Wednesday, July 30, 2008

NY Post Blind Items

WHICH formerly wealthy Greenwich, Conn., gent, a victim of the economic malaise, saw the horse he bought for one of his kids get repossessed? When the red-faced dad threatened to call the cops, the repo man said, "Go ahead. It's our horse."

WHICH businessman is hiding his past as a pornographer now that his kids are being teased by private-school classmates? The ex-sleaze purveyor hired a team of hackers to flood the 'Net with bogus posts, so now the porno is buried under layers of fluff.


  1. It's so hard these days to raise good parents.

  2. 1. Vince McMahon?

    2. The founder of or Larry Flynt? or Bob Guccione?

  3. It's actually possible these days to hire a team of monkeys to flood the interwebs with "fluff"? Wow, talk about a business opportunity!

  4. Hey, Flora. Yep, fake posts are a thriving business. Read an article about it last year. Several companies out there who do it. They can't get rid of the info out there, but they can make it much more difficult to access.

  5. Bob's kids are old enough to be grandparents at this point.

  6. Anonymous4:48 PM

    LOL Rufusjonz - I thought Vince McMahon too, when I saw Greenwich. I'm sure we're wrong though.

  7. Christy Brinkly's ex Peter what's his name?
