Tuesday, July 22, 2008

No Photos No Baby?

So, I'm convinced, despite what she may think of Tom Cruise, that Nicole Kidman learned a few things about business and publicity from him that she still uses today. One lesson which I think she picked up really well is building suspense for something.

Lets review because, well I need it.

When Nicole and Tom were married they adopted two kids. Mimi Rogers had always said that Tom didn't have any swimmers

When Nicole Kidman announced her pregnancy no one believed her. It wasn't until about the 8th month or so that there was even the slightest bump. I think I posted some photos around the 7th month that looked like she had something hidden under her outfit but all of you shot me down.

So, Nicole gives birth, BUT there are no photos and I don't think anyone has actually produced a birth certificate yet either.

We all gave kudos to Nicole because she wouldn't sell out her kid to the press despite the money offers. If they gave Matthew McConaughey $3M you would think Nicole could probably get in that ballpark. Probably.

So, now we have photos everyday of Keith and Nicole who looks exactly the same as before she got pregnant. Hell, she's skinnier and she still doesn't have any boobs.

Now, when Suri was born there was the big hoopla because no one had seen the kid and there were no photos, but Tom was being a crafty bastard and got hype and buzz and a crap load more money in a really good magazine for his first photos.

Now that people are wondering if there is a Nicole baby, that same buzz is happening. She has a great relationship with Vanity Fair and Vogue and so I wouldn't be surprised if Sunday Monday ends up in a magazine more known for high fashion than high chairs. That last bit is nice. Admit it. Came out of nowhere. Just like this zit which wasn't there when I went to sleep last night. Where the hell do they come from?

Of course all this could be moot because if you look at this photo long enough you will think Nicole is a guy anyway.


  1. I don't care if she gave birth, or bought the baby at the local market, she should still be in the stage of not wanting to be apart from her for a single minute. :(

  2. yeah...I couldn't believe that either...any time my friends had a new baby - no matter how they got it - I couldn't get them to leave it!!

    Seems like a lot of celebs have no problem leaving them...

  3. I don't know what boobs you're looking at, Ent, but I've never seen her boobs look so round.

    BTW, she looks like absolute crap in that picture. That is some scarey stuff there. She almost looks like she really did just have a kid.

  4. Well, from what I've read, Nicole isn't as noble as she's trying to seem. I think it was Lainey that said the REAL reason we haven't seen photos is because she's a little miffed that she's not getting nearly as much money as Brangelina. I believe that. I don't think she's noble, I think she's waiting for the right price to come along.

    And that's IF she even had a damn baby...

  5. Was Halle married to Tom too? Cause she kind of has/had that same deal going on with no baby pics and people driving themselves crazy wondering what little Nahla looks like. OTOH, Halle hasn't even uttered the word "no," she just isn't putting her kid up for auction. Actions speak louder than word sometimes after all, huh.

    And yeah, Nicole is looking very rough in that pic. but for all we know that could be what she actually looks like and we're just seeing her without make-up for the first time.

  6. hasn't her sister been in lock down the last few months? that is the speculation that Antonia had the baby as a surrogate. she is normally pretty much out in the open with nicole a lot but lately MIA...interesting.

  7. GAYLA, I think Halle legitimately does not want to pimp her child out press. I like her for that. It's kind of sick how some of these celebs just pimp their kids out like that.

  8. I know these celebs all have nannies and a household staff, but after I gave birth I was tired for weeks. Folks were e-mailing Lainey saying new moms don't wear white (us moms understand, though I had very little bleeding) but those jeans just look uncomfortable.

  9. Nicole has gone off the deep end.

    Most new moms don't leave their babies. Even when they have nannies, they still want to be close every minute.

    I knew a woman who was totally disinterested in her baby for the first 6 months. Turned out she had post-partum.

    I think Nicole is just a narcissistic bitch.

  10. I respect Halle, because she isn't just keeping her baby hidden, she's staying off the radar herself for the most part. I don't sense any hypocrisy there.

  11. they don't look happy. hope the baby is ok.

  12. There were always allegations of Nicole being completely uninterested in Conor and Isabella long before the divorce or Tom keeping her from seeing the kids. There was a story about her screaming on an airplane for someone to "shut those damn kids up!"

    Since were taking rumors and conspiracy theories about Ms. Kidman, one is that she is genetically male and can't have kids (like Jamie Lee Curtis).

    Lainey has been implying that Keith Urban is under contract to act as her husband.

    I like the Antonia as surrogate theory. It is interesting that Tom has had two wives with dubious pregnancies.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. i believe most conspiracies near tom but I just don't on this one. kidman is tiny and your first pregnancy you dont always pop way out, not to mention all photos lately her boobs look way bigger to me.

  15. Whoa! CHERYL! Now THAT is a good rumor. I heard that too, but I think that by now it would have already come out, or at least be like the "Ava Gardner was half-black" rumor. Personally, I think it's that it's not like she can't have kids, but that she can't bear them.

    Like, maybe she used a surrogate...

    Then again, I'm just thinking out loud now.

  16. Anonymous10:34 AM

    A tiny bit off topic, but related - I just saw a pic of the robot (Katie) and Suri shopping at the American Girl store in L.A., and ~ wait for it ~ Suri was actually WALKING!!!

  17. cheryl: I remember that tidbit! I think she and the kids were on a flight and she yelled at the nanny to shut them up.

    She doesn't strike me as being remotely maternal.


  18. one is that she is genetically male and can't have kids (like Jamie Lee Curtis).

    What? Jamie Lee Curtis is a guy? Wow, the things I learn from this blog.

  19. Lainey hates Nicole AND is full of sh*t about her sister. Go to Getty Images. There are plenty of pictures of the sister at events right up to the birth.

    It's not like Nicole is flying off to Paris for weeks, she's just out for a few hours.

  20. And yet Lainey adores Gwyneth Paltrow? Oh well, I guess we've all got our faves.

  21. Longtime reader, first time poster.

    Not defending her or anything but I had my first baby at 30, am 5'10", was very thin and people didn't know I was pregnant until I was 7-8 months along. I also walked out of the hospital 3 days later wearing the jeans I wore before I was pregnant. My baby was 8lbs 15 oz, so not by any means a tiny little thing. I find it very credible that she was pregnant, had a child and looks the way she does. And her chest does look bigger to me. Just my .02 worth. Take it for what its worth. :)


  22. yeah...i sometimes question Lainey and her motives...

  23. I've tried and tried to like Lainey's site but her tweenlike gushing over Pitt/Jolie causes me much nausea.

  24. The boobs look pretty dang big to me here--nipples are showing, too. Unless I'm just seeing things...

  25. Ted Casablanca pretty much said she had a surrogate.

  26. I have heard this rumor before as with Nicole Murphy, that both women are really sex changes who used surrogates for their babies and Hollywood baby bumps to look pregnant.

    I think Mimi Rogers stated that Nicole was a trannie also. Not sure if any of this is true but knowing Hollyweird, it would not surprise me one bit.

  27. Her Boobs do look full butttttt i just don't buy that she was ever pregnant. It (meaning babie bump) never looked real to me. Just my opinion.


  29. Jamie Lee Curtis has been rumored to have been born a hermaphrodite. The rumor started in old hollywood regarding a celebrity couple who were shocked when their child was born with both genitalia. With surgery and hormones she has become more female but if you look at her in her early films you can see her manly/adrogynous features coming through.

  30. I don't believe all the rumors but there are a lot of them when it comes to Nicole Kidman so I was doing a rumor roundup. There have also been lesbian rumors about her for years. One is that she was wild on the Aussie lesbian club scene before she became famous, she and Naomi Watts had an affair, and an old blind item about a nude woman coming out of her bedroom during an interview.

    I take Lainey with a grain of salt and Ted C. with couple of Advils.

  31. As long as she is happy, I really don't care if she had the baby herself or hired a surrogate.

  32. I saw a pic of Halle holding her baby and the photo looked like it was taken from far away.

    I think Nicole is shaped like an apple (gains all her weight in her middle but nothing in her butt and thighs) and you can see that she does have a tummy above it -- I think she looks like she gave birth.

  33. the whole jamie lee thing is sooo untrue .. I am saying this because I have been told I look like her and I certainly do not look like a man nor have the body of man .. just physically fit and athletic, from years of swimming and weight training .. how could you say she is manly .. did you see her body in trading places (best eddie murphy movie ever) or in the movie with arnold .. she is smoking hot ..

  34. Once upon a time Lainey adored Nicole.

    A hypothetical:

    A surrogate was employed.

    Flynet photographer saw surrogate in SUV with Kidman and trainer in March.

    Flynet photographer photographs surrogate.

    Flynet photographer pummeled.

    Flynet’s camera purified before placed for recovery.

    Flynet was paid vast sum of hush money.

    Surrogate gives birth Sunday, July 6th at Vanderbilt Hospital.

    Baby is given to Kidmans on Monday

    Kidman realizes Sunday isn’t achieving the desired goal

    Kidman discards baby for Starbucks, lie-revealing white pants and belly shirt and paps.

  35. I agree with WTF!!!
    someone mentioned that she didn't look pregnant because she was small. Let me tell you for one I gained 18 effin pounds with my first child and she was 7pounds 4oz. The day before I had been in a fabric store and a rude customer said I was awfully small to be full term.... that something was wrong with my baby for me to be so damn small and full term!!! So i just wanna say maybe back off!! Maybe she had her own baby... mabey she hired a womb....do we have to know?
    **falling off soap box**

  36. I don't believe the hermaphrodite thing (first I've ever heard that about Nicole!)

    I buy the lesbian angle, though.

    There are people who don't gain much weight and walk out of the hospital in their pre-preg jeans. I know a couple of them.

    And there ARE those people who are so vain and OCD that they can't surrender themselves to pregnancy and motherhood the way many of us have. They have to prove that they are still sexy/thin/tough/hip and that motherhood hasn't changed them. Which I personally think is a shame, because it's a chance to transform yourself into something/someone different (and better).

    Oh, I've gone too far again. OT.

  37. I wonder what made Lainey change her mind about Nicole? She does seem a little over the top with all her Granny Freeze posts. I don't get the Nicole hate, but then I'm pretty neutral about her.

    Also, weren't there some pictures of Nicole in a bikini and sheer cover up on the beach not too long ago? didn't look like a prosthetic tummy to me.

  38. I think if Nicole was going to use a prosthetic belly, she would have used a larger one, to squelch such speculation. Sure, she carried small but her belly was consistent and not up and down and all over the place like Katie Holmes'. And yet Lainey thinks Katie really gave birth when stated and Nicole was faking it? Lainey is an idiot.
    I believe Nicole gave birth. I don't think the fact she's wearing white and/or wearing skinny type jeans disproves that. I see a bit of a tummy and I think her boobs look larger. I don't think she's lacking anything maternal by going out to lunch with her husband.
    And if she looks a bit rough? She has a newborn baby at home!

  39. make room for the mini vans!

    sorry yo-yo judge is what we do,some have crafts and stamp collecting. we point and judge.
    it's who we are.

  40. I agree that if Nicole was really faking it, she'd get a bigger prosthetic belly...especially since the rumours have been around since she announced the pregnancy.

    As for Ted C, he also hinted that Angelina was hooked on heroine. Considering that she just gave birth to healthy twins, I would take what he says with a grain of salt (and a translator).

  41. And going to get coffee a few weeks after having a baby doesn't make you a bad mom. However, forgetting all about your 2 adopted kids does. It just seems odd that her kids haven't even come to visit their new sister (and if they had, wouldn't she make sure that it was reported, since there's been so much talk of her ignoring her kids?)...even if it is all Tom's fault, why wouldn't Nicole fight for the right to see her kids?

  42. After I'd given birth to my second child, I took her in for a 1-week check at our pediatrician's office. Both the nurse and the doctor assumed I'd adopted her, even though I'd been in there with my son several times during the last trimester of my pregnancy.

    (In the interest of full disclosure, I'm a fat lesbian, so you can see where they'd be confused...)

    This story really has no point other than to say, you just never know.

  43. Jamie Lee is at the right age for being a DES baby--probably why she was never able to have kids.
    As someone who has had kids, the thought of wearing jeans in the summer after giving birth is revolting--you want something as loose as possible because your stomach contracts down for a good few weeks. And White???

  44. Thanks for the info, YoYo.

    And thanks for the laugh (as usual), Jax.

  45. "I take Lainey with a grain of salt and Ted C. with couple of Advils."

    "...judge is what we do,some have crafts and stamp collecting. we point and judge. it's who we are."
    --Sad but true! :):):)

    To be fair to Nicole, there are rumors that Tom and/or Scientology blackmailed her into giving up custody of the kids, and she is only allowed to see them when Tom lets her. Who knows?

  46. there is NO way this woman just gave birth two weeks ago

    those white pants would not last 20 minutes without ... well, you ladies know

  47. My friend gave birth the day after Nicole did. she had a 8lb 10oz baby and was all stomach. She still has a good sized pooch and is wearing sweats and t-shirts.

  48. "Jamie Lee is at the right age for being a DES baby--probably why she was never able to have kids."

    Don't know about that, I'm a DES daughter and I had a child. DES increases your chances for cervical cancer. In a male child they may be born with only one testicle and have increased risk of tesicular cancer.


    Back to topic - what a shame these people get to live under such a high powered microscope. We disect every inch of what they do and sit in judgement without the facts (Ted C., Lainey, etc. are not givers of facts).

  49. @notachance--
    Women exposed to DES before birth (in the womb), known as DES Daughters, are at an increased risk for clear cell adenocarcinoma (CCA) of the vagina and cervix, reproductive tract structural differences, pregnancy complications, infertility, and auto-immune disorders. Although DES Daughters appear to be at highest risk for clear cell cancer in their teens and early 20s, cases have been reported in DES Daughters in their 30s and 40s (Hatch, 1998).
    I know a few people who could not have children for the above reasons--I know it doesn't pertain to everyone, but Janet Lee did have a few miscarriages, & may have taken the drug.

  50. "...what a shame these people get to live under such a high powered microscope."

    The thing is, most of the people we gossip about ask for it to a great extent. It is possible to stay mostly out of the limelight if you want. I agree that the public and paps can go too far, but I'd consider Nicole fair game for silly speculation.

  51. Oh, and if you were talking about Jamie Lee Curtis, I think she is too smart to care what people say. :)

  52. Much as I love the usual snark around these parts, I am laughing at the ridiculous conspiracy theories here. The woman had a baby, she had no reason to lie about it. She's an Oscar winner for godsake, not some fledgling celebutard who needs to reinvent herself for press. Also, there have been pictures of her sister lately which clearly show that she was not carrying a child.

    I actually have a friend in Australia who took drama classes with this woman way back when, and according to her, she was sweet and demure, much as she appears to the press now, and was only concerned about becoming better at 'her craft'. She was not a lesbian, and wasn't a rampaging wench either. The woman married the wrong guy and has been paying for it ever since, which makes no sense given the arse that he has shown himself to be.

    I'm not her biggest fan and have been kind of disappointed with some of her more recent work, but that said, give her a break! Faking a pregnancy and *gasp* going out with her husband without her baby?! Are you serious? You have a kid and suddenly you cease to exist? What kind of moronic thinking is that? Let me tell you, when you've been pregnant and haven't felt physically great for months, you look forward to reclaiming who you are and taking a break from the new role by spending time with your partner, while simultaneously cherishing your child from afar for a few hours. Firsthand experience here.

    End o'rant.

  53. According to many, she never was really much of an actress. More of a social climber, and now more of a celebutard to try to stay famous.

    Her bra is probably padded, it doesn't prove she gave birth. The bikini photos mentioned were well before she supposedly got pregnant.

    I only ever gained baby weight and wear size 0's. And I still looked more pregnant than she ever will.

    And even if she was, because of her age, she would have gained and not bounced back so fast.

    I don't buy she was ever pregnant. Nothing wrong with using a surrogate, but utterly wrong to deny it if you did.

  54. "I am laughing at the ridiculous conspiracy theories here."

    See, that's why we post them! For most people, it's all in good fun!

  55. Anonymous4:52 PM

    I had a baby and I gained a sh*tload of weight when I was pregnant and I hate you all!

  56. My mother gained 11 pounds when she was pregnant with me, 18 with my brother (and he came in a 9.8.) Her body snapped back in no time.

    The main point of similarity is my mother is tiny and has had borderline eating disorders like most Hollywood actresses.

    I don't understand the force it takes to not eat, even while pregnant. But I know the image-concious mentality, where no-way-in-hell is the baby going to steal their body.

    I also imagine Nicole had a c-section, which would make the white clothes less dangerous. I also see a residual belly there, though slight, and her tits are absolutely bigger.

    Come on, folks. She was pregnant.

  57. Mooshki, thanks for that. I do appreciate good snark, really. I just don't get why this woman in particular is getting so much of it. I do like a good laugh, but I couldn't believe anyone thought such a high profile woman, in this day and age, could get away with faking a pregnancy. Years ago it was doable, but not now.

    If I could have any conspiracy theory come true, I'd want the one about Jim Morrison still being alive to be it. He was yummy, and even if he were old, fat and bald, he'd still be Jim.

  58. The c-section does not make white clothes less dangerous. Nope. Not just 2 weeks post partum. The white clothes gave the fraud away, IMO.

  59. Anyway, what I came on here to say to ENT was: PLEASE - blow the lid off Kidman's Kid. This is getting ridiculous.

  60. Look a little closer people...those jeans are barely zipped up.

    and my mom was another one of those who walked out of the hospital with me in her pre-pregancy jeans.

    I've watched quite a few friends bounce back that quickly after a baby.

    I don't believe the conspiracy theory about Nicole. She didn't sell pics of Isabella and Connor when she was with Tom. Why do you think she'd change now? Her career isn't sliding downwards like Tom's. She still has the room to do what she wants and remain at the top.

    Can't believe I just wrote that since I'm not a NK fan.

  61. Couple of comments:

    My best friend, 6 feet tall. Gave birth the day after riding her mountain bike in a mini-marathon thing. Walked into the hospital, size 6 jeans. Then, 2 weeks after, proceeded to run a marathon. And, never gained too much weight anywhere, maybe a little in the boobs, kinda like Nicky there. Exercise/weight obsessed people are going to do things that are maybe not so great for the kids health, but to say she didn't give birth? Well, I defer that to her gyno.

    As for that picture? Me thinks the poor lady justs needs a shot of java and a minute away from the bundle of joy. The first thing I did when I got home after my C-sec? Handed the kid to my mother and sat on my deck with a bloody mary. Ooohhh, bad mother!

  62. both my kids were over 8lbs.
    the first one i gained 58 lbs with, and lost 20 on the table, was down to my peak weight in less than 3 months (boobs even faster, i didn't breastfeed either of them).
    second one i gained 5 lbs. lost almost nothing on the table. was back to peak weight in 6 weeks. was also terribly depressed, but that's another story.
    also, my bleeding didn't last very long. and i was DESPERATE to get into "normal" clothes.

    not a fan, either, but i see a little belly skin, and perhaps she is not breast feeding, either by choice (like me) or for other reasons.
    i really hope she's not pimping the kid out, wherever it came from.
    oh, yeah, anybody notice the DARK ROOTS in her hair? 30 years ago they didn't tell me not to dye my hair. or not to drink.
    and the rumors about jamie lee curtis are unfounded. its called "google", people, it is your friend!

  63. I have seen women identical to Nicole who also were 7 months pregnant in their regular jeans. It happens in the real world. They also pop right back into their jeans 4 days after the baby is born. AMA says that you just have to gain 20 pounds to have a healthy baby of 7 pounds. You could easily lose 13 pounds of water weight having a baby. It appears that is what Nicole did.

  64. High fashion/high chairs was good but Sunday Monday made me laugh out loud.

  65. I have had 4 c-sections. six days after the first one I was driving and I wore white shorts, in the summer! Oh my....I was able to wear the same clothes I wore before I was pregnant. That was the first and last pregnancy where that happened and I am 5 ft tall. My good friend is tall, thin and never looked pregnant and didn't have to wear maternity clothes with her third pregnancy. I looked like I was having triplets with my third and fourth. My point? Every woman is different and every pregnancy is different. I believe her pregnancy more than I believe Suri is Tom's.

  66. AMEN, sistas!
    i think we should have an off topic (whatever happened to the board) about all of our P.G. experiences and make charts or stickers or something. for those of us with increasing carpal tunnel. we can bring them all to "show-n-tell" if we're ever allowed to have another CDANCON.

  67. "I just don't get why this woman in particular is getting so much of it."

    I think it's a reaction to the Botox and the blond hair - it's easy to assume everything about her is fake now. I am still fond of her - I was crazy about her after "Dead Calm," but I wish she would go back to being more natural.

    BB, the CDAN board is still there - it would be nice to get it hopping! (I love the new Facebook group, thanks Jax, but the board is probably better for organizing topics) http://crazydaysandnights.yuku.com/bcrazydaysandnights
