Thursday, July 31, 2008

Lainey Blind Item

You’d think they’d be liquid, you know? Flush from the funds of so many different projects, across so many different mediums, by so many different sources.

But that’s the thing with celebrities. They’re richer than we are, to be sure, but some of them really aren’t THAT rich, especially when you factor in the lifestyle. Being not that rich isn’t a problem. Being not that rich and not paying your bills is a big problem. Being not that rich, not paying your bills, but still spending your balls off is a huge problem.

So they have projects around the house. Some construction here, some wiring there, installations, never stops. It never stops because they keep having to hire new people. Inevitably the invoice will arrive, they won’t be able to pay it, so they end up calling someone else to finish the job. They don’t pay those people either.

How f&cking ghetto, non???

Like people who keep taking out credit card after credit card? Only these assholes are wealthy! They have jobs! They earn celebrity salaries!

Which means they’re too stupid to manage their finances and too cheap to figure out their finances before satisfying their non-urgent, vanity-motivated projects at the expense, literally, of labourers and small business owners who trusted the wrong millionaires.

Slowly but surely, they’ve pretty much exhausted the entire contracting community in town, verging on blacklist, and are now several hundred thousand dollars in the hole to several companies in Hollywood. Word is they’re facing legal action, and even a lien on their property...

Probably the reason behind the new round of exploitation. They need the cash.

But do we still care?

A few years ago, before everyone and their eyebrow stylist had a reality show, it was a novel concept. Now? Now they’re totally almost irrelevant – the proof in that lies in a deal one of them tried to strike with the paps recently.

She needed cash so badly, she arranged for some “candids” in exchange for a few quid. Unfortunately her images weren’t selling and the photographers cut her off.


Word is, even Phoebe Price out-earns her...

In this economy, how will they ever recover?


  1. What recent chart topper is having a “feud” with a starlet, however, in reality they are best friends and talk everyday. The stunt is being fueled by the chart topper to promote HER record sales.

  2. Another web site guessed Tori Spelling for this one. ??

  3. I agree with kimi - sounds like
    j lo (as in low on dough).

  4. Jennifer Lopez & Marc Anthony?

  5. spiffy, that sounds like Katy and Miley? They are the only ones that I know that are feuding unless it's Miley and that Selena girl.

    As for ENT's, I think it must be JHo.
    For the reality star, there have been rumors lately about Trishelle from the Real World getting desperate for some cash.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Do JLo and Marc live in Hollywood? It sounds like the 'suspects' live in CA.

    Sorry if this is a stupid question!

  8. Who has a new reality show coming out? I think the 'few quid' clue might suggest she's British.

    Tori Spelling is a good guess though.

  9. 'What recent chart topper is having a “feud” with a starlet, however, in reality they are best friends and talk everyday. The stunt is being fueled by the chart topper to promote HER record sales.''

    If this is a blind, I'm assuming this is about Miley Cyrus and Katy Perry. I don't think it's Selena only because she's dating Nick Jonas, Miley's ex and I really can think Miley CyBrat is upset about that.

  10. I was searching Google on JHo and it turns out in the past year she has added an expensive gym, big time nursery and are building an extension onto their home. They live in NY by the way. What I also found interesting is a clue to an old blind item about the crazy parents who are germiphobes that sleep on their kids floors at night etc. Someone can search for that one if they remember.

    dated March 13, 2008

    "Today real estate sources tell RealLI that an extension is being put on new parents Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony's 10,000-square-foot home in Brookville. (Read more about the house here.) In the meantime, London's Daily Mirror is reporting that the twins are receiving massages from a professional masseuse. And the newborns are getting two Shetland ponies. Lopez and Anthony have also reportedly hired a color therapist for Max and Emme's nursery. "Jennifer has gone all out to give the twins an amazing childhood," the tabloid reports. "She had the nursery painted a beautiful aquamarine and light blue -- colors which are supposed to have intelligence-boosting properties." Then there's this from Britain's Daily Mirror: Lopez has turned into a "germaphobe" since having the babies. To that end, she has supposedly banned flowers and presents to make sure the nursery is spotless. "She is also paranoid about hygiene. The twins' wing is totally sterile, and all flowers and presents are stored in a separate area so they don't contaminate the babies' area,"
    according to the newspaper. "It may sound excessive, but she only has her kids' best interests at heart and wants to give them the start in life she never had." The newspaper reports that guests are asked to wear masks and use anti-germ lotion before going inside the nursery.

  11. It is a blind item.
    Sorry that part never posted it,
    it's from Bricks and Stones Gossip

  12. Katie "Jordan" Price and Peter Whats-his-name

  13. I vote Tori Spelling. Lainey posted yesterday about Tori signing autographs for $20 a pop at a lame-ass autograph show in LA.

  14. Not that I don't think J-Lo could be an excellent choice, but lets consider some options. Elizabeth Hurley is getting a reality show and is already known for not paying people (ie her lavish wedding).

    But I think it's Pam Anderson. Lainey, are you reading?

    Pam Anderson has a new reality show premiering this weekend, and though her and Tommy aren't back together, they are living together. Perhaps they moved in because they couldn't afford separate places? Her official statement is claiming the family are staying with Tommy while their house is being RENOVATED!

    If that wasn't enough, look at one of Lainey's clue:
    "so many different projects, across so many different mediums, by so many different sources".
    Tommy has his music, but also had his reality show. Pam "writes", "acts" and makes appearances.

    This is Pam, bitches!

  15. Sounds British, I think the use of "quid" is to point us in that direction.

  16. I would agree that the "quid" implies brits. I cannot even begin to fathom how the Beckhams could squander DB's soccer deal, but they are all I could think of when reading this.

    "so many different projects, across so many different mediums, by so many different sources"

    "They’re richer than we are, to be sure, but some of them really aren’t THAT rich, especially when you factor in the lifestyle."

    They do have a newish house as they just moved last year. And it does state it's HWood companies. So I would think JLo would be out.

    And there have been multiple stories the past few months about Posh's displeasure that people aren't all gaga over them like she expected, which would fit with this blind's female's images not selling.

    But didn't David get something obscene like 250 million? For real, you have to put out a concerted effort to squander that. They should be able to live pretty lavishly just off the interest!

  17. they have a new show coming out. supposed to be a vaiety show or something.

    wasn't the last ozfest free? bet that didn't help, huh?

  18. "Slowly but surely, they’ve pretty much exhausted the entire contracting community in town, verging on blacklist, and are now several hundred thousand dollars in the hole to several companies in Hollywood."

    Since JLo is in NY, I doubt it is her.

  19. yeah, no. it's sharon and ozzy. she's a plastic surgery junkie, and he's fracking insane.

    there were some pics not too long ago that had amy in them, and everyone knows she hates that kinda of crap.

    said... totally gets it.

  20. what about CZJ & her old man Micheal?

  21. I thought of Tori and Dean too, but I can't tell if Lainey means these people already have a reality show or want one.
    The blind implies that the husband is famous too, which I think rules Hurley out.

  22. Anonymous10:49 AM

    What about the Beckhams? "Across so many mediums" - sports, music, modeling, etc. "Quid" = British.

    I'm just sayin'...

  23. I think this is Pam Anderson and Tommy Lee, too.

    maybe the "candids" were from her bday party? (kissing criss angel, "getting back together" w/ tommy, etc)


  24. Barbara someone mentioned them on another site. I think it is a good guess except for this part "Now they’re totally almost irrelevant." I would not call those two irrelevant...vain, tasteless and without substance perhaps but people want to see them.

    Vicky has been looking rough but Becks has that "look at my penis" campaign going on and he gets paid pretty well to play soccer, plus Sharpie commercial, etc. he has endorsements out the yin yang.

    Don't think this one is them.

  25. Skellator &b J-Lo on the other hand. What have they done lately that has actually brought in money?

  26. Oh shoot the tommy & pam guess is pretty good too

  27. I don't think it's JLo & Skeletor. They live in NYC.

    It could be the Beckham's, but aside from his $250MIL soccer deal, didn't Posh make over $20MIL for that stupid Spice reunion?

    What I'm surprised at is that no one has mentioned TomKat. Afterall, she's back to doing TV, those Broadway tix aren't exactly flying off the shelf, Tom hasn't had a hit movie in donkey years and his UA studio is tanking like a mofo. And they moved into a new house that's was supposedly remodeled before they moved in, but they've been "tweaking" it for about 8 months now.

  28. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Yeah but Tom and Katie will have Scientology to provide them with every luxury they need til the end of time forever and ever amen.

  29. I was "on the 6" with the JLo guess but now I'm liking Pam and Tommy. I think they have hooked up again and Lainey sure hates her. They both seem to make lots appearances at minor events. I think there was a recent party she was paid to "host" and she blew it off after a few minutes.

  30. i agree it all points to the Osbournes...sigh.

  31. Tom Hanks & Rita Wilson filed a lawsuit against a builder they said did a shoddy job on their house:

    And can't say we exactly "care" about them anymore. Do we?

  32. Didn't ENT post a blind about this same couple a few months ago.

    Off to search for it

  33. JLo & Skeletor live about 5 miles from me in Brookille--that is their homebase.
    He bought the house years ago, & it is only worth about 5 million now, so it is not as if they are living to the extreme there-- I think he paid about 1 million for it at the time.
    But she is in every local paper--all she does is go to stores during prime shopping hours & make them shut down just for her. Then she comes back with Skeletor's kids, & does the same thing over again. I am waiting to run into her so I can tell het what we all think of them & their stupid Dragon Tale kids.
    This blind seems more a west coast couple, & the quid does make it British sounding.

  34. Here it is..

    Apparently if I wish and wish and wish, then sometimes they do come true. This is an A list couple with an A list lifestyle. If I give you their description it would give it a way. Does A+ name recognition help? Anyway they haven't been doing much lately. Oh, they make noise and it appears as if they are doing something, but in reality. Nothing. No money is coming in but lots and lots is flooding out. It has got so bad that the couple only have one employee. One. I take that back. They do have a gardener at one of their houses, but not for long. They are trying to sell that property and just about everything else they own. I don't know if anyone has said it out loud, but the bankruptcy word has been whispered. She wants to call some famous friends for a loan but his pride won't let her do it

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. @jw12: it seemed in recent random photos that Enty alluded to that blind being about Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones (even though everyone originally guessed JLo). Random photos from either yesterday, or the day before. This comes from Lainey, and I think is a different couple.

  37. I think the blinds sound very similar. I may be naive but how many celebrity COUPLES are close to financial ruin? Don't think its Tori and Dean, since she's been pretty open that she doesn't have a lot of money from her dad. I'm still with the J.Lo/Marc guess. ALl of a sudden last month there were the pics of her with the kids, when there hadn't been any since their birth - and in a remote place in Italy there just HAPPENED to be paps?

    I don't think that Pamela has ever seen a camera she didn't like.

  38. Please let it be J-Lo and Marc. Please. I'll start believing in God if she and Skeletor are destined for destitution.

    Let it happen, Jesus. Come on, Sweet Messiah. I'll overlook all those pesky wars and global incidents of pestilence and famine, if you only do this ONE thing for us. Come on.

  39. Once again, I love you Ernestine. LOL

  40. Totally sounds like JLo and Marc A, but I'm sidelined by the Hollywood part. The language is sort of vague, but makes it sound like the contractors are in Hollywood.

    I doubt it's Posh & Becks. Becks has a lot of projects out there - his LA Galaxy deal, plus his ongoing endorsements. He has hardly been without work.

  41. I am going to go with J-Lo and Skeletor. That is a great point about those candid shots in Italy. When I saw them my first thought was - Does anyone really care about J-Lo and MA on their vacay? To be truthful my intense disdain for those two likely colored my opinion.

    Like many of you above I can't get past the fact that they do nothing but shop and vacation and shop. Their reality tv idea went nowhere, their last movie was a bust, the list goes on. I also think J-Lo is incapable of curbing her spending habit - B*#ch is an addict.

    I like Tori and Dean as a guess but I think I just want it to be J-Lo and Skeletor more.

  42. It's not J.Lo b/c they don't live in hollywood. Plus, she has two fashion lines, perfume, and other endorsement deals. Being a few hundred grand in the hole is not going to wipe her out.
    It's not Posh and Becks b/c 250 million dollar deal..being a few grand in the hole is nothing if you are making that much money.
    It's not Tom Cruise or Katy...his a head of his own studio.
    Do the osbournes even live in L.A....don't they base out from london.
    It's not Pete and Katie Price b/c of the fact that Ent himself said that she made like 75 million in the last 3 years ( few hundred grand is probably nothing to them)

    Could be tori and dean.
    Could it be Mel B and her husband...but has she had a reality show before.

    The couple sounds like someone who aren't uber millionares...probably worth around 2 mill or so( including property values, stocks, 401k, and other non liquid funds)

  43. I like the Pam/Tommy guess.
    A few years ago, before everyone and their eyebrow stylist had a reality show, it was a novel concept.

    Pam had that novel come out a while ago--called Star or something. She has her new reality show coming out plus Aussie version of Big Bro (quid is slang for pound and at one time was called pound in Australia). Too funny about eyebrow stylists--Pam needs some help with hers.

    She had the yard sale/auction saying everything was going to PETA. Skeptical on that.

    I totally believe they both are very stupid about money.

    They never seem to have completely split from each other-with the exception of her 30 second marriages.

  44. This is Tori Spelling. The reality show reference. Both Tori and K-Fed Jr. dabble in different things -- movies, tv, books, etc.

  45. I did not realize that J-Lo didn't live in Hollywood...that does throw a wrench into that theory.

    I am stuck on this part:

    "You’d think they’d be liquid, you know? Flush from the funds of so many different projects, across so many different mediums, by so many different sources."

    1. The liquid and the flush seem like they could be clues. The phrasing seems overdone for a reason. Any actors/plumbers that we know of lol...sorry

    2. It implies that we would think they have money. Everyone knows Pam and Tori are not wealthy wealthy. Pam is like a higher paid Tara Reid (hired to host parties etc.) And Tori is seeling her JH for a 20 spot.

    So basically I don't know.

  46. Flush as in poker? Check out this article:

  47. Thanks, Princess Buttercup.

    The liquid could be the water from Baywatch. A stretch, I know.

  48. I'm with *girl thinking of Pam and Tommy right away, too.

  49. Then again, I'm also with .said with the "quid" thing which made me think of Vicky Beckham.

    But being Canadian, Lainey sometimes uses British-tinged speak, like "favour" instead of "favor," etc.

    NOT pointing fingers at the nice, awesome Canadians, mind you!

    Just stating that Lainey's dialect/vernacular/colloquialisms can throw me off track on a guess sometimes.

  50. Bwaahahaa, ernestine! I get the feeling you don't think much of J-Lo and Skeletor...

  51. Pam & Tommy sound a good guess imo. Pam is a Canadian along with Lainey, so the "quid" reference could just be cultural, plus it has a tendency to screw over a lot of Americans when they think only the Brits do it.

    Other Brit/Commonwealth connections I can think of:

    Madonna & Guy - "Swept Away" for the flush and water analogies and god knows that woman has killed more than just his career. She has a major connection to LA if I remember properly.

    Kate Winslet & Sam Mendes - she's in "Flushed Away" which could also cover the water. Plus the quid would be appropriate. Does she headquarter out of LA though?

    Hugh Jackman & wife - he's Aussie, but of English parents. He was in "Flushed Away" as well. I think he has some holdings in the LA area too.

    I could be totally off base, those are just the names that came into my head.

  52. J-Lo is Cruella, Jr. -- second only to Sharon Stone. She's probably spent WELL over fifty million on snow leopard shoes, jackets with beaver piping, baby seal car upholstery, mink tablecloths, baby blankets fashioned from tabbies, etc.

    I fucking hate her. To say the least. And she can't sing. Or act. And she's not even attractive anymore.

    Relevance, anyone?

    Of course, lest we forget: she was once engaged to our beloved BEN AFFLECK.

    *sigh* Alright. J-Lo would love to fancy herself as the next Liz Taylor, but her shitty movies and noncareer pretty much speak for themselves. She'll go bye-bye soon.

    On the opposite side of the PETA spectrum, we have Pam. I'm kinda thinking that many of you are right. It's her and Tommy.

  53. I'd say it's definitely Pam given her pic just got posted

  54. Although I stand by my Pam/Tommy guess, I'm Canadian. I can say without a doubt that we wouldn't use the term "quid" to refer to our money. However, Lainey likes to write things that flow together so we might be reading into things...

  55. It's kinda tempting to say Kate Winslet and Sam Mendes. They have homes in LA, NY, London, Oxford, Holloway, and Gloucestershire.

    Kate was in Flushed Away, and has had appearances on tv shows and commercials. She's released a record, too.

    But the 'ghetto' crack keeps pulling me back to JHo and MA. They own a home in Bel-Air. They sold their previous home in BevHills.
    As for the 'quid' the London papers still seem to give JHo a lot of coverage.

    I'm calling them for this blind.

  56. ernestine, it's safe to say you're not a card carrying member of the JLO fan club. Love your descriptors.

    It could be them.

    The eyebrow stylist is a little off putting unless his name is Mr. Sharpie, then it's Pam.

  57. Ummmm.... Isn't Pam a Canadian? Canada was British once, yes?

  58. She's from BRITISH Columbia... :)

  59. lainey is a hard core anglophile. hard core. as an actual brit (albeit living in canada), i can't begin to tell you how irritating and annoying it is to hear her mangle our colloquilisms and vernacular. NO ONE in canada would EVER say "quid" to describe our currency. we use dollars. period. loonies (our $1 coins), twonies (our $2 coins), bucks, bills ... call them what you want, but never, never "quid(s)". lainey, with her obsession with posh & becks, gywneth and anything and everything over the other side of the pond, is either once again trying to prove that she's really british at heart (god help us), or, she's using it pointedly to highlight that it's a british couple ... living in hollywood. the only one that readily comes to mind is posh & becks, but somehow, i don't see them for this. posh may not have any class, but becks does. and they're hardly irrelevant. so i contend that lainey's using the word simply to sound english and its meaning is moot.

    that said, i actually really do like her site, i just find her a little insufferable sometimes, particularly when she tries the british on.

  60. I heard Elizabeth Hurley was in talks to have a reality show?

  61. Just an update from Lainey's site... she's now said that it isn't:

    JLo and Marc
    Tori and Dean
    Posh and Becks

    I think it's the Osbournes...theirs was one of the first celebrity reality shows, and really kicked off the genre. They surfed that wave for a long time. Now...who really cares much about them?
