Friday, July 18, 2008

Lainey Blind Item

They were supposed to have kicked their bad habit together. A partnership in blow became a commitment effort to get clean. And for a while they were successful.

But he was the weaker one. And he’s been using again for a while.

The problem, one of many obviously, is that when he’s cranked, he’s also very aggressive. Some say he’s mixing his powder with some muscle juice and the coke/steroid combination brings out the roughneck which has presented many challenges for his publicist.

Fortunately his publicist is almost as clever as Jessica Biel’s. Was able to turn spin a recent skirmish into an heroic rescue. The truth is, he was so jacked up on the good stuff he had to take it out on someone else’s head.

As for his wife...well she has a boyfriend. His name is Jesus. With her new devoutness has come an almost unbearable sanctimony, not to mention intolerance – for his lifestyle, for his binges – so much so that they are finding it increasingly difficult to be together, though like the Beckhams, they are a brand too.

One big happy family...fraud!


  1. Faith Hill & Tim McGraw...
    Cant' take credit though, it's the main guess at E!

  2. Amy - who are you on the E boards? ;-)

  3. I was thinking along the lines of Josh Brolin and Diane Lane -- but Tim McGraw DID just get in that skirmish at one of his shows.

    I REALLY hate to think of parents doing cocaine together. Fuck them. It's an asinine habit to begin with (I've always been terrified to try it, but I've worked in numerous restaurants and have had the GLORIOUS opportunity to work with innumerable twitchy, annoying as SHIT cokeheads), and people who have children and do blow should be fucking ashamed of themselves.

    Whatever. They both suck, anyway. Aren't they total Republicans, too? Figures.

  4. I immediately thought of Josh Brolin and Diane Lane as well, with the whole "Josh Brolin protects his friend from racist cops" things

    I dont know if I would consider them a brand tho....

  5. Ernestine-

    No. They are Democrats.

  6. didn't someone else just do a supposed rescue?? In LA, if I'm remembering correctly. I'm deep in work (as you can see by this post - ha!) and can't think.

  7. Ernestine-

    No. They are Democrats.


    Sorry...couldn't resist...leave your political comment to a board on politics, k?

  8. I don;t think Lane & Brolin are much of a "brand"...but the Hill-McGraws...very much so. I would have also sai dthe Smiths, but the Jesus thing is definitely not Jada.

  9. janele, I am amy_ammo there. Don't post much in the blind sections, more on TV :-)

    Also there was a blind a couple of years ago about the getting clean together part and that was assumed to be Faith Hill & Tim McGraw too.

  10. The other website figured it out: "Tim Mcgraw and Faith Hill. Remember at a concert recently he beat on a roughneck in the front row thereby "rescuing a woman." Fits perfectly."

    Previous blind from 2005:
    Truly Committed...

    "You know what they say - the couple that plays together, stays together. Which is exactly what these two do. Or did. They have had their fair share of games. 'Happy' games. But some time last year, they decided to get clean. Together. And luckily for them, they did it. Clean, sober, and a bit heavier. The problem is that he's become obsessed with his looks. He feels chubby, he feels old, he feels threatened by the new guard, and so naturally, he sought professional help. Some Botox here, some Botox there, a little pull here, and a little pull there…and the results - in his mind anyway - are fabulous. But doing it all alone is no fun, which is why he's been trying to convince his wife to participate. Unfortunately, she's not as in to it as he is. And this difference of opinion is starting to fracture the relationship. We're nowhere near Code Red just yet…but stay tuned…"

  11. amy -- this is a wild shot, but I think you might be my friend's girlfriend.

    this may sound really cryptic to everyone else, but if you live in philly w/ a donofrio, myspace message me. tell the bf it's unicorn jones!


    ps this blind is DEFINITELY faith hill and tim mcgraw. my friend's family rented their house out to them in colorado and when they got back they had left a couple bags of coke and a crack pipe! scary and sad, especially if the kids were around

  12. that's ad--they present themselves as such family people.

  13. oops--SAD. That's SAD. This posting thing needs an edit option.

  14. I'm on the McGraw-Hill wagon... at the end when Lainey states they're a brand, it kind of made me think of McGraw-Hill Publishers. Sounds kind of dumb, but it is a brand.

  15. "this blind is DEFINITELY faith hill and tim mcgraw. my friend's family rented their house out to them in colorado and when they got back they had left a couple bags of coke and a crack pipe!"

    Unicorn -- daaaaaamn. Now, coke is bad, but crack is WACK.

  16. Lucia -- I thought the same thing about McGraw-Hill! Don't they manufacture textbooks or something?

  17. I am thinking maybe Sean Penn too-but he is just an ass-coke or not.
    the Hill/McGraw thing, I cannot see.
    Josh B. and Diane Lane-heck yeah. Didn't he have a substance issue a while ago-and watch this thing with the cops in Louisiana-they are gonna make this like the cops were after the other actor and he steps in to "save the day"

  18. What Lainey means by brand is that the public perception and therefore business value of the couple relies heavily upon them being together and representing "a good and happy family.

    In Tim and Faith's case, they tour together, they represent the grand old country tradition of musical couples and in their interviews focus on their marriage and family and how they manage that with the kind of work they do. This makes them highly appealing to their audiences.

  19. Tim Mcgraw and Faith Hill are in no way related to Mcgraw-Hill Publishers, a company founded in 1909 by two men with the last names Mcgraw and Hill (go to the corporate website and check out the "corporate history").

  20. Oh, I don't think anyone actually thought they were related to the actual publishers -- but Lainey is really careful with her word choices, and the whole usage of the word "brand" jumped out at me, too. I do think she meant to indicate their image as this wholesome duo, though.

    Sidenote: does ANYONE know who The Other Woman is? I'm still thinking it's Sienna, but surely Lainey would have confirmed it now that they're flaunting their disgusting topless relationship all over the place?

  21. i was also told by a top editor at People Magazine (distant family relation) 2 or so years ago that Tim & Faith were boning other people and weren't as friendly to eachother as they make it seem. You have to admit- they are damn good actors.

  22. UJ, nope, don't live in Philly so it's not me! :-)

    ahhh, nice to see you posting here too ILJR!

    Off for the weekend, everyone have a great one!

  23. sorry i ain't buying Faith n Tim.
    i cannot see it in a million years.

    not that im so smart that i have an answer i just cant see it being them. no no no..(covers ears)

  24. ernestine - I emailed Lainey asking if the other woman was Shannon Doherty and I don't think she has ever notted her yet...
    That's still my guess..

    That would be so cool if this blind is mcgraw & hill, their goodies 2 shoes image is kind of annyoing...

  25. I've been gone a few days, what's this business about "the other woman? Who's involved? What's happening? Someone steer me in the right direction please! :-)

  26. I'm on the Hill/McGraw wagon. The coke/crack thing makes sense to me after Faith had that hissy fit backstage at an awards show when Carrie Underwood won. That was comedy gold! "I was joking!" Yeah right!

  27. I'm not seeing Tim and Faith as this either, but damned if they don't fit all the clues. That "heroic rescue" pretty much seals the deal.

    As for the other BI that grace gave us, does Tim look botoxed or face lifted to anyone? Not me, though his face is getting rounder every year.

  28. ernestine- Lainey notted Sienna a couple days ago.

    lisa- it's a Lainey blind about an actress that doesn't work much to avoid drawing attention to the log-term affair she's been having with a married man. She doesn't know he's already looking to replace her with her look-a-like.

  29. haha, yes log=long.

  30. It's probably Tim & Faith but my first thought was Ben & Jen.

    Can't you just see this happenning to them? And let's face it, they are sort of a "brand". Not as much as Tim & Faith.

  31. Rosie -- Wow. How in the hell did I miss Lainey outing Sienna from this one blind?! I obviously haven't spent as much time dicking off on the internet as usual this week.

    Gossipbebeh -- if it IS Shannen, I'll bet Arnie is the dude. Ewww. It'd be hard to find her replacement, though; how could one possibly duplicate Brenda Walsh's wonky asymmetrical gaze?

    Miss X -- Oh my God. If Jennifer Garner is a cokehead, then Dakota Fanning is a total tweaker! She may have us all fooled in many aspects, but NO WAY is it Ben and Jen! Not this one! Nuh uh.

    Blah -- I had forgotten about the Faith/Carrie incident backstage at the CMAs. What a disgusting display of envy. And it would make sense if Faith was on the booger sugar and more prone to act up and be a brat about losing.

  32. Living not far from McGraw and Hill, I would have to say no on that one. Nashville and Franklin are still small towns and you hear things, even about famous people. (Like Chesney and Zellwegger at Walgreen's picking up Valtrex, but I digress.)

  33. Tim & Faith, huh? I can easily believe it. Especially on his part. Although he wasn't raised by his father, addictive tendencies are genetic. Tim's father, of course, was one of the early pioneer's of the necessity for a drug policy in baseball - Tug McGraw. Tug liked his blow to the point of completely effing up his career, ruining his marriage with his constant cheating...which is where Tim came into the picture. He never knew his father growing up and it really wasn't until he started to get noticed as baseball player himself that Tug even came around. And once Tim became a singer and started making money? Well...we all know how those stories go. Dad came calling for money because he was sick and dying and had tooted all his money years earlier. Dad & son got to know each other and then dad died. It's been years...and I'm still waiting for the MOTW. If this were two women you know Lifetime would have had this shite on the year 10 years ago!

  34. Ernestine said...

    Sidenote: does ANYONE know who The Other Woman is? I'm still thinking it's Sienna, but surely Lainey would have confirmed it now that they're flaunting their disgusting topless relationship all over the place?

    Ernestine -

    FWIW - You know Lainey will never say online who the person is because she's covering her ass? far on her blog she's said NO to all the guesses that my friends sent in...but not mine - Shannen Doherty.

    I keep waiting to see if Lainey eliminates her, but that was 2 weeks ago that I asked and she still hasn't said no yet.

  35. gossipbebeh said...

    ernestine - I emailed Lainey asking if the other woman was Shannon Doherty and I don't think she has ever notted her yet...
    That's still my guess..


    Gossipbebeh - That was my guess, too! I asked her 2 weeks ago and she still hasn't said no. I figured if multiple people were guessing a name it's not them, then she says no on the blog. But she hasn't eliminated Doherty yet, so it's looking more and more like it is her.

  36. How about J. Lo & Marc Anthony? I don't know if he's been in any sort of fight recently, but his face is definitely scary.

  37. I don't buy that it's Tim and Faith either. Not a chance, imo.
    Also, ernestine as has been pointed out, they aren't Republicans. I also second the notion that politics really don't have a place over here if for no other reason than the fact Ent himself seems to avoid the subject.

  38. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Going with Brolin and Lane.... he played Brand in "The Goonies" :)

  39. I think it is Tim and Faith, also. When I first read the blind I thought it was Josh and Diane only because of the recent bar fight, but they are in no way a "brand" like Tim and Faith.

  40. haha oh wow, I was doing a google on stars and.d or singers who have 'rescued' someone somewhat recently.

    Tom Cruise rescued some woman stuck in snow. I'm sorry if I have typos in this ya'll but I'm still laughing so hard I scared my dog into another room.

    Madonna and Guy came up a bunch with their 5 star plan to rescue their marriage.

    ..what I was thinking (and I'm so sorry for saying it because I can't stand the cliche) was maybe Jennifer and Ben? When he comped everyone at that club when the guy's card was declined? Would make sense that he was too jacked up to remember but 'taking it out on someone's head' does not. As a matter of fact, of all of the above I would say Madonna and Guy.

    I'm sure it's none of the above but the thought of tom Cruise having a temper and biting kneecaps has given me an insane bout of giggles. He and Mini-me can get into a slap fight

  41. Also Heather, I live in NAshville as well. Like you I've seen how fardcore those country photographers are around people who barely have even one hit. Plus with the loose lips in this town..yeah if it were tim and Faith it would be all over the tabloids, someone would be super rich for sharing photographs and one or both would have hit rehab already (since it says they both had the problem before). Just does not compute.Waaaay too small of a town and waaaay too many people praying for the chance to knock them down.

  42. Faith supposedly used coke to lose weight after each of the 3 of her girls' births.

  43. Ecfan - gotta comment on your lambasting of one of my favorite baseball players of all time -Tu=g McGraw - Yes - when he found out about tim he did not step up to the plate as a dad but did support him - they reconnected and established thier father son relationship when Tim was in high school and that'swhen Tim became a McGraw and Tugger became a true dad. TUG supported Tim emotioanlly and monetarily when Tim dropped out of college to pursue music and continued to support him until he was making it on his own. Tug was working for the Phillies, successfully - when he was diagnosed with brain cancer and Tim and his other kids took care of him when it was needed. He DID NOT go crawling back to his famous son for hand outs as you state.

    as for the coke?? I know that tugger was a big drinker and an occasional pot smoker... but neither ever interfered with his game - the idea that he was so addicted to coke that he took handouts from his famous son to pay for his "habit" is not only wrong... but ridiculous

    "You gotta believe"... and now i am off my soap box.

    One thing you gotta believe about us philly sports fans - we love our guys wholeheartedly but NOT with blinders on. and we'll call them out when they screw up... believe me if Tug was a cokehead it would have been common knowledge...

  44. sweater - That's why I don't buy the Tim and Faith answer to this BI. I know someone who travels the country circuit with the stars. Willy an ol' pothead? Yep. Lee Greenwood a miserable prick? You bet. Randy Travis gay? yes ma'am. Garth Brooks a good guy but weird as all hell? Definately. But nothing on Tim and Faith and cocaine or jesus. My friend did say that Faith was obsessed with her weight, (which is why her kids were all preemies, according to him, and why she also suffered miscarriages which were not reported.) Faith spent some time living on diet drinks and pretzels.

    Can't imagine that the Nashville community would circle the wagons and protect this couple (from the exposure of a coke habit) the way some stars are protected.

    Look at how Faith's CMA reaction was blown out of proportion? She was trying to be funny and imitate Kanye at the MTV awards. It was stupid, but she isn't a big old bitch.

  45. Doing coke to lose weight after having kids? Wow. Daaaamn. I've heard breastfeeding is good enough, but hey, whatever works.

    Just kidding. I still think doing cocaine if you've got kids is pretty awful. I'd like to hope that it's Josh and Diane, then.

    Nashvillians: got any dirt on any other famous residents? :-) Please don't say that Emmylou Harris is anything less than perfect. I love her.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Here's some Ernestine :) I'm sure plot has more. I know a few people who also travel (selling shirts, designing sets etc)

    Trace Adkins is a big teddy bear, really nice and honest to goodness clean and sober (no alcohol or drugs allowed on his bus).

    John Rich and big Kenny used to sing at the Tin Roof. One night while performing they got carried away and kept buying drinks for the entire crowd. When it came time for them to be paid they were told they spent it all on the drinks. Pissed off to all hell, John got into his truck and drove it right up on the sidewalk and tried to drive through the front door. Apparently he forgot that there were 2 large brick mini walls set up outside along with a lightpole.
    Brick walls-1 John Rich-0.
    This was about 7 or 8 years ago, though.
    Faith is no saint, there were biiiig rumors before she married Tim that she and Alan Jackson had something going. Alan is a nice guy, shy but really funny if you have a conversation with him. Dry humor, is how I would put it.

    Jason Aldean's wife isn't exactly helpful to his career. He was hitting the state fair circuit right after his child was born (as many in the music industry knows, you have to play the small venues when you start out, get your name out there and promote what you're selling) she pretty much hated Lawrence his manager (who literally got him started) and made him so miserable on the road (Jason) that the label eventually fired Lawrence and gave Jason a manager who would let him have more of a family life. Haven't heard much from him lately, have you?

    Chuck Wicks screwed over the family who believed in him when they first saw him play in Florida. Wife used to be a handler for JoDee Messina (who by the way was PISSED when she saw the cover story about herself in COuntry Weekly about going to rehab. According to her that was a very small part of the interview and she was simply promoting her new album. Of course the way they made it look was that she was pouring her heart out about it) Husband worked for record label. The way the label worked was that if you brought them someone who ended up being signed, you get a big bonus. So Chuck lived with this family in Nashville and they kept promoting him locally, getting him gigs to sing here and there. Getting him in to see the label. Then suddenly (after over a decade of working there) the husband is laid off from the label. About a month later Chuck is signed by said label. He hasn't really spoken to them since and as you can guess, husband never got that bonus. (I haven't met Chuck and he's cute as hell, though) The family and their friends don't blame him for what the label did, but him dropping off the face of the earth as far as the family is concerned is pretty much an asshole thing to do.

    Rodney Atkins is a hella sweetheart who loves his family and is simply a great guy. Same thing for Kix Brooks, very down to earth and nice. Robert Reynolds (Mavericks, ex Mr Yearwood) is honestly one of the nicest and funniest people you'll ever meet, as well.

    Wow, sorry for the long post. :) Hope that was worth the read. I'm also hoping plot jumps in.

  48. Irishstayc2,

    I was telling the story from the perspective of a Cardinal fan! LOL. Booze and coke both. Sorry, but that's the way the story has gone down outside Philly. I was a huge Cardinal fan back in the day when Tug was still playing with the Phillies and the coke stories were thick on the ground about him because he was friends with several Cards players who also had problems. Both teams would hang out at one of the Cardinal radio announcers' restaurant when the teams played. And because the Cubs/Cards had such a huge rivalry and Harry Carey used to be the Cardinals announcer we'd hear stories about booze & coke binges in Chicago, too. I would think that someone with a problem like that wasn't just limiting it to road trips.

    As for the relationship with Tim/Tug - apparently I misremembered parts of it or had bad info to begin with. That stuff I didn't hear about until years later.

  49. Plot,

    Randy Travis is gay? No kidding? How the hell did I miss that gossip all these years? Too funny. My clue should have been when he married the woman 80 years older than him. Not that I'm pointing any figures at the object of my lust - Hugh Jackman. Just saying.

  50. Thanks, Sweater! I actually know VERY LITTLE about Top 40 Country people, really, but it's always nice to know who's gay n' trampy. :-)

    I DO work for a catering company part time, and we've done a LOT of wedding gigs lately (because it makes a lot of sense to get married in VA in the freaking SUMMERTIME) with really, really, really bad DJ's. Here's my question: are Big and Rich responsible for that atrocious "Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy" bullshit? And who sings that awful "Honky-Tonk Badonkadonk" song? Oh my Gooooood. Those two songs are almost as bad as "The Electric Slide."


    Man, I would have LOVED to see those douches try to drive a car through a BAR. They need to pen a lil' ditty about that night!

    I've always, always, always wanted to visit Nashville, though. It's supposed to be absolutely stunning.

  51. Randy Travis has some demons, which my friend interprets as "he's gay" and he could be right. Travis is trying to get right with the Lord these days. Supposedly, he got messed up by the celebrity thing and sort of opted out. But according to my friend, Randy really loves his wife/manager, they are extremely close, but probably not in that way.

    My friend works in a field that often travels along with country stars.

    He met Jessica Simpson early in her career and found her to be extremely sweet, very nice to everyone, would sit around with crews and shoot the shit, just happy to hang and talk. Seems like she was genuinely naive and kind of darling. My guess is that this charm doesn't played well on TV, and that she has been used a lot (starting with daddy.)

    My friend won't hear a bad word about Toby Keith, god knows why. Maybe he bailed my friend out of jail. ;) Anyway, I'd throw my love for the Dixie Chicks at him occasionally, so he will start up a rant about that bitch Natalie Maines who insulted his boy Toby.

    Everyone knows that Naomi Judd can't sing, right? And on their albums, Wynona sang all the parts? Got that from a songwriter friend.

    I know he told me lots more. Let me take a break and try to remember.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. Plot -- Randy kinda seems a little light in the loafers. Makes sense. The only song of his I can sing is that same one that everyone else knows -- "as long as ol' woommmen sit n' talk about oollld meeeen..." That song. The Forever and Ever one.

    There are few, *ahem*, "musicians" I loathe more than Toby Keith. PLEASE keep talking shit to your friend, and PLEASE talk shit to him if you ever see him in person. I wish I could do it myself. He is a COLOSSAL douchebag. I've only heard a few of his Dubya-lovin', xenophobic songs, and they are each revolting in their own special way. I love the Dixie Chicks specifically because they're his arch nemeses. Oh, and I think they're really good, too. :-)

    You know, I've long suspected that Jessica is a pretty nice person. She seems sweet, actually. Not like I'd like to engage in a game of Trivial Pursuit with her or anything, but I've always thought that she seemed nice enough and relatively non-egregious.

    Naomi is the pretty one. It makes sense that she's the less talented of the duo, I guess. *sigh.*

    Looove can build a brrrridddge...

  54. rnestine yes, Big and Rich sang save a horse. Keep in mind John Rich used to be a member of Lonestar and wrote quite a few of thier songs. He then went on to write a song Faith sang, Hicktown (Jason Aldean) and co-wrote a ton of songs Gretchen Wilson sang. It's not like the guy has no talent.
    He j8st gets hissy with his SUV I guess :)

  55. I consider Toby and Natalie in the same category, btw. Both have big mouths and neither give a shit about their fans.
    You would be hard pressed to find anyone go to bat for either for their 'outgoing and friendly' personalities.

    That, you can take to the bank.

  56. Sweater -- that sucks. :-( Celebrities who don't appreciate their fans are total choads -- especially ones who went through some major controversy and really had to rely on the support of their admirers to emerge from it.

    I met Bill "Ain't No Sunshine" Withers a few years back while waiting tables. I also met Dick "Miserlou" Dale while waiting tables, and both men were each SO CHARMING and gracious and eager to just BE. NICE. to the people around them. And I've never forgotten it.

    Enty -- you should do a Your Turn on celebrity encounters! I'll bet we could ALL scrounge up a few of 'em -- good AND bad ones.

  57. Plot, that's some good stuff. Keep it coming! I'm not buying Tim and Faith for the blind either. I just don't want to believe that. I read that Tim was moody or not such a nice guy, but what man is? (Sorry Ent).

    I like the music of both Toby Keith and the Dixie Chicks. If I disliked any artist because of their politics, I'd be my Mother. (Please noooooooooo).

  58. I had a friend who worked for Big and Rich, they are both jerks. While not working, the kid had to 'mend perimeter fences, wash cars for them, and mow the lawn'. He was a musician himself trying to make it big. Supposedly Gretchen Wilson was spared this, but God knows what else she did for them.

    Randy Travis is rumored to be gay, but he married his wife, ala Hugh Jackman, who would make him appear normal. She would then cover for him until she died. Good deal for him I'd say. However, he does not look good anymore. All that closet living kills you.

  59. I think Randy also thought Lib would be dead by now, but she is still kicking around. Here is a quote from his website...

    "During a break from touring in 1991, Randy married his longtime manager and friend, Lib Hatcher in a quiet ceremony on the island of Maui, Hawaii."

  60. Anonymous6:25 PM

    I agree w/the JLo and Marc Anthony guess. He's CREEPY in that scary, drug addicted way!
