Thursday, July 24, 2008

Maybe A 25 Year Old Man--Maybe

Wow two in a row about Star. The cover of Star this week says that Matthew Broderick has been cheating on the mole-less one Sarah Jessica Parker with some 25 year old redhead. Oh, they say the redhead is a woman.

Not buying it. You tell me that he is doing a man dressed as a woman then I might believe it. Forget everything about anything you have ever heard or speculated about SJP and Matthew Broderick. Open marriage, beard, loving committed marriage, whatever. Doesn't matter for the sake of this post. What does matter is this. What is one of the best indicators that a man is having an affair whether it be with a man or a woman?

He changes his style or appearance or starts buying new clothes. Something that indicates he is actually trying again. I know you ladies might find it hard to believe, but some of us men have been known to kind of give up after we get into a relationship. I know, I know, that hard, youthful body with a full head of hair has given way, well to something that makes you want to cry yourself to sleep at night.

Have you seen the photos I have been posting of Matthew Broderick over the past six weeks? If anything the guy has got more lazy, not less. His clothes are horrible and his appearance makes him look like he gives up a little more each day. At this point I'm wondering how come he hasn't broken out the sweats or the Zubaz pants. (BTW, they are making a comeback)

What I do think is that people forget that during the run of The Producers, Matthew was photographed out with a young redhead then. Or was she a brunette? Who the hell cares, but he was. Now, maybe he is allowed to get a little on the side, or maybe it is all made up to make him look more manly, or maybe he finds them and brings them home to SJP. The thing is the facts of this are just really similar to the story from last year.

You read the article here, and then you decide.


  1. enty, if this were really true, you would have surely posted a blind about it ..not about the actor who asked people if they wanted to f his wife ...thats the mb we all know and love ..

  2. I wonder if she removed her mole to woo him back.
    Reminds me of "Election".

  3. Oh Well!!! I doubt he cheating with a man or woman!

  4. these two are about to split. a deal was made. the publicity starts.........NOW.

    1. matthew cheats
    2. but, with a woman!
    3. poor SJP
    4. ???

  5. I tried to read the Star article, but I threw up when I saw "Matty Cakes."

    Ugh. Just writing that makes me wanna barf again.

  6. I read the article, and it sounds like a crock of hooie! I for one don't believe it. But nice snark there :)

  7. Captivagirl, right on!!

  8. Maybe he is dressing down so nobody will suspect anything *L*

  9. I like MB... and am also on the Captivagirl thought pattern...

  10. Ah! It's all very "Shania Twain" .. except for the Mutt not being a closeted gay man and all.

  11. i love the zubaz reference. i have to get me a pair of those.

  12. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Wasn't their a blind about an actor who would rather have the public think he cheating with a girl rather than think he is gay? Or do I have that the other way around?

  13. Good one, Sarah! As for the timing of this appearing, these two just HAVE to find a way to be relevant.

  14. captivagirl, I like your theory, but
    I'm not sure if SJP would agree to being humiliated by having him cheat. I know when Maxim voted her the most unsexiest woman she took it hard--but then again, any publicity keeps her in the news, & I think she is aiming to have a tv show soon.

  15. Blogger Lizz said...
    "I love the zubaz reference. i have to get me a pair of those."

    Oh my god. The Republican Convention is going to be in St. Paul this year (my most beloved friend has invited us all to her cabin to avoid the freakshow), and the Strib did an article about the official clothing for the convention and it includes patriotic zubas. You can't make this shit up.
