from their home and before the engine was even started. Would you want to be driving anywhere near this guy? Before getting in the car, Brittany yelled at him for five minutes, then got in the car, lit a cigarette and the whole world just stopped. It really does look like they both think they are driving, but will be in the same exact place in an hour. I encourage you to click on the photo because it blows up really big and you can see all the detail and misery that can follow you back down the career ladder.

So, I'm guessing Dean McDermott doesn't like having sex with Tori Spelling. Now, I base this entirely on the fact that during my one episode of viewing the show I clearly heard Tori tell Dean that he would not get any sex unless he was scruffy or had a beard. Infer what you like from that.

I just really like Daisy Lowe and Alexa Chung seems pretty nice also.

Does anyone know if there is a Christian Slater bobblehead doll?

Guess Brooke Mueller got her golden ticket. Think that's why Denise was pissed?

The lovely Cheryl Hines and her daughter.

Ehhh, but Jonny Lee Miller looks good. Wow, you think there could be a part for him in that Billy Bob/ Angelina Jolie film. Hackers 2 would be cool.

Jay Z - Glasgow

Jarvis Cocker - Chicago

Jim Carrey must have been so proud when his daughter came home and showed him that tattoo.

Don't worry Hayden, I'll buy your CD. I promise.

And a gust of wind came along and we all did find out that it was Saturday because that's what the underwear said. Lame huh? I know. I was going to say something like the design on her dress kept multiplying until it took over the world, but it is tough to envision without a picture of attacking someone.

Maggie Gyllenhaal looked really good last week. This week. She's ok, but its kind of like she isn't that thrilled with being in a number one film and it was a big effort to get dressed. Who knows?

I know all of you love Matt Goss. Daisy Fuentes looks great too.

I'm hoping that Lady Victoria Hervey didn't actually plan on running in the race. I think its pretty obvious that she doesn't need any activity that is going to burn calories and lets face it, one heavy step and her leg is just going to shatter anyway.

Kellie Pickler - Twin Lakes, WI

!!! - Chicago

A first time appearance for Nacho Figueras who appears to have grown up normally despite the intense beatings he must have received as a child because his parents decided to name him after a snack.

Michelle Shocked - Detroit

Definitely random. Molly Shannon, Selma Blair and Alison Sweeney.

Mark Ronson - Glasgow

While some in Sarah Silverman's situation may have turned to drink or drugs to cope with depression, Sarah instead, became Amish.

Go with me on this. Samantha Ronson from this angle looks exactly like Bob Geldof.

Who here thinks Salman Rushdie must have a foot long peen?

I wonder if Stefanie Powers has any interest in finding out for us. She looks fabulous.

So Rose McGowan decided to celebrate her victory by rushing out and stealing a burlap sack from some kid and turning it into a dress. Somewhere some kid is either standing alone at the starting line of a bag race while everyone else hops away in their bag, or quite possibly some kid is getting plastic burns as he slides down a slide at a fair because there are no bags left.

Zelda Williams is probably long past the embarrassed at what dad wears kind of thing. She and Coco Arquette are co-presidents.

This is what happens when an 11 year old gets a birthday party which has a red carpet.

Get your minds out of the gutter. It's an award. I think.

Because everyday is a great day when it involves The Veronicas.
Rose McGowan's victory? What did I miss?
ReplyDeleteEnt. for scrabble xi is always a winner. Remember everything on the periodic table, those saved my life. I don't know if normal scrabble users allow them but my mom lets me. And for Q: qet ( i think?) is a good one.
ReplyDeleteFor some reason it makes me laugh to see "Jay Z - Glasgow" next to "Jarvis Cocker - Chicago". It just seems so...weird.
ReplyDeleteDaisy still looks cute.
I'm sorry Sarah, I'm not going to go out with you if you keep wearing that.
Has anyone ever confused Sam Ronson for a woman?
And yeah, I'm confused about Rose and Robert now, what's going on?
r rose mcg and robert rod back on or are they just making nice for the photogs?
ReplyDeleteSarah Silverman, Jarvis Cocker, AND !!!? Today officially wins. :D
ReplyDeleteabbreviations like the table of elements are not permitted ina legal game of scrabble..cheats!! lol.
ReplyDeleteedmonton huh? interesting choice but make sure you go in winter..its even better!
(to pictute edmonton in the winter go to your nearest freezer,open it and picture a goddamn mall in it. voila.
Are you sure that's Cheryl Hines' daughter?
ReplyDeleteI will gladly take all the Ali Larter pix you can post...
ReplyDeleteWasn't there a BI about a pregnant reality show series person?
ReplyDeleteWasn't there a blind about an actress and her douchey husband/bf doing drugs and she was with him for the drugs and/or blackmail? I don't mean the Ted C blinds that everyone thinks is Angie. When I saw the pic of Brittany Murphy and her husband that blind item is what I was thinking of.
ReplyDeleteIf Jarvis Cocker were a high school teacher, would it be geology, trigonometry, or honors physics?
ReplyDeleteThe Shannon/Blair/Sweeney pic wasn't entirely looks like it was taken at the NBC critics' presentation, and Shannon and Blair are costarring in a series this fall.
ReplyDeleteSince I live in Edmonton I'd like to point out that it's cold in any city that you visit in winter. As far as the mall thing, Jax if you didn't ahve enough imagination or no how of where to go ro what to do while you were here don't blame the city. Cate - we'll have to agree to disagree. I've lived in both cities. Both have their good points and bad points.
ReplyDeleteI hope Jim Carrey's daughter turns out okay. I remember when she just just a preteen chubbette and her mom was fighting for more money to build her daughter her very own pilates studio.
ReplyDeleteoh my bad littleolme i thought since the last time you bitched about something you might have aquired a sense of humour.
ReplyDeleteit's called a joke!
ya Enty go to Edmonton,they sound realllll fun.
Okay .. I am totally on board with Kris!!
ReplyDeleteWhen did Rose - Robert deal re-ignite? Last I heard she had pretty much been deemed the evil bitch troll from hell because she was using Rob Rod to further her career. Apparently, I missed some rather big news in the recent past!?!?
No hockey for a bit - you should have been here for the outdoor classic - now THAT game was true Edmonton hockey - minus 30 or so, outside in the fresh air, sun shining watching Wayne and the boys play again.
ReplyDeleteAre Rose and Rod back together?
ReplyDeleteGrease is actually still running with Taylor Hicks and the runner-ups...
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWho are the kids?
ReplyDeleteWhat the hail happened to Katie's hair?? Is she getting The Tom Cut now??
ReplyDeleteKneepads says of some recent benefit: "...a 'lovey-dovey' Robert Rodriguez and Rose McGowan, who kissed and danced all night..."
ReplyDeleteIt was posted July 20.,,20213645,00.html
Jib I was at that game too! That was a fantastic day. It was freezing cold but everyone just dressed warmly, snuck in booze and watched old time hockey. When they cleared off the ice with shovels in between periods...well that was the best.
ReplyDeleteI wish I knew how to interpret what was said about Brittany Murphy. I am sure there is more to that photo-
ReplyDeleteI am drawing a blank.
Re: Christian Bale looking scary ...
His mom and sister have accused him of assaulting them a few days ago.
I think there should be a rule that only words of three letters or more are allowed in Scrabble. The two-letter words just seem like bs to me.
ReplyDelete"to pictute edmonton in the winter go to your nearest freezer,open it and picture a goddamn mall in it. voila."
Ha, I think that's how most people see Minneapolis too. :)
Christian Bale - wtf? Beating up his mom? Not the publicity they were hoping for.
"Hackers 2" ftw!
Ali! I love her so much. Holy baby boobs!
I love that look on Sarah S. The indy school girl.
Rose/Robert seem like the yo-yo type of couple - violent breakups, then back together again. And so on, and so on.
Who's the 11-year-old? He has dead eyes.
I'm so happy Ali Larter is a cool chick - I have liked her for a long time and it's nice that she's not just a beautiful face.
Oops, better specify - when I said baby boobs I was talking about Ali Sweeney.
ReplyDeleteEnt, on Nacho Figuera´s defense, he´s actually called Ignacio and Nacho is his nickname (he´s Argentinian)
ReplyDeleteCharlie Sheen always looks like he's about to molest someone. Ick.
ReplyDeleteMatt Goss& Daisy Fuentes looks great two Sweet.....